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Viewings: 4628
Opportunity завершил обход области на краю марсианского кратераThe Rover-survivor Opportunity has received the new task - in details to study the area, bypassing which he had just completed.
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Viewings: 6202
Выявлен, возможно, самый ранний динозаврGroup of paleontologists believed that she was able to identify the age of the famous dinosaur - a creature no bigger than a Labrador Retriever that lived about 243 million years ago. It is at least 10 million years older than the oldest known dinosaurs.
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Viewings: 5429
Curiosity нашел таки на Марсе органику – НАСАCuriosity Rover found on Mars simple organic matter, but scientists will need further research in order to eliminate the possibility that they were brought to the planet along with the spacecraft.
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Viewings: 5958
НАСА прокололось 2. Новая подставаDid not have time to smolknut a buzz about extraordinary discoveries on Mars, reported in the article "NASA failed"as a new publication began to spread rapidly across the Network.
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Viewings: 7276
Число могущества - тринадцатьStudy: what is the fear of the number 13 ? A lot of secrets hidden from mankind. One of them has the value of numbers. It's time to learn now the true value of such numbers as "thirteen". Moreover, soon many will begin to wonder: "that came to 2013, " what means this date, how to perceive it?" All depends on the person, in this and many other questions that arise in our lives. The answers will be able to find themselves, after reading this information.
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Viewings: 5753
Проснись сам и разбуди другихProbably not left on the Earth the man who would not know about the fateful date of December 21, 2012. Think of all we have heard about it! The end of the world, the third world, the attack of the alien, the world's energy crisis. We are frightened by TV, Newspapers and magazines, Internet articles on the websites of all directions. Modern humans probably been looking for the answer to this question: what will it be, really??? We will try to answer it.
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Viewings: 4793
В пустыне США количество мусора превысило количество животныхIn the South-West of the USA is one of the hottest and biggest deserts in North America - the Sonoran desert. Despite the extreme conditions, Sonora is home to hundreds of species of animals and thousands of species of plants, among which, for example, local endemic - Carnegie giant.
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Viewings: 8785
Как вывести тяжёлые металлы из организмаHeavy metals may accumulate in plants and animals that we eat. They can get into our organism with air, water, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, household chemistry. Isotopes of heavy metals accumulate on the inner organs, causing various diseases.
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Viewings: 8532
Аномальные зоны в местах посадки НЛОPlace of landing of UFOs are one of the most amazing features of these mysterious objects. Most people deny any reports of UFO landing, as it is not part of their usual understanding of reality. However, almost after each landing on the surface of the earth remain physical traces which are usually quite stable, so that for several months or even years to be subjected to objective scientific research. Such traces are recorded long since practically all over the world and are called "jacks flying saucers".
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Viewings: 5741
Слухи об апокалипсисе-2012 вновь были развеяны учёными из НАСАAt least, NASA denied that part of rumors concerning the approximation of the planet Nibiru.
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Viewings: 6666
Физическое бессмертие – возможно ли оно?At all times people were sure that they measured too little earthly life. It became the reason of intensive work methods, which would help to prolong life or to make a man immortal. Sometimes these methods were terrible and cruel, and it came to cannibalism and sacrifice...
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Viewings: 8828
666 и 999: "кто имеет ум, тот сочти число"Satanic symbol 666 comes from the Bible. In the revelation of John the main 13,item 18 says, "Here wisdom. Who has mind, that count the numbers of the beast, for this number human; number his six hundred sixty six".
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Viewings: 7021
Галактический сдвиг и прецессионный цикл (в книге Сэл Рейчел)"There are still three other cycle that should be aware of. The first cycle is the most important of all, he's even stronger than the precessional cycle. We call it the galactic shift. It is discussed in more detail in the next Chapter. Two other relatively weaker compared with the first and will be discussed here.
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Viewings: 5748
Солнечные вспышки могут нокаутировать технологическую цивилизациюAdrian Melot (Adrian Melott), Professor of physics and astronomy from the University of Kansas, and Brian Thomas (Brian Thomas) from Washburn University (both - USA) has offered a new explanation of the mysterious "event of Charles the Great" - named after the simultaneous victory for Carl clashes 774-775 years with the Lombards.
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Viewings: 6768
Древние Боги - звездные пришельцыIn the vast jungles of South America in Brazil lives in small tribe of Indians kayapo in 1952 expedition English scientists, who visited the country, stated strange religious cult of natives.
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