Viewings: 5202
 More recently, astrophysicists called Andromeda "space predator", considering that it devours located nearby dwarf galaxy. Now the prosecution is withdrawn. However, according to the latest disappointing figures, we expect the collision of the milky Way Galaxy, where the Solar system) and of the Andromeda nebula. Solves one - whether it will be four billion years, and mankind (if at that time it still will exist) will not be affected.
Viewings: 6998
 By the beginning of the Crimean war, the British government was chartered to transport troops and ammunition in Crimea over 200 commercial vessels. November 8, 1854, along with other British ships on external Balaklava RAID arrived ship "Black Prince". After five days over the Crimean Peninsula swept Southeast hurricane of unprecedented force and all the vessels sank.
Viewings: 9953
 Probably, there is no such a person who has not heard of the outstanding feat of 300 Spartan warriors, getting in the way of a huge Persian army in the gorge Thermopylae. About heroes-the Spartans and their king Leonid wrote books, composed poems, Hollywood twice filmed this story. But still many details of the battle in Fermopilskomu gorge, which allowed to look at what happened two and a half thousand years ago, a very different way...
Viewings: 5289
 The end times, people are waiting for a long time. Since 33g. B.C. and up to the latest time, periodically another mystic solemnly declares that the universal death is not far off - in connection to this we can remember the predictions of Charles Russell and Joseph Rutherford, "founding fathers" of the society of Jehovah's witnesses or the prophecies of seventh-day Adventists. But, undoubtedly, in this series the most famous prophecy of this kind, the biblical Apocalypse, the book of St. John the theologian...
Viewings: 6714
 One of the main Gestapo torturers Dr. Josef Mengele, who became the personification of the horrors of the Third Reich, had a long and quite comfortable life. Born in tpd year, Mengele died in 1979 and just because while swimming in the ocean, he suffered a stroke. And no 40 thousand human lives, which he burned in the ovens of crematoria, was tortured to death on the operating table, poisoned poisons, not disturbed his serene soul. Maybe Mengele and was not a man?
Viewings: 5678
 He was wanted by the crusaders, scientists and adventurers of all kinds. The wealth hidden in it, did not give peace and Christian rulers, and Muslim rulers. But a century after century the search was fruitless and about Peter talked about how beautiful legend, while in 1812, a Swiss traveler could not find the Ghost city.
Viewings: 7321
 Metal column in the courtyard of the mosque, the Qutub Minar is one of the most mysterious historic attractions of India. It is often called the eighth wonder of the world and visiting card of Delhi. The ancient Hindus clearly possessed the art of metallurgy some secrets. And the evidence is that Delhi column, which more than fifteen centuries resists rust...
Viewings: 5991
 on June 21, according to the lunar calendar is marked as the Day of the summer solstice. More old name of this holiday is as follows: a celebration of the summer solstice.
Viewings: 6344
 People who do not have scientific degrees in the field of the exact Sciences, it is very difficult to understand why in the 21st century from a destructive natural disasters: earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are killed many people, and science still does not know how to predict. But not even to specialists it is clear that the causes of these disasters are associated, and that most of them occur in areas where the ratio of land and sea is constantly changing, and there is a process of continuous transformations of the Earth's crust.
Viewings: 8859
 The great pyramid is not artificial mountain of rocks but is faced with natural stones rock. Only and could be built, the most gigantic tomb in the history of mankind. The mummy of Pharaoh brought to the place of eternal sleep "sun boat of Khufu"
Viewings: 4511
 Recently, even in the brightest minds of the mankind sits firmly to the idea that the cause of death of our planet, which is not speak only the lazy, can become hadron Collider, or rather a black hole.
Viewings: 5172
 Long before in Mexico came the Spanish, there lived an extraordinary people - seers are Toltecs. They were capable of incredible, incomprehensible things. Toltecs was the last link in the long chain of knowledge, handed down over thousands of years. These people were strong magicians, dark and secretive. These sorcerers were unsurpassed masters of the mastery of awareness.
Viewings: 4240
 In Sri Lanka was found the skeleton of a man who lived 37 thousand years ago. The finding may be the oldest evidence of habitat areas of South Asia "Homo sapiens" or "person".
Viewings: 7867
 In each theory has some truth, which makes people believe very fanatical followers of their faith... but a lot of nonsense and why there are opponents that the truth is perceived, and in General the false theory dragged...
Viewings: 4815
 Several decades bread is baked in a different way and not the way it was done in ancient times. And use for this purpose is not natural sourdough, and manmade thermophilic yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.