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Viewings: 8216
На Марсе засекли движущийся объектMysterious object photographed on the red planet Curiosity Rover. Some Internet users immediately assume that the picture "lit up" Martian. NASA has its own version.
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Viewings: 8693
Солнце треснуло и скоро взорветсяClosest to the Ground star and the source of life on the planet may be the cause of her death. The Sun saw terrible black band, and in September astronomers predict a powerful emission of plasma, compared with a nuclear strike. 2925
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Viewings: 6366
НАСА обнародовало общий вид на место посадки CuriosityThe equipment that came to Mars with Rover "Curiosity" (Curiosity), seen by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The HiRISE camera took pictures of the scene of the crime" approximately 24 hours after landing.
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Viewings: 6684
Солнце треснуло?Кометы в околосолнечной системе 8 августа 2012 годаOn the surface of the disc appeared a giant band. Giant band saw astronomers from NASA on the surface of the Sun. Really shone cracked? This was the first idea professionals. But soon understood: the crack was like oblast dark spots with low temperature.
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Viewings: 5427
Марсоход Curiosity: первый цветной снимок, видео посадки и будущее миссииIn the night from Monday to Tuesday in Moscow, NASA experts and all Americans celebrated their cosmic victory. The Rover Curiosity gave the first more or less high-quality images of the red planet. A little later came the first color photo and video descent. What awaits "Curiosity" next?
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Viewings: 5263
Изменение климата как убийца цивилизацийBy the beginning of XI century BC brilliant Mycenaean civilization ceased to exist. The city was destroyed. Survivors returned to the simple life in the countryside. Trade has stalled. The writing was forgotten.
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Viewings: 4525
Дайте воды!What is the role of water in our life, no one needs to explain - and everything is clear. Without water, any being sooner or later is doomed to death. Even animals, knowing this, do not attack each other, coming in a drought year to water. The main thing is to quench their thirst! As for humans, in fact, the same problems.
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Viewings: 3927
Крутой маршрут родной планетыIgor p. Kopylov - doctor of technical Sciences, Professor of Moscow power engineering Institute (Technical University), honoured worker of science and technology of the RSFSR, laureate of the State prize in science and technology
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Viewings: 3507
Аномальная жара - следствие потепления климатаDrought in Texas last year, a wave of fires in Russia in the summer of 2010 and 2012 are examples of natural abnormal phenomena, which in any case would not have happened if not global warming, says the government expert on climate change, James Hansen.
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Viewings: 3061
Грентэм: Инвесторам следует приготовиться к глобальному продовольственному кризисуAccording to the head of global investment firm GMO Jeremy of Gintama, although the persistent drought that gripped much of the USA, has already contributed to the growth of prices for agricultural raw materials, it is only the beginning of rising food prices.
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Viewings: 4195

The most expensive to date, the mission of the U.S. space Agency NASA Mars Science Laboratory successfully passed one of the most important and difficult of its stages. Curiosity Rover conveyed to Earth signal of the successful landing on the red planet.
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Viewings: 2921
НАСА изучило влияние протонной радиации на клетки человекаNASA and the national laboratory Lawrence (USA) found that proton irradiation enhances the process occurring during the development of tumors. This information, as scientists hope will not only help protect astronauts in flight, but also will allow oncologists to better understand the impact of radiation on the human body.
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Viewings: 4512
На орбите Урана может пролиться кровьWhen Cupid and Belinda will meet, on the stage there will be more dead bodies than in the final of "hamlet". And they will meet, in this case the researchers of the orbit of Uranus no doubt.
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Viewings: 4901
Mars Express сфотографировал трещины гигантского кратераThe European spacecraft Mars Express has sent a snapshot of the southern region are partially covered Martian crater with a diameter of about 440 km, informally called the Palm.
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Viewings: 5134
Загрязнение воздуха грозит усилиться по всему мируHot summer does not add to the happiness of the citizens. In those days the air is particularly polluted by automobile exhaust and industrial emissions: breathing hard, and nothing. Notice?
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