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Viewings: 7960
Откуда взялись реки на Марсе и куда они пропали?Real Wallis - region of Mars, structure similar to the trace from the river channel, which took the spacecraft "Mars-Express". Scientists believe that this structure was formed thanks to the moving stream of water in the distant past of the red planet.
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Viewings: 7980
Луна: визуальный обман. В чём секрет?The moon has a unique visual property, which is that, looking at it from below, it seems to be less than when it is on the horizon. Previously, most scientists assumed that this phenomenon occurs on the basis of the theory of relative size, which is called "the illusion of Ebbinghaus".
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Viewings: 7159
Найдены загадочные отверстия на лунеSpace probe called the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter transferred unique pictures of the lunar surface to Earth. These pictures show 2 huge holes with a completely smooth edges.
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Viewings: 8048
Магнитная левитация позволяет вырастить искусственное лёгкоеWhen scientists want to check something on living tissues, they are used to this layer of cells grown in some special vessel. It is easy to guess that such a two-dimensional layer is not too similar to the real body, where the cells are organized in a three-dimensional structure. And is that really reliable results need to confirm their experiments with these organs, cells which communicate the most natural way.
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Viewings: 10861
Бесконечно повторяющиеся истории Вселенной относятся скорее к философии, чем к физикеFrancisco Jose Soler Gil from Seville University and Manuel Alfonseca of the Autonomous University of Madrid (both Spain) considered two of the most popular variants of the concept of an infinite Universe in which history repeats itself an infinite number of times in various far-spaced points of space.
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Viewings: 6110
В пылевых бурях Марса рождается молнияMars is a very dry and dusty. Storms sometimes cover the entire planet, and the orbiters see resistant layers of dust reach great heights (30-50 km above the surface). The mechanism recent phenomenon remains unclear.
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Viewings: 7925
Комета PanSTARRS будет видна уже в мартеWe flies another comet, capable to become the brightest in 21 Vetka writes Space Weather, just over a month left until the moment when the comet PanSTARRS will cross the orbit of mercury and will probably become so bright that will be visible to the naked eye. Star observers around the world will be looking for it in the sky at sunset in early March, when the space wanderer will be closest to the Sun and the Earth. Before the observers will need a telescope, you can review the images obtained in Argentina, under the leadership of Martin Maseca. The team used a remote-controlled telescope F(/Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor - abbreviated as "FRAM”.
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Viewings: 8800
Земля исчезнет мгновенноIf neighboring measuring the Earth formed, or our physical laws do not apply, the result of a breakthrough in another space appears that the us simply does not exist
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Viewings: 7401
Магия новолуний-2013Want to get rid of adversity and gain power over life circumstances? It is possible. From us you want one: how to behave in each of the 12 new moons 2013.
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Viewings: 6299
2013 станет худшим для пчеловодов США, популяция насекомых рекордно сокращается"We are facing extinction of species." This conclusion was made by commercial beekeepers who gathered for an annual meeting of the American Association of manufacturers of honey (AHPA), writes PAN North America. Loss of bees in recent years have been dramatic, speak in one voice participants in commercial beekeeping no future, if all will remain unchanged.
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Viewings: 7541
Марс рассмотрели под «лампой черного света»Curiosity Rover took the first night images - photographed the surface of the stones in plain white and ultraviolet light.
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Viewings: 6721
В Италии может начаться извержение Супервулкана. На Флегрейских полях поднимается земляFor several weeks land on the so-called Phlegraean fields near Naples, where there is the Volcano rises stronger than before. Indicates whether this for the next eruption?
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Viewings: 7428
Гиперборея и смена полюсов ЗемлиDoctor of philosophical Sciences, researcher of the Russian North Valery Demin life, we collected information about the legendary Hyperboreya and searched for the remains of this civilization.
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Viewings: 7900
Рассказ очевидца.НЛО: встречи в КазахстанеI moved from Almaty to Astana. For several years had not once to move and I noticed some matches after some miracles in heaven my planned relocation necessarily implemented. And without these heavenly signs, nothing comes out with change of place of residence or work.
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Viewings: 6846
In Brazil there is a growing number of victims of a fire in a nightclub in the city of Santa Maria in the South of Brazil. According to police estimates, killed more than 200 people. Just as in the time of fire in the building, there were about 2 thousand visitors. They came to a rock concert.

During the pyrotechnic show from the sparks lit up the floor to the ceiling. People panicked stampede people suffocated because of acrid smoke. Before the arrival of fire those who managed to get out, began to make the victims on his hands. The fire had been brought under control, rescuers continue the rubble. Dead bodies continue to do in the local sports centre which is the procedure of identification.

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