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Viewings: 8175
Видение С. Докториана о ближайших катаклизмахThe prophecy of the American Samuel Doctorine about the future of tectonic cataclysms. The vision was revealed to Dr. Samuel Doctorine on the island of Patmos in 1998:
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Viewings: 5820
Сибирь спасет человечествоFifteen years ago, in the Siberian village Okunevo came on foot from India... Rasma Rosita. Eight years this woman held in the Ashram (spiritual community) Sri Babaji, until the death of the great guru in 1984. Successor Babaji - Munyagi told Rasma that in Siberia there is a place associated with Hanuman - loyal assistant God Rama, and she must find this place in the interests of Russia and the whole world, for there is a communication channel with space that you want to discover and activate before it closes.
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Viewings: 5590
In this documentary publicistic, consisting of several parts, the author tells about the falsification of NASA missions to the moon, that at NASA are former Nazis of the third Reich, that the astronauts repeatedly observed UFO... also, you will learn why this information is hidden and is mixed with lies
Let's get closer to unraveling the truth about the space programs and unidentified flying objectophiles interesting not only open knowledge, but also exciting archive of images and footage of UFOs.

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Viewings: 8090
КОМУ НУЖЕН КОНЕЦ СВЕТАCloser to 21 December 2012 talk about the next Apocalypse grow like a snowball. Some people are happy that there is not much to suffer. Others believe that "smoke without fire". TV shows movies-horror stories "secret signs of the end of the world". Various astrologers and soothsayers prophesy about the change of cycles and the new era in development of the Earth.
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Viewings: 6999
Ждать ли Конца Света 21.12.2012?Some time ago, statistics released very funny statistics. Thus, in 2009-m year to the request "2012" the Google search engine was issued 170 million pages on various topics. Today on the same query, Google generates 25 BILLION pages.
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Viewings: 5443
Исследование: другие солнечные системы более заселены, чем нашаNew research shows that the planets in other solar systems may be more hospitable to life than our own, because they are warmer.
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Viewings: 7225
В румынской церкви найдены фрески с изображением Конца СветаIn the Romanian city of Brasov, in the chapel of the Orthodox Church of St. Nicholas, built in 1495, found murals depicting scenes of the Apocalypse.
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Viewings: 5683
К нам летит гигантский неуклюжий астероидNext week the attention of astronomers around the world will be glued to a giant asteroid, but not because he is a danger.
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Viewings: 6342
Будни космического колонизатораPost inspired by conversations about the colonization of Mars and space exploration in General. We are talking about the current state of Affairs. Without hotly my favorite fiction and vague predictions. That's as if tomorrow it will be necessary to develop a plan and be ready to move.
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Viewings: 8198
Какого цвета Марс? Today I will take up the topic, which is already utterly beaten, but still steadily POPs up in almost any discussion of the Runet, where referred to "Mars" and "NASA". Let's talk about the color of Mars. You know, many have this theme is sitting in the liver like me, but I took it that's why. It is necessary once and for all sort through all the arguments and set the record straight.
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Viewings: 8040
Физика невозможногоWill we learn someday walk through walls? Build starships, capable of flying faster than light? To read minds? To become invisible? To move objects with their mind? To instantly overcome space?
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Viewings: 7224
Физика невозможного - Будущее невозможногоAre there truths that will forever remain inaccessible to us? Whether there are storehouses of knowledge, which will be beyond even advanced civilization? Of all the technologies that we have discussed in this book, only the eternal engine and a vision of the future had to be carried to the III class of impossibility. Are there other, equally impossible technology?
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Viewings: 7774
Физика невозможного - Предвидение будущегоIs there such a thing as clairvoyance, or a vision of the future? This ancient concept is present in every religion, you can remember oracles of Greece and Rome and the old Testament prophets. But pay attention: in such subjects foresight often becomes a curse. In Greek mythology, there is a myth about Cassandra, the daughter of the king of Troy, which for its beauty attracted the attention of the sun God Apollo. To win liked him a girl, Apollo gave her the ability to see the future.
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Viewings: 8667
Физика невозможного - Вечный двигательIn the classic novel by Isaac Asimov "the gods Themselves" unknown chemist accidentally encounters in 2070, the greatest discovery of all times - the electronic pump, which lets get unlimited energy. Its opening has on human life immediate and profound effect. Author announce the greatest scientist of all time - because he was able to satisfy his constant thirst for energy, which owns our civilization. "He was in the eyes of the world Santa Claus in half with a lamp of Aladdin", - wrote Azimov. Organized by him, the company immediately out of the market for oil, gas, coal and nuclear, and soon became one of the richest corporations in the world.
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Viewings: 11319
Физика невозможного - Параллельные вселенныеWhether alternate universes have the right to exist? In Hollywood they have become a favorite tool of cinematographers; as an example we can cite the episode of "Star trek" called "Mirror, mirror". Captain kirk accidentally gets into a strange parallel universe, where the Federation of planets is a sinister Empire, the unity of which is provided by brutal conquest, greed and robbery. In this universe Spock is terrible beard, and the captain kirk is the leader of the gang greedy pirates, always ready to turn your opponents into slavery and kill their own commanders.
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