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Viewings: 5610
In mid-December photographer Gavin Heffernan and his team suffered severe frosts in Death Valley (USA), to get a beautiful delayed filming dunes and stars.

However, they did not expect that the frame will get a strange flying object, which appeared in the night sky. According to them, they deliberately avoided the term UFO, as yet not sure what they saw. Strange object made three broad range over the desert. According to witnesses, the object is not uttered no sound, so it definitely was not a helicopter.

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Viewings: 9093
Загадочный феномен озаренияMankind has more than one Millennium interested in the mysteries of the universe, trying to understand the laws of evolution, to find ways to public and scientific progress, to find out what is the meaning of life. Undoubtedly, people have achieved in this area of great success, but a lot still remains unsolved and unsolved. This can be explained not only by the fact that the answers to these questions are "buried" in too deep, but also the fact that the work of the human brain in the process of cognition has its own characteristics. On learning of his own brain in people took hundreds of years, but people still know about it much less than about Space.
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Viewings: 9763
Инопланетяне «высасывают» из человека душуIn recent times about aliens began to speak as about double vampires - the exhaust from a person not only blood and soul. Whether for this version of something real or we are dealing with another fantastic fiction?
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Viewings: 7836
ГеомантияThis word was born in Ancient Greece (from the Greek. geo" -earth, and "Mantica" - art of divination), i.e. geomancy is the fact on the ground, which was also practiced the ancient Indian, Chinese, Chaldean and the Egyptian priests.
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Viewings: 8139
Как планеты влияют на погодуOne of the oldest areas astrology - astrometeorology. It is a system of knowledge used for weather prediction, taking into account the location of the planets, their interaction and the strength of their influence on different geographical areas.
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Viewings: 5388
A few minutes - and the house is shining purity! Modern household chemistry beautifully packaged, smells and acts momentalne after using it Housewives often suffer from allergies, and even get to the hospital. The correspondent of the program visited the factory in Germany and found out why the European Housewives can wash and wash your house without risk to life. In Russia the same brand of powders and gels very dangerous...

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Viewings: 6136
The cylinders of the pharaohs is just one of the many mysteries that conceals the civilization of Ancient Egypt.
Mysterious objects in the hands of the sculptural image of the pharaohs has long been concerned scientists, researchers, historians. Just recently, after years of research physicist Vladimir Kovtun understood the purpose of these mysterious objects. But is it? Whether he was able to unravel an ancient mystery?

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Viewings: 5638
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Viewings: 5477
GMO is genetically modified organisms. If you buy in the store product that says "GMO", it means that the product is created without the introduction of any alien genes.

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Viewings: 8370
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Viewings: 4707
Добыча полезных ископаемых в космосе может начаться уже через два годаAsteroids can be a place mining of ores and minerals in the moment when their path passes by the Earth, because the American company Space Industries plans to launch its first exploration vehicle by 2015.
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Viewings: 6374
НАСА разрабатывает тепловой ядерный ракетный двигательNuclear rocket engines are not a novelty. In 1960, the U.S. and the Soviet Union developed and tested thermal nuclear missiles. Now, in the framework of the expanded programme Exploration Systems NASA plans to demonstrate the viability and evaluate materials thermal systems of nuclear power plants for use in future deep space missions.
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