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Viewings: 6063
Космо обоиКосмо обоиКосмо обои
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Viewings: 4352
Как зелёный чай помогает против ракаScientists argue about the health properties of green tea. The spectrum of its actions is very wide - from the stimulation of immunity to antioncogene effects. However, what components of green tea perform all these useful steps, still one can only surmise.
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Viewings: 5059
Алмазная планета в клешнях у РакаIn the constellation of Cancer near the star 55 Cancri astronomers have discovered one interesting exoplanet. Before it was considered a gas giant like Neptune, but recent studies have shown that it is not. This planet is carbon, and, consequently, a large part of its mantle consists of diamonds. They weigh twice more than the planet Earth!
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Viewings: 4528
Смотреть на драку и приятно, и полезноTurns out, the monkeys also love to look at other people's fights. However, they did not try to break up the fighting on the contrary, never interfere in the process. But why such a sight is pleasant? First, formed a "party", where you can establish new contacts, and secondly, after the fight has a chance to get a free servant.
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Viewings: 7915
Найдена могила любимой жены Македонского?Greek archaeologists near the modern city of Serres (where in ancient times there was an ancient Greek Polis of Amphipolis), discovered the tomb in which, perhaps, are buried the remains of the wife and son of the Macedonian king Alexander the Great - Roksana and Alexander IV. Leaders of excavations claim that it is too early to speak about the person buried.
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Viewings: 5588
Солнце наполнило Луну живительной влагойUsually the Sun is considered as an enemy of water, as its rays cause evaporation of moisture. But sometimes it can act as its Creator. Recently the American scientists have found that stocks of water on the moon could be the result of the impact of the solar wind. Portable them hydrogen ions could be combined with oxygen on the surface of the satellite.
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Viewings: 6065
Появилась новая страшилка: ветровые турбины вызывают ракIt should appear on the market next new product technology, as there are some rumors about her health. TVs, computers, microwave ovens, masts for cellular communication - which just terrible stories about them not to tell. Recently appeared new horror story - about wind turbines. It turns out that they threaten cancer and psychosis!
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Viewings: 6323
In new York held an auction for the sale of fragments of meteorites from the moon and Mars. The most expensive lot was a fragment of a meteorite "Dar al Ghani 1058" - was sold for 330 thousand dollars. This amount was 10 thousand dollars less than it was expected by the organizers of the auction. All they managed to collect more than a million dollars.

В Нью-Йорке прошел аукцион по продаже фрагментов метеоритов с Луны и МарсаВ Нью-Йорке прошел аукцион по продаже фрагментов метеоритов с Луны и МарсаВ Нью-Йорке прошел аукцион по продаже фрагментов метеоритов с Луны и Марса
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Viewings: 6206
У Альфы Центавра есть планета — кто бы сомневался!In the nearest to the Earth star system finally discovered planet earth. Just don't say that for you, it's a surprise!
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Viewings: 5036
На Титане обнаружена пасхальная булочкаRadar images taken by the spacecraft Cassini, have revealed new oddities on the surface of the mysterious Titan, a moon of Saturn, including almost all education, which resembles a giant Easter bun (hot cross bun), and the coastline of ancient seas.
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Viewings: 4966
Кончилось ли глобальное потепление?The claim that global warming stopped 15 years ago, based on a selective approach to data and are not considered with the natural variability of climate.
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Viewings: 5082
Совсем недавно магнитное поле Земли, возможно, было в 20 раз слабееOnly 41 thousand years ago compass needle on our planet would show to the South - how on Mars now. Scientists from Gelmgolts Association of German research centres (more precisely, of its Center of Sciences about the Earth) made this conclusion after studying the samples of bottom sediments of the Black sea.
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Viewings: 5253
Планктон накормили в обход международных мораториевAs some said, to the largest geoengineering experiment ever dared not the state, not the University, and the American businessman.
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Viewings: 5463
Камни Красной планеты - далекие и близкиеIn the meteorite, failed hard to Morocco in July 2011, found streaks of black glass, from Mars. This was the conclusion of researchers from the local University Hassan II, headed by Hasnaa Chennaoui Augean. To deliver to Earth soil samples from the red planet, unfortunately, that is not possible, but Curiosity Rover will help to learn more about it.
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Viewings: 5199
Впервые в системе четырёх солнц обнаружена экзопланетаHow rapidly time: I remember that not so long ago we have read, seriously denied the possibility of the existence of planets around normal double stars is because of their instability, caused by the large number of light. They say, Tatooine could arise only in the fevered imagination of science fiction (Hollywood writers). As we now understand, the planets around binary stars have: at least six, and this considering the fact that the characteristics of binary systems hamper their detection is the most popular method.
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