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Viewings: 4946
For the first time on the screen is our Vanhaan takes people only nocommentrock Feodosiya - the fate of Vanga and Siloam concealed it from suffering?

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Viewings: 4793
Lasers capable to cut monolith. Acoustic camera, enabling interplanetary communication. And architectural constructions that could tame the cosmic energy. It is the product of innovative technologies or examples stunning achievements of antiquity?

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Viewings: 6925
We all know that recently on the surface of Mars landed American Rover "Curiosity", which in Russian means "Curiosity". American he only partly engines, razognalsya a rocket into space, and neutron detector DAN developed in Russia.
And here went beautiful pictures from a faraway planet, the world delighted. However, meticulous minds steel millimeters to disassemble pictures from the NASA website and concluded Americans falsify images from Mars!
All the details are in the video, don't forget to include Russian subtitles.

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Viewings: 5588
This month you will see two dwarf planet Ceres and Vesta which will be visible next to Jupiter, but they are in the asteroid belt, and 2 meteor shower.

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Viewings: 6559
In Giza after three years of restoration for tourists finally opened the second largest ancient Egyptian pyramid of Khafre. The famous tomb of the son of Pharaoh Cheops is close to the great pyramid of his father.

	В Египте после реставрации открылась пирамида Хефрена	В Египте после реставрации открылась пирамида Хефрена	В Египте после реставрации открылась пирамида Хефрена
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Viewings: 5025
31-year-old James Menzies respectfully called hunter tornado. The young man turned his admiration for the rage of the elements in the profession.

Охотник за торнадоОхотник за торнадоОхотник за торнадо
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Viewings: 6030
Стоунхендж как древняя галерея искусстваThe famous British megalith Stonehenge was not only places of worship, where in the winter solstice held sacred ceremony, but also played the role of true art gallery. Using 3D laser technology has enabled researchers to identify 72 previously unknown prehistoric images that were carved on the surface of the stones.
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Viewings: 4542
Сенсационная операция японского ученого оказалось ложьюThe scandal surrounding the Japanese scientist Hisashi, Moriguchi, who allegedly had several successful transplants patients with tissue grown from stem cells, acquires new details. At a press conference, Moriguchi admitted that he lied about the number of successful operations.
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Viewings: 6880
Говорящий крест майяBy the mid-nineteenth century, when invaders-Europeans with fire and sword walked across America, sowing "civilization", in Indian village Chan spoke... the cross. The human voice is the symbol of Christian faith called the last of the descendants of the ancient Maya on a Holy war against the invaders...
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Viewings: 4745
The mystery of the Tunguska: the aliens have saved mankind from the Apocalypse
Film crew of the programme "Mysterious Russia tried to solve the mystery of the Tunguska meteorite, which could plunge the Earth into darkness, and to destroy all life.

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Viewings: 5149
Встречайте первую углеродную планетуPlanet Cancer 55 e, "super-earths", located in a sun-like star HD 75732 (55 Cancer, spectral class G8V), was opened in 2004. This is one of the closest to the Earth "supertall": up to its planetary system just 40,9 light years. It is about 8.6 times heavier than Earth, and its diameter is twice bigger than ours. Thus, the density of the Earth and Cancer 55 e quite comparable.
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Viewings: 5950
Here and below shows the sand grains of Martian soil that have not been filtered and were not used for cleaning the analyzer. Net passes only particles with a diameter of not more than 150 microns.

Анализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результатАнализ марсианского валуна дал неожиданный результат

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Viewings: 5620
Реконструированы детали посадки зонда «Гюйгенс» на ТитанThe new analysis showed that in the first ten seconds after the descent to the surface of Titan probe Huygens" jumping, gliding and battered.
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Viewings: 6476
Где спрятано послание от инопланетян?Scientists assume that a journey in time and space through the so-called "Star gate", the truth to reveal them until humanity has failed. There is an ancient map showing the location of the Stargate on Earth - these corridors in space and time, which on the planet has always been 12, 12 regions, shaped like a triangle with a powerful Geometrico anomaly.
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Viewings: 5740
Инопланетные гены Адама или давным-давноAmerican Zakaria Sitchin in the scientific paper presented evidence that the men had been, as we thought, not in the long evolution, and are biorobots, which sentient being brought back to Earth with a mysterious planet Nibiru.
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