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Загадка списка ШелдонаFamous scientists studying the problem of extraterrestrial intelligence, die under mysterious circumstances. Some ufologists believe that so there is aggression "men in black".

If you're a little bit interested in UFO topics, then, of course, know about these mysterious ' men in black". As a rule, they come to eyewitnesses any abnormal phenomena, are a reputable researchers and scientists, which are on the verge of some discoveries. Purpose of visit: to convince the witnesses to give their testimony, to destroy documentary evidence disasters UFO or contacts with "alien". They're talking about with scientists is unknown, because even the most notorious troublemakers science suddenly change their views, abandon the old theories, go crazy... or die.

There are several Internet sites devoted to this problem. As a rule, researchers unknown pay attention, for example, to such fact.

Bristol, 1986. Imposing man neatly tied the rope to a tree trunk, made at the other end of the noose, he thrust his head and rushed his car. Police said the death of Professor Arshad Sharif came instantly. No one will ever know why he needed to go a hundred miles from his home in London to Bristol, to commit an act of suicide.

After a few days with Bristol bridge jump down another London Professor Vimala Dasibi.

Both scientists participated in the development of the super-secret electronic weapons and were actively engaged in the issue of UFOs.

American researcher of the unknown, a famous writer Sidney Sheldon, who decided to investigate this incident, suddenly came to a terrible secret. It turned out that under strange circumstances killed more than twenty British scientists. Here's a snippet "list Sheldon":

January 1987. The avtar Singh-Gad, went missing, declared dead.

February 1987. Peter Peegel crushed in the garage for his car.

March 1987. David Canas committed suicide, sending the car at high speed in building a cafe.

April 1987. Mark Wiesner - hanged himself.

April 1987. Stuart Gooding - killed.

April 1987. David Greenhalgh - fell from a bridge.

April 1987. Shani Waren - drowned himself.

May 1987. Michael Biker died in a car crash...

None of the scientists involved in the super-secret weapons and UFO problem, not died a natural way. Is this a coincidence?

The most improbable hypothesis that exists on this account, is alien aggression, attempts another reason to subjugate the human race. Not too crazy version?

Frankly, the answer to this question and want to twist his finger to his temple. They have nothing to do, whether that, it "alien"to bring the earth scientists to suicide? Maybe then tried other "men in black" - residents is quite commonplace foreign intelligence services. And yet authoritative Russian researcher unknown Lisanova tend to assume that close to us already has some other reason. In the archives of the Commission "Phenomenon", which includes Lilianova, on this account there is an extensive dossier. Here are just a few facts about him:

1889. In the laboratory Nikola Tesla fixed mysterious signal from space.

1921. Strange signals adopted Guilielmo Marconi.

the year of 1928. Scientific printing reported mysterious "radiage" from any facility located outside the Earth's ionosphere.

1959. NASA has recorded signals from the unknown satellite of the planet.

1961. In the course of the project OZMA search in the space of artificial radio signals group Dr. Frank Drake listened sector of the star Tau-whale. Were captured clearly coded pulses. The Pentagon said that the scientists took the transfer of military secret radio station...

Such facts lot, all does not count.

"Despite the explanations of the military, scientists began to calm down. Astronomers have done two more search engine - OZMA-2 and OZMA-3. And every time -". But endless arguments, "artificial" or "natural", so to anything and not have resulted, - says Galina Lilyanova. - In the archives of researchers of anomalous phenomena, too, can find a lot of interesting evidence on this topic. For example, 27 November 1977 South-West London area of approximately 120 square kilometers suddenly violation occurred broadcasting. Image from television disappeared, and the unknown voice said he was the representative of extraterrestrial civilizations that humanity is on the wrong path that Earthmen have to destroy the weapons of evil, and time for it left a little...

The police are actively engaged in search "alien", loudly promised soon to present it to the public in the court. And later, as anyone and not finding, only shyly waved his hands. The London-based television broadcasting, participated in the investigation, said that not even imagine how good sense of humor managed to realize transfer - too cumbersome and expensive equipment is required for this. Of course, this may all be able hoax. But... Why even in jest not assume that they are already here?"

Developing this version, Lisanova recalls that scientists have discovered a mysterious radioecho from the sent into the sky signals, as if some body has reflected it back to Earth with a different frequency. And specialist on the problems "CC" (extraterrestrial intelligence) P. Braswell assumed it "work" alien probe, secretly circulating around our planet. Further studies were not able to either confirm or refute this idea.

And if it's still a UFO? In this case, ship-uterine "Skeet" landing operation, and rebuild several secret bases... Taking human form, the aliens are embedded in the earth's organizations in key positions, so gradually, not explicitly captured our civilization on the correct path.

"In the world things go pear-shaped - say researchers D. Azarov, and Lisanova. - Humanity is literally on eyes change as a species. Is increasingly becoming a so-called "contactees"hearing "otherworldly voice"possessing phenomenal psychic abilities. Scientists link this with a change in the Earth's magnetic field, which considerably decreased. Academician Century treasurers confirmed this effect in gipomagniemia cameras. People that are isolated with the help of these cameras from external field, manifested telepathic and other unusual ability. But who can guarantee that the planet's magnetic field is changing in a natural way? There are serious doubts in that. Too many unexplained events happening lately. Why, for example, there "belt of madness"covering the Earth deadly ring? Judge for yourself - Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, then Yugoslavia, Moldova, Georgia, Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia, Tajikistan, Chechnya... You say that all these wars and conflicts - political phenomena. But why then they are accompanied by earthquakes, other unusual natural phenomena? Why can ' hot spots" clearly fit into the ring, as if a probe, circling the planet in its orbit, sows under a hostility, aggressiveness, natural disasters?

The list of Sheldon is perhaps just "list of strange coincidences". Or maybe not... Because in the history of mankind the most fantastic and even crazy ideas was often confirmed by reality.
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