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Не в деньгах счастье!To get rich is a dream of many. Meanwhile, this can only units. Maybe because we are at the mercy of the popular myths? Recently, scientists and psychologists have tried to debunk.

The first myth. Happiness through money!

Most of us are skeptical of the common proverb: "money can't buy happiness". Ironically, this postulate is not so long ago confirmed by scientific research. Daniel Carmen and Angus Deaton of Princeton University, tried to find out whether financial income influencing the emotional human well-being and overall life satisfaction.

The researchers analyzed more than 450 000 survey results relating to the calculation of the index of welfare Gallup-Healthways, conducted by the Gallup Institute (USA).

The survey asked respondents daily to assess their emotions and life satisfaction on a scale from 1 to 10 points. About 85% of respondents indicated that they felt a sense of happiness, pleasure and fun, and 24% said they felt sorrow and concern. The average score was level 6,76. As it turned out, reduction assessment operated by such factors, as physical illness and loneliness, as well as complex or routine work associated with heavy loads. But the influence of income on state of happiness was not obvious so clearly.
Thus, 38% of those whose monthly income of at least $ 3000, complained of headaches and constant sadness and anxiety. Of those who earned less than $ 1,000, migraines and depression suffered only 7%.

In his turn, Evgeny Proto from the Center of competitive advantages in the world economy (University of Warwick, England) and Aldo Rustichini from the University of Minnesota (USA), having studied the results of the survey of the participants of the British project Household Panel Survey and the German economic group, found that people with high incomes often have a high degree of neuroticism. They are easy to negative emotions and depressive moods.
It is curious that such a pleasant, it would seem that the event, as wage increases, such person may subconsciously perceive as their lack of success in a career: since he has room to grow, therefore, he has not reached a career heights, as previously thought...

Examples of the rich that money does not bring happiness, often encountered in the literature. Let us recall the middle of Gobsek whose name became a household word. And fabulous Koschey, drooping over gold?
Thus, a lot of money does not make people happy. Certainly, the significant increase of income allows a person feel a bit better. But for a stable feeling of happiness and other necessary things: for example, health, friends, love, and finally, the opportunity to relax and have fun, which is not always the rich people working to improve their welfare.

The second myth. Than people richer, so it Plodovaya

Paradoxically, from rich men usually having fewer children than among the poor.
This was brought to the attention of Anna Goodman and her colleagues from the London school of hygiene and tropical medicine. It would seem, the better living conditions than she prolific, the more offspring should make individuals. Anyway, this is the case in the animal world.

The group under the leadership Goodman appealed to the project Uppsala Birth Cohort, the authors followed the fate of 14 thousand citizens of Sweden, born in 1915 and 1929 in the hospital, Uppsala University, as well as their descendants.
British researchers analyzed the life of the project participants, their level of education and social status, income, and the number of children and grandchildren. Scientists assumed that humans have two reproductive strategies. The first, which environmentalists are conventionally named as r-selection requires the birth of a large number of children and each child's parents paid minimum attention.

This strategy is often used in conditions of high child mortality.
The second strategy, K-selection requires the birth of a small number of offspring, but every child receives from their parents care and attention to the maximum level. It makes the child more prepared for adult life and the struggle for resources and partners that contributes to the growth of birth rate in subsequent generations.

Now, according to scientists, in society there is a transition from r-selection for K-selection. On average, each new generation gets a higher social status, education and financial situation than the previous one. However, the birth rate for some reason does not increase. Wealthy people with high status does not seek to have many children. May
K-selection and was justified in the past, in the process of evolution, but it is absolutely unacceptable in modern conditions, the researchers said. The modern man is different psychology, let us recall childfree who don't want to get posterity... Rich people may tend to grow more qualitative and competitive descendants, not to increase their number.

The third myth. Wealth depends on luck or enterprise

Popular American business coach Steve Siebold believes that the difference between the rich and the people living from paycheck to paycheck, - in the way of thinking.

"The average person by the idea that rich people are either lucky or dishonest characters, writes Sibold in his book "deficit with the rich." - Secured know that wealth - though not guarantee happiness makes life much easier and more fun."
So, poor people think self-confidence is a disadvantage, while the rich consider this as an advantage.
"The rich are different in that they always try to make myself happy, do not suffer from false modesty and not pretend want to save the world", - believes Sebold.

In addition, the poor tend to work for money, and the rich man is, as a rule, being engaged in favourite business. Besides, people with psychology of the poor usually sets for itself a lower standard expected income, and potential millionaire always aiming higher.
The poor are sure to become rich, you need to do something special.

The rich become stateless, as are special: for example, they did not focus on obtaining a systematic education, and strive to obtain specific knowledge they need to achieve their goals.
The poor are focused on survival, they tend to put money aside in reserve, to save, to meet the budget, and to deny oneself to buy some expensive thing. Rich, in turn, aims to earn more and more, not to aromatica. According to Steve Sibolga, if we can "inject" myself thinking of rich people get a real chance to succeed. However, dropped from the accounts of the fact that many people only dream of wealth, doing nothing to obtain it, and it is most convenient to obtain stable, but low-income than to embark on various adventures.

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