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Viewings: 3798
Ученые из Дубны защитят покорителей МарсаLast week at the Joint Institute for nuclear research, that is located in Dubna, was a very significant event. 27-28 June there was held the session of the Bureau of the Department of physiology and fundamental medicine of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Scientists discussed the issues related to the safety of the astronauts future interplanetary missions.
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Viewings: 4502
Нью-Йорк уйдет под воду через 300 летScientists studying climate change, came to a disappointing conclusions about the fate of the U.S. East coast.
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Viewings: 3655
Отказ от мяса опасен для жизни – исследованиеScientists warn that the shortage in the body of animal fats and fatty acids may play havoc with your health. And even actually shorten the life!
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Viewings: 8557
Новые отгадки загадки Тунгусского метеоритаMysterious explosion thundered in the early morning of 30 June 1908 in the stony Tunguska, well over one hundred years does not give rest to researchers. Recently, a group of experts from the University of Bologna found in the centre of lake Cheko, located eight kilometers from the epicenter, a strange anomaly that may be a remnant of the heavenly bodies.
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Viewings: 5754
Проект 'Юнона' выяснит наличие воды на ЮпитереWater - the cradle of life. Its properties are striking biologists and biophysicists, and their study is rapidly developing in our time. But for the average person consumption of water is urgently needed. Therefore, in the study of planets and small bodies in the Solar system, scientists are primarily interested in: there is very necessary for life stuff?
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Viewings: 4958
Мощное наводнение в Индии унесло жизни, по меньшей мере, 62 человекThe number of victims of the powerful floods in North-Eastern India killed at least 62 people, reported on Sunday Agency associated Press referring to local authorities.
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Viewings: 6500
Аномальная жара с рекордными температурами обрушилась на ИталиюHeat waves with record temperatures around 40 degrees was recorded on Sunday throughout Italy.
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Viewings: 6080
Домовой ищет жертву!One morning in the apartment of an employee of the Novgorod regional printing house Olga M lost a scarf, a shove in the evening in the sleeve of his coat.
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Viewings: 5432
Услышать голос бедыThey say that some people are able to predict beforehand the development of this or that situation. Moreover, when they are asked about how they do it, they just shrug their shoulders and say that intuition worked... What is this strange feeling? Is it possible to develop such a feeling in yourself?
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Viewings: 5008
Unique expedition program "Secrets of the world" in the monastery Until Trap founded approximately in VII century. Exclusive interview Lama protecting the earth from evil.

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Viewings: 7113
Где ты страна Шамбала?Somewhere in the Himalayan mountains, the belief of some people, there is a mysterious country called Shambhala. In large dungeon is home last heirs of earthlings who belong to the ultra-high civilization. Once this civilization lived on Earth, and then almost extinct.
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Viewings: 6210
Вся правда о Бильдербергском КлубеI believe that people and organizations do not represent neither an absolute evil or absolute good. Each of us needs for survival, dominion and power are in constant confrontation with the needs of philanthropy, and charity, and certain of them define the behavior of a person. But it seems that in Bilderberg-ish club is prevalent (though not completely) the need for power. These nuances in no way do less important the terrible situation of insanity, to which we are led.
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Viewings: 6717
Регенерация тканей человекаWhy can't a man have lost part of his body? What are we worse lizards?
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Viewings: 6688
Предсказания Эдгара ПоUsually, when we talk about American poet and prose writer, remember that he wrote the famous poem "the Raven", and a couple of stories about solving crimes, which, as critics say today, "there was a special branch of the literature and detective genre.
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Viewings: 5751
Непроизнесенная, но заготовленная речь президента США Ричарда НиксонаThe destiny has disposed so that people going to the moon for its peaceful development, destined to rest there in the world. These courageous people, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that they have no hope. But they also know that their victim a sense of hope for all mankind. Both of them give their lives for the sake of one of the most noble goals set before mankind: for the sake of knowledge and the search for truth. They mourn their families and friends; they mourn their homeland; they mourn the peoples of the world; their mourns the homeland itself, the Earth who dared to send two of his sons into the unknown distance.
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