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Viewings: 8671
Астрономы обнаружили космическую туманность, которая выглядит как морская короваAstronomers have tested a major update of the Very Large Array telescope and discovered a strange remnant of a supernova that looks uncannily like sea cow (manatee).
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Viewings: 5574
Этот динозавр изменит взгляд ученых на птичью эволюциюThe opening of the new feathered dinosaur will change the opinion of scientists on the evolution of birds. This fossil of 30 centimeters in height from the Jurassic period challenged the widely accepted views on the origin of flight.
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Viewings: 5982
В ЮАР с фермы разбежались 15 тысяч крокодилов About two thousand individuals have already managed to catch in the nearby bushes, however, other freely roam the African continent
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Viewings: 5448
Установлено, какой была температура Вселенной 7 млрд лет назадAstronomers from the three Western European countries: Germany, Sweden and France has teamed up with Australian colleagues in order to measure the temperature of our Universe at the moment when her age was twice less, than now. The task they were able to perform with the help of a telescope, provided by the Australian Government Association of scientific and applied research CSIRO.
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Viewings: 6481
Запивать пищу опасно для желудкаThe matter is that getting food during a meal, the stomach secretes digestive juice in the quantity necessary for the digestion of this food. If you drink the water directly to the food, it will disturb the concentration of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the stomach.
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Viewings: 8130
Механическую деталь, которой 300 миллионов лет, нашли ученныеIn the layer of the Russian coal found a strange discovery. It is a part of the mechanical parts, which age - old dinosaur. Age of coal deposits on Chernogorodsky mine in Khakassia, where he found a strange artifact, almost 300 million years. In those days people on Earth did not exist.
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Viewings: 5948
Off the coast of the island Kona Hawaii Dolphin asked divers who swam near, to release him from the scaffold, enveloped his fin.

Дельфин попросил дайвера о помощи + ВИДЕОДельфин попросил дайвера о помощи + ВИДЕОДельфин попросил дайвера о помощи + ВИДЕО
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Viewings: 5576
Ученые впервые смогли разглядеть магнитные «косы» в солнечной коронеThe first time scientists were able to discern the fine structure - the so-called "spit" - in the solar corona through which the corona is heated up to a million degrees, writes in an article published in the journal Nature, a team of scientists that conducted suborbital experiment Hi-C.
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Viewings: 6458
Разработана технология, позволяющая развернуть космический солнечный электрический парус, радиусом 1 километрSpecialists of the research laboratory of electronics of the University of Helsinki has developed design and technology deployment electric space sails (ESAIL)with a radius of 1 kilometre, which, interacting with the charged particles of the solar wind, would ensure constant acceleration of the spacecraft traveling to a long and distant journey into the depths of space.
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Viewings: 5152
«Налоговый рай» исчезнет: Каймановы острова перестанут быть офшорамиCayman Islands want to say goodbye to the title of one of the most closed of the offshore world and are prepared to disclose thousands of registered companies and hedge funds. A corresponding letter of local financial regulator sent to heads of companies.
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Viewings: 7066
Создан искусственный аналог природного фотосинтезаA group of British physicists and biologists in the framework of the pilot research project has developed a technology that reproduces the natural process of photosynthesis in artificial conditions. According to the authors of the project, the goal of such research is the more efficient use sunlight as a source of electricity.
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Viewings: 6213
«Оппортьюнити» бъет новый рекордIn 36 times the American Mars Rover opportunity has exceeded his space mission on Mars
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Viewings: 6329
Ананасы – «фонтан здоровья»Pineapples are a rich source of nutrients, low in calories. They contain fructose, which does not cause a surge of insulin in the blood even with excessive consumption.
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Viewings: 6216
Ученые надеются найти следы жизни на Марсе в глубоких кратерахDeep craters on the surface of Mars contain traces of clay that formed only in the presence of groundwater - this suggests that the red planet could have liquid water, and hence life, even after evaporation of its oceans, according to a paper published in the journal Nature Geoscience.
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Viewings: 7298
Во имя любвиTwo centuries ago the streets bustling Petersburg wandered poor beggar in the men's castoffs. The townspeople called it differently - the wanderer grad Petrov, Andrei Feodorovich, Blessed Xenia... But in the memory of descendants she remained Xenia of Petersburg, amazing woman, all life which became the hymn of eternal love.
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