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Viewings: 5525
Лучи НЛОAmong the numerous UFO sightings quite a large part of their take of UFO sightings, when they are spotted unusual glow or posts coming from UFO. Light rays from UFO remind spotlights and most often they are directed to the earth.
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Viewings: 3435
Летающие тарелки интересуются "гнездом молний"Among forests and wetlands near lake Ladoga lost the small village of Dubno. Recently it has become famous among journalists and researchers of paranormal phenomena.
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Viewings: 4460
Уфологические тайны Мексиканской пустыниThere is not less mysterious area and in Mexico, though few people know about it. It "Zone of Silence", located in the desert, 400 miles from the us city of El Paso (Texas). The main peculiarity of this area is primarily in the fact that here go deaf radios and shall not transfer any TV.
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Viewings: 7585
Русские секретные материалыWe are opening a new series of articles "Russian secret files", devoted to the problem of studying UFO military organizations, and civil structures. In our archives contain many documents, testifying that from the beginning of 80th years in the former USSR topic UFO was seen at the state level...
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Viewings: 5672
Открытие, которого не было!Exciting stories about encounters with UFOs, "green men", the other space aliens cause concern of the reader, perhaps, not less than concrete earthly problems.
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Viewings: 4686
НЛО попытка научного подходаIt must be emphasized that my colleagues and sincerely held a fascination "flying saucers" the result of the post-war mass psychosis and sincerely sympathized with our poor citizens, fooled such utter nonsense. So I accepted the invitation of the air force for the role "astronomical censor ' reports of UFO sightings as a good chance to expose, to crush, to dispel this unscientific Mirage. However, to demonstrate the power and might of our scientific methodology on the material of letters and stories of eyewitnesses I failed...
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Viewings: 4831
НЛО - все точки уже расставлены?Today unlikely to find a person who had never heard of "unidentified flying objects". While we may treat this issue as it does not disappear from public consciousness under the influence of educational articles, no irony, no ridicule.
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Viewings: 5843
Неопознанный летающий проектOn the remote control automatic start-up of ballistic missiles themselves began to catch fire teams fighting the Soviet military attacks ... "plates" is not confused. They was afraid. And at the same time was ashamed to tell the country and its political leadership about his fear. And suddenly will accept for loonies? "What other plates - muraci? Take a NAP, Colonel!" - shouted, was from headquarters General for HF communication dumb child who has window fun gleamed silver disk. However, in the 80-s in the USSR Ministry of defense was created and put on rations special unit for the monitoring of unidentified flying objects.
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Viewings: 5929
Необычное досье ФБРA few years ago, the makers of the popular U.S. news programs "Mysteries of the Cosmos" decided to find genuine FBI documents, removing the veil of mystery over the UFO. And after a while some of the documents was received by the journalists. They covered the period from 1947 until the mid 60-ies. Copies of these documents were shown on TV. But the presenter stressed that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was seriously engaged by the UFO problem only when did the message on completion of aliens serious crimes. Whether so it ?
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Viewings: 5667
Кто скрывает правду об НЛО?Ufologists around the world have repeatedly accused the government and special services of the great powers in seeking to hide from the public the truth about the contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. In this connection, one can recall the mysterious catastrophe in Roselle (USA) in the summer of 1947, or rumors about the fall of the UFO in the Urals in the late 60-ies. In all such cases, the government stated that no alien in the land was not, and enthusiasts, who tried to conduct its own investigation had serious trouble with the FBI, KGB, and similar organizations.
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Viewings: 6071
Конструкция летательных аппаратов и роль 115-го элемента1. The reactor is a Source of energy alien aircraft, hereinafter referred to as LT is compact reactor, based on the radioactive decay of the element 115 and the allocation of this antimatter. The reactor consists of a sphere with a diameter of 30 - 40, see
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Viewings: 7365
Классификация НЛО по формеA comprehensive study of the properties of "behaviour" and dimensions of the UFO, regardless of form, allows conditionally be divided into four main types.
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Viewings: 6058
Заговор молчанияOf classified evidence astronaut G. Cooper, who became "alien"... Rough concealment of information about UFOs already does not meet the interests of the authorities. And they themselves initiate dosed leakage. As well as the establishment of numerous films and computer games "alien ' theme. What is the purpose? It is not excluded that Earthmen are preparing for the upcoming open contacts with intelligent beings from other corners of the Universe...
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Viewings: 5304
Загадка списка ШелдонаFamous scientists studying the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence, die under mysterious circumstances. Some ufologists believe that so there is aggression "men in black".
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Viewings: 4892
Воздействие НЛО на людей и техникуSpecial attention deserves the impact of UFOs on the psyche of people, which is manifested in various forms. First of all it should be noted that people have different sensitivity, resulting in a different perception of UFOs. There are a number of cases where individuals even before the appearance of UFOs felt wanton excited and anticipating that something unusual. Significant impact on the psyche of people has sometimes the appearance of a UFO. At this point, some suddenly Wake up with a sense of some concern, and go to the Windows, where you can see the UFO appeared.
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