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Viewings: 5755
Поскреби еврея - увидишь хазара!Launched in 1976, the hypothesis of the Austrian-Hungarian Jewish writer Arthur kestler that European Jews originate not from Israel and from Khazaria, which was confirmed during the latest genetic research. Most Jews of the world have Eastern European roots, their ancestors came from the banks not the Jordan, and the Volga.
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Viewings: 6408
Нептун долго не хотели признавать планетойIt so happens that scientists, like a curious character known fables by I. A. Krylov, able not to notice the elephant even when it is very close. Yes there elephant - whole planet! That is what happened with Uranus and Neptune - planets of the Solar system that astronomers have repeatedly seen, but felt that watching unknown stars.
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Viewings: 7044
В 2013 году могут случиться коллапс интернет-сети и мегаизверженияCompiled by the world economic forum report, which lists the natural phenomena that can destroy our planet, suggests that worrying is pointless, says Elena Dusi in an article published on the website of the newspaper La Repubblica.
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Viewings: 6278
Что там, в астральном мире?Our soul is part of another world, where there are other, incomprehensible to us physical laws. Especially clearly person feels during clinical death, when fully merges with his spiritual essence.
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Viewings: 6436
Столица для НЛО"If I was entrusted to choose the capital "tarelochnymi", I would have voted for Dalnegorsk village in Primorye, built near the deposits of polymetals, wrote in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" ufologist Andrey Pavlov. - UFOs appear here with the regularity of an Express train: they see many citizens got used to them and almost afraid.
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Viewings: 6019
Взгляды физиков на квантовую механику расходятсяAccording to legend, one day physicist Richard Feynman said, "If someone claims that he understands quantum theory, he is either a liar or a lunatic"
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Viewings: 6681
Почему болезни и несчастья боятся амулета?Among the huge variety of objects of the surrounding world are those who constantly care about preserving our health and longevity. This is the subject of power, and, simply, talismans, amulets and charms. However, the rituals of their use have their secrets... Axiom proven: it is better to be rich and healthy than poor and sick! And even better, if the wealth and health are combined with what is called happiness.
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Viewings: 7242
Когда погибли последние дикие крокодилы на Руси?Read the famous notes Englishman Jerome Horsey, Dating from the end of XVI century. In 1589 he once again goes to Russia. We must remember that 100% of the foreigners coming to Russia, and Russia later, were not only merchants or ambassadors for documents, but also foreign agents. Spies, simply put. Either papal throne, or of any European monarch. And their notes is the kind of reports in the centre. Now what does this Horsey. (Quote from: Jerome Horsey. Notes about Russia. XVI - early XVII century, M: MSU publishing house, 1990.)
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Viewings: 6484
На Марсе обнаружили следы древней гидросистемыOn Mars have found traces of an ancient hydraulic system. On Mars made two important discoveries, proving the existence on the planet in the past developed a hydraulic system that could lead to the emergence of life.
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Viewings: 7461
Необычная дружба: кашалоты приняли в свою группу дельфинаIn the animal Kingdom, many beings constitute "friendly" communication with representatives of other species. They usually short-lived and have the purpose of additional protection from predators or more efficient feeding.
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Viewings: 5234
Установлены причины загадочной космической катастрофы средних вековAt a distance of 3-12 thousand light-years from Earth within our Galaxy collided large space objects, which was accompanied by a powerful burst of energy, the ability to cripple all of the spacecraft to orbit the planet.
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Viewings: 6180
Сокровища последнего императораFor decades we walk through the world of legends about the treasures of the Russian tsars. Russian gold, long before the revolution nested in foreign banks, excites the minds of the people. They say that access to it is open non mysterious accounts, whether encrypted in toys Imperial children, whether securely hidden in the memory of the possible heirs. Whether these statements truth?
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Viewings: 5324
Луч-зонд собирает информациюWhen the famous Greek philosopher Socrates asked a difficult question to which there is no obvious answer, he said: "Let us examine. Engage the facts. We need to help new thought to be born." But here's the strange thing - when it comes to the UFO mystery, ufologists often pay attention to what's already repeatedly was recorded in respect of UFOs, and put new facts associated with them. Meanwhile, it was their analysis can shed more light on the nature of this phenomenon.
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Viewings: 12235
Тайна волн-убийц и воронок дьяволаFor a long time the existence of huge waves that occur during calm weather, was denied, and only accidentally commit helped to start the research problem. But only now Australian researchers managed to obtain a so-called wave-killer in the laboratory.
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Viewings: 7928
Нас окружает невидимый мирNow more and more talk about the fact that on the Ground in parallel with biological life there is an invisible energy life. And, just as the evolution of biological species led to the appearance of people, the evolution of energy types have led to the emergence of a "reasonable stealth". But if such stealth do exist, then they must live side by side with us and know us...
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