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Mysterious explosion thundered in the early morning of 30 June 1908 in the stony Tunguska, well over one hundred years does not give rest to researchers. Recently, a group of experts from the University of Bologna found in the centre of lake Cheko, located eight kilometers from the epicenter, a strange anomaly that may be a remnant of the heavenly bodies.
Tunguska is the collective name of three largest right tributary of the Yenisei river: Top (Hangar), Medium (stony) and bottom. In the area of Podkamennaya Tunguska river near the village of Vanavara on 30 June 1908 at about 7 a.m. watched a great ball of fire, flying over the territory of the basin of the Yenisei river from the South-East to North-West (alternative evidence, the body had a cylindrical shape). The mission ended with resounding deafening blast on deaf taiga at the height of seven to ten kilometers.
Powerful explosive recorded observatories around the world. The flash of light was seen at a great distance - burst balloon turned into a pillar of fire by altitude of about 20 kilometers. On the territory of more than 2 thousand kilometers were fallen trees, and houses hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, smashed Windows.
Ironically, during 13 years no one has dared to conduct research on the site of the explosion. Only in 1921 enthusiast and romantic, employee of the Mineralogical Museum in Moscow Leonid A. Kulik, accidentally learned about the Tunguska mystery sheet of old tear-off calendar seriously burned by it. With the support of academicians Century I. Vernadsky and A. E. Fersman, he organized the first expedition to the area of Podkamennaya Tunguska.
Kulik and his companions gathered more than 230 fragments weighing over 200 pounds. But those were the fragments of meteorites, previously fallen in taiga. In addition, the expedition discovered microscopic silicate and magnetite balls, and rock fragments with a high content of elements indicating the cosmic origin of the substance. However, it has not been established whether this is due to the above events.
Today, there are about 120 scientific, non-scientific and pseudo-scientific hypotheses explaining the nature of the Tunguska phenomenon. The most common of them is about the fall of a meteorite (presumably, iron)or passing meteor swarm is quickly being questioned, as it is not possible to find meteorite fragments.
Despite doubts about the meteor nature of the explosion, enthusiasts continue the search of the crater (or craters) in the place of supposed epicenter. Not quite unsuccessfully.
Thus, in 1994, the research participant of Association "Kosmopoisk" Century romeiko managed to make a successful aerial view of the stony Tunguska. On the photos clearly outlines the mysterious lake situated in a few kilometers from the estimated epicenter of the explosion.
Lake rounded, its area is 200 to 250 meters. The shore of a pond overgrown with forest, where some of the trees felled... Because taiga around rugged, this place was previously practically unknown. According to the hypothesis Century, romeiko, we are talking about a water-filled crater meteorite origin.
Another "meteorite crater" stumbled in 2007 researchers from Bologna led by specialist in marine Geology Luca Gasperini. The Italians paid attention to taiga Cheko lake, which lies eight kilometers North-West of the proposed epicenter of the explosion. The location of the reservoir coincides with the trajectory of a giant body, which later without any special circumstances became known as the Tunguska meteorite. Interestingly, Cheko lake is not marked on any map, made up of 1929, and by the testimonies of local residents, before the catastrophe of 1908 it simply did not exist...
The project "Tunguska 99" Gasperini and his colleagues conducted a study of the lake on the ground. First of all, they struck him almost correct hemispherical shape. It also turned out that the bottom of the reservoir has the shape of a cone, and the maximum depth is about 50 meters. This may indicate that something huge shot in this place the tunnel and went into the ground. Indeed, GPR has recorded a large object on the Gubin 10 metres below the bottom of the lake.
Italian scientists assume that "the culprit" formation of the reservoir became a fragment exploded cosmic body. Weight "splinter" this is about 1.5 x 106 kg.
But, anyway, the findings "craters" are mere speculation. Today, in the stony Tunguska not find any objects that it is safe to say that they are relevant to the long-standing events...