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Viewings: 6625
Боги или НЛО?Gods and Mythological creatures with almost without limit possibilities, esoteric often compares mythological gods with egregors, the monotheistic religions insist that God is one, what is God from the point of view of mythology?
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Viewings: 3747
Apocalypse now experiencing one of the planets in the constellation Chanterelles. Its atmosphere is heated to thousands of degrees and literally boiled away by the flash on a nearby star. All this is seen through a telescope "Hubble" American scientists. Saw and held analogy. This distant planet similar to Earth. And the star resembles the Sun. And theoretically script that disaster may happen again.

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Viewings: 4415
Every ancient civilization knew about the mysterious "the gates of" other worlds: from there came the mysterious aliens, there were people vanished. It turns out that in ancient times "gates" knew how to use it.

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Viewings: 3872
How it all began? How did our civilization? Scientists offer many versions supported by research. But where is the truth? Sometimes the facts that contradict all versions. In the permafrost of Siberia discovered the remains of extinct animals, the giant mammoth, destroyed by a global catastrophe. Found an ancient map showing Antarctica long before its famous opening. And such hypotheses, a great many...

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Viewings: 3974
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more
Viewings: 3950
В Гренландии обнаружен древнейший и крупнейший земной кратерIn Greenland found the largest meteorite crater on the planet. More - only on the moon and Mars.
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Viewings: 5087
Пролито ещё немного света на солнечную активностьEmployees of the University of Cambridge (UK), together with colleagues from India and the US for the first time visualized as the fluxes of solar gas heated to millions of degrees, rise in the relative calm of coronal loops.
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Viewings: 5470
June 28, the American spacecraft Cassini passed by the time tefii - moon of Saturn diameter of 1 062 km, which is almost entirely made of ice.

НАСА публикует свежие фото ТефииНАСА публикует свежие фото ТефииНАСА публикует свежие фото Тефии
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Viewings: 3781
Обнародована вторая порция данных космического телескопа WISENASA released an image of the nebula NGC 2024 ("Flame"/"Torch")obtained an infrared space telescope WISE.
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Viewings: 4349
Данные MESSENGER заставляют пересмотреть взгляды на происхождение МеркурияAt the last meeting of the American astronomical society in anchorage (USA) astronomer Sean Solomon of the Carnegie institution of Washington revealed a number of observations of interplanetary automatic station Mercury MESSENGER, 2011 revolving around the nearest planet to the Sun.
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Viewings: 4116
Жить в космосе можно лишь полторы минутыNote - even in a fantastic movies cosmonauts, as a rule, never go into space without space suits. I wonder what happened with the man, if he were in almost airless space environment without any protective equipment? According to experts, we should live in such an extreme situation would have remained no more than 90 seconds...
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Viewings: 4540
Стоунхендж - символ единства Британии?On the eve of the day of the summer solstice at Stonehenge gathered large crowds of people, although there is an assumption that the winter solstice 5 thousand years ago was much more important than the summer. Members of the British universities concluded that Stonehenge was built as a monument to unite the country after a long period of disagreement.
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Viewings: 5901
In Singapore in the Bay of Marina South today officially opened for visitors "garden of Eden" is a huge Park area with unique flowers and trees from all over the world, quaint bridges and crossings.

Сингапурский "Райский Сад"Сингапурский "Райский Сад"Сингапурский "Райский Сад"
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Viewings: 4324
Процесс массовых разрушений в районе черной дыры в режиме реального времениScientists-astronomers reasonably believe that in the centers of most galaxies are supermassive black holes. And our galaxy, the milky Way galaxy is no exception to this rule. It turns out that the black hole in our galaxy has its own name - Sagittarius A* (Sagittarius A*, or Sgr A*), and the following year in the field of a black hole Sgr A* scientists-astronomers will be able to observe cosmic cataclysm vast scale, and the process of mass destruction nearby cosmic bodies and objects.
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Viewings: 4510
Ученые обнаружили частицу БогаAbout the upcoming sensation reported by British media, citing evidence scientists working at CERN and other leading centers of world physics, ITAR-TASS reported. According to researchers, about the discovery of the Higgs boson will be announced on Wednesday, July 4, during a scientific seminar in the headquarters of the CERN in Geneva.
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