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Viewings: 4485
Пчелиный труд или промышленный продукт: как отличить натуральный медon August 14, the Russian Orthodox Church marks Honey spas: a celebration of old, which served as a signal to start collecting honey. It was thought that in the middle of August cells in the hive are filled to capacity. Today many manufacturers of honey don't wait for natural ripening of the product, and prefer to use numerous industrial tricks.
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Viewings: 3861
Первые люди отправятся на Марс в 2023 году и не вернутся на Землю While American Curiosity Rover exploring the Red planet in an automatic mode, in the Netherlands is in full swing preparing for a manned mission to Mars.
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Viewings: 6271
Встречи с пришельцами – свидетельства очевидцевOfficially it is considered that no other civilizations no, we alone in the Universe and meeting aliens is idle fantasy unhealthy people. However, evidence about the contacts with "outsiders" for so many, that to brush off eyewitnesses as from malicious mystification't. Most of these are serious and respectable people. In my research practice there are a number of indications about the positive contacts with aliens. But do not hide that there are negative consequences from meeting with "outside"...
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Viewings: 4595
Дорогая дешевая энергияIt's nice to return home after a busy day. Go through the hallway, a snap of the apartment came to life, warmly painted room in soft tones lamp. Another click - and poured pleasant music, and a few minutes later sallocator boiling kettle... Electricity and all that is connected with it, have become something taken for granted. We do not even think about where it comes from, and what will be our life, if - God forbid! suddenly simultaneously disappear gas, coal, oil, will cease to produce the current power station... And if that still imagine for a minute?
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Viewings: 4217
Полет на Марс: в одиночку, в одну сторонуSpecialists say that the flight to Mars is now impossible for several reasons. But it is in normal view. Science sees not only the entire reality, science does not see in this reality the main. The universe is arranged not so, says about this science. And if you think about it, taking into account some circumstances, mission to Mars largely may be close. It is proposed to consider three main points, which can be greatly facilitated this flight.
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Viewings: 3719
Паника вокруг таяния льдов Гренландии сменилась трезвым анализомIn July of the current year the world community was shocked with the news that the Greenland glaciers were melting at an unprecedented high speed. Let's remind, that several satellites, confirmed widespread melting of the ice sheet, including those areas that are not year-round are melting.
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Viewings: 3077
Зашедшие слишком далекоScientists from Russia, Norway and the USA examined the phenomenon in Arctic waters were discovered microorganisms, traditionally living in tropical and subtropical latitudes.
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Viewings: 3342
Unusual natural phenomenon today is observed in the sky above foros. In the Black sea was formed four tornado. As told eyewitness Pavel Firsov, victims and victims as a result of tornadoes not. Vortices passed foros and nobody touched.

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Viewings: 5088
Обнаружен один из самых древних экзоскелетовFor three billion years the Earth was ruled by bacteria, and then, very suddenly occurred Cambrian explosion - and within a few tens of millions of years on the scene burst of multicellular life.
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Viewings: 4055
Семь вопросов, которые изменят вашу жизнь!These seven questions designed to help You to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional reality, and help You create the life at will.
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Viewings: 3760
The research Institute in Istanbul refutes the theory of evolution.
The greatest fraud in the history of science...the Theory of evolution was widely spread in the scientific world about 150 years ago, but many people still perceive the theory as a proven scientific fact, while basic science have disproved the doctrine of the mythical theory, this fundamental principle of religion atheists who deny the existence of a Supreme Creator.

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Viewings: 3641
Почему мы переоцениваем себяPsychologists have come to the conclusion that the pursuit of higher social status is the main reason we try to look smarter than you are.
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Viewings: 4667
Битва пришельцев с того светаDevil in our folklore is the most popular character. In numerous tales and stories he acts familiar to themselves and others line the arch enemy of man trying all available impure force ways to win over human nous.
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Viewings: 4158
"Кристаллы времени" и правда существуютRecently a group of American physicists were able to construct a so-called "crystal-time" - structure, the possibility of the existence of which had been predicted long ago. The peculiarity of the crystal is the ability periodically become asymmetric not only in space but also in time. Therefore, it is possible to make high-precision chronometer.
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Viewings: 4079
Львовские рыбаки наловили в водохранилище пиранийKyiv, August 14 - AIF Ukraine. Fishermen, ubivshii at Dobrotvorskaya reservoir, caught three ten-piranhas. The catch is they took to the experts Louderringtones. It was piranhas, but they are found only in fresh waters of South America.
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