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Viewings: 4742
Our planet repeatedly experienced great catastrophe: meteor attacks, floods, earthquakes. Scientists suggest that the last accident occurred about twelve thousand years ago and wiped off the face of the earth a whole continent, which we call Atlantis. But it turned out that during the world collapse of the inhabitants of Atlantis managed to escape.

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Viewings: 5028
On the banks of the Amazon houses the largest rainforest on the planet. And until the last century historians were sure, civilization walked this land side, that there was no foot may tread. But today science open new pages of history and ancient knowledge. And there, which now stretches impassable thickets of the jungle, the archeologists found traces of fields feeding the vast and prosperous settlements. These certificates allow to look differently at the legends about the disappeared cities. Such as the mythical El Dorado...

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Viewings: 4787
12 августа можно будет наблюдать самый красивый звездопад в годуon August 12 the night sky will decorate the annual August meteor shower Perseids
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Viewings: 5762
Земля: смена эпох («Libération», Франция)According to the magazine "Nature", the human impact on the environment will lead the planet to the point of change. Last time it was 12 000 years ago
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Viewings: 5772
Польские летчики – об НЛОThe beginning of the modern era UFO is June 24, 1947, when American pilot Kenneth Arnold saw over the Cascade mountains flying with great speed objects, similar in shape to the plate. The first meeting was followed by others, and soon the "flying saucers" were called "unidentified flying objects", in English-Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO). Hence the name of the new science - UFOlogy.
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Viewings: 5787
Как Творец исправлял ошибкиThe Bible story of the great flood in General can tell any Christian. Noah, warned of God of a coming world caret, built an ark. Then the Lord flooded land, and escaped only the righteous, then humanity began its history in scratch".
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Viewings: 7875
Происхождение американских индейцев и гиперборейская теорияThe goal of our theme is to trace some of the views on the origin of American Indians. This was the question posed by this or that reason, many scholars, even not related to American studies. In order to find out the origin of the Indians, you should seek the help of anthropology, Ethnography, and mythology. Basically, the versions about the origin of Indians are constructed on the basis of these disciplines, each of theorists chooses the one that is closer to him.
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Viewings: 6153
Машина для изготовления манныFrom the old Testament shows that the Exodus of the Jewish people from Egypt lasted 40 years and all these years, full of hardships and deprivation, people persistently carried a heavy large box, covered with gold. Obviously, he was of immense value. What was it hidden? A Moscow researcher S. Pervushin offers the following hypothesis.
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Viewings: 5823
НЛО уничтожают насMany unidentified flying objects behave aggressively towards Earthmen and have combat weapons, immeasurably superior to the one that has had to date people of the Earth.
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Viewings: 6462
Минхочао: червь из кошмараWell-known specialist on ecology of invertebrates Fritz Muller in the nineteenth century, wrote: stories about the giant worm, minhocao look so incredible that one is tempted to take them for ordinary tale. Is it possible to smile, hearing from adults fables about serpentine monster length of about 45 meters (!) covered with bony carapace.
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Viewings: 4855
Инопланетные скалолазы штурмуют АрагацAragats - the highest mountain massif in the territory of Armenia is famous among climbers and ufologists as a place of incredible events connected with the appearance of UFOs and aliens.
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Viewings: 6751
Неизвестные движущиеся объекты под водойForeign and our press is also a number of cases when a moving object of unknown origin was observed only under water. Famous underwater Explorer Jean Picard twice watched from his bathyscaphe unknown underwater objects: the first time on 15 November 1959 near the island of GUAM, what was recorded in the logbook of the bathyscaphe: "10.57. depth of 700 meters.
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Viewings: 6042
Иллюминаты - хранители знанийAccording to the opinion prevailing in historical science, this secret society was founded in the second half of the XVIII century by Professor Ingolstadt University (Bayern) Adam Weishaupt. But not necessarily the case. For some Conspirology based on Masonic legend, believe that the history of this order shall be calculated for a period of 6,000 years, starting from the time when, and whether extraterrestrial, or otherworldly forces showed Sumerian priests certain Book Authorities, which was recorded them on a stone. Then the Egyptians have copied it on papyrus, which is always kept in the strictest confidence.
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Viewings: 4877
В Канаде обнаружен ещё один ударный кратерResearchers from the University of Saskatchewan and the Geological survey of Canada found a huge meteorite crater, formed millions of years ago in the Western Canadian Arctic.
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Viewings: 3900
Херсонщина в огне: уже выгорели 1500 гектаров лесаAs of the morning of 10 August in two large-scale fires in the Kherson region were burnt down about 1,500 hectares of forest. The spread of fire was stopped, but the fire is still ongoing, said Dnia in the press service of the emergencies Ministry. The fire near the villages Krynka and Velikiye Kopani Tsyurupynsk district of the region became the most large scale this year.
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