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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 5509
In 1945 by the famous American visionary Edgar Cayce predicted that as a result of global cataclysm will go under water most of North and South America, England, Japan. And the revival of civilization will begin in Western Siberia, which will become "Noah's ark" for the elite of Earthmen, survivors of Armageddon.

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Viewings: 5127
Some places on the planet for many decades excite the minds of scientists and researchers. Such anomalous zone, as "zone of silence" in Mexico, the gate of the Gods and the Bermuda triangle. Those, who visited this mysterious places, suggest that in the past we were visited by aliens.

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Viewings: 4258
8 June 2012 in the news, it was reported that the Rospotrebnadzor suggested the use of GMOs in agriculture. Motivates this innovation Gennady Onishchenko fact that GMOs allegedly is good for health! And despite the fact that all honest scientists from all over the world are shouting that GMOs -- is the cause of infertility, Oncology, destruction of the immune system, allergies, and many other terrible diseases! And many scientists are told that the GMO is a weapon of mass destruction!

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Viewings: 5224
The video will show inside India. Are we about her, know nothing. India, offers us a window into a new world.

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Viewings: 3882
In the documentary. the film of the series "Theory of probability" used several main themes: how BL attacked climbers, as the BL "dragged" in a train, about the Reserve of lightning on Medveditsky ridge and about "hunters lightning" from "Kosmopoisk".

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Viewings: 6268
Утечка в параллельный мирTwo Italian physics - Zurab Berezhiani and Fabrizio Bear said that they have found considerable leakage of neutrons in a magnetic trap somewhere. The authors say that, probably, of a particle flow in a mirror world. Their findings have yet to undergo further experimental testing, however, the item itself is a good reason to recollect once popular physical hypothesis of the existence of mirror matter.
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Viewings: 4441
Many prophets have said that when the world will end, the water will come out of the banks, and that the river would become red like blood. The lad Vyacheslav predicted that at the end of the world water turns red, the color is like blood and the smell horrible. His predictions come true. With 2010 till the present days the water to deteriorate, disappears seats, red as blood. This process has already begun in many countries of the world: Texas, USA, Antarctica, Australia, Iraq, China, Iran, Russia. What will be further? That is fraught with the water?

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Viewings: 4096
Вода в кузбасской реке покраснелаThe second day as the water in the river Barzas that takes place in the same village in the Berezovsky district, Kemerovo region, painted in red-brick color. About it to our correspondent said the resident of the village, worried about the situation.
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Viewings: 4666
This program is dedicated to the controversial topic. Expressed theories and assumptions cannot be considered as absolutely correct and require further research. All reconstruction is based on eyewitness accounts.

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Viewings: 5983
Тайны отказного архива: нелепицы и чудесаSome believe that the state archives full of secrets, which the authorities are hiding from the public. If it were so! Often the archives are full of nonsense that and read something boring. But among them there are the pearls, and if not good, then at least funny. But see for yourself that can be found in the regular archives of most usual city of Kuibyshev.
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Viewings: 3889
Планета подошла к "точке невозврата"?Two weeks ago, UNEP, the United Nations Programme on environment, has published a very pessimistic report. It says that in the last five years of progress in the implementation of the greater part of the 90 most important environmental projects is practically not observed. Do mankind came close to "the point of no return " " followed by...
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Viewings: 4410
Новые сюрпризы из Долины царейOne hundred years after the significant discoveries made in the Valley of the kings, Egyptologists again joined the band sensational finds. Before the opening of the tomb of Tutankhamun experts came to the conclusion that the time of great discoveries in Egypt ended: all have already been excavated tombs and artifacts found. However, old and new skeptics are deeply mistaken.
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Viewings: 5241
For the first time, scientists have discovered a mass grave a herd of mammoths, which is located on the territory of Serbia.

Братская могила мамонтов найдена в СербииБратская могила мамонтов найдена в СербииБратская могила мамонтов найдена в Сербии
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Viewings: 7285
Now there is no doubt that our ancestors were monkeys. Seeing the tree, and tries to him to climb )

Дом на дереве – мечта экстремала, или выживальщикаДом на дереве – мечта экстремала, или выживальщикаДом на дереве – мечта экстремала, или выживальщика
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Viewings: 6244
Republican Committee on protection of cultural heritage has initiated assignment of the status of the Crimean reserve Atlantis - the ancient city of Acre, which finds under thickness of sea water. According to the press service of the Ministry reported.

Крымская Атлантида станет заповедникомКрымская Атлантида станет заповедникомКрымская Атлантида станет заповедником
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