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Наблюдения НЛО в космосеThat space exploration people accompanied by mass UFO sightings, is not surprising. Assuming that UFOs are alien activity of the mind, then, of course, they are interested in the question of how we, earthlings, in its aspirations, prevent them. It all began before the moment when the space era began.

First UFOs in space were recorded on 11 December 1955 by American astronomer John Gris. Two years before Sputnik he found ten artificial bodies in orbit around our planet. Gris calculated their trajectory and it turned out that in 1953, they all converge at one point. Later, with the development of UFOlogy an assumption was made that these were space probes, which broke away from the ship's uterus. But in 1955 all conjecture. These ten bodies are also interesting in that they disappeared after a few minutes or hours, and continued to circle the Earth for many years. Only after 1969 command of counter space defense command (NORAD) has ceased to report data on these objects.

The beginning of space era was accompanied by the emergence of new messages about UFOs, this time is closely related to space activities. All messages can be divided into two groups. The first is the appearance of UFOs in the areas of space, polygons, mission control Centres. The second flying saucers, directly observed in space.

When started the first Soviet artificial satellite none of the experts who worked on Baikonur, nothing unusual has noticed. Whether aliens slept breakthrough earthlings into space, whether in the pre-start fever had no time to look around. Not so important. But already during the second space launch in November 1957 the whole process was under close surveillance. According to eyewitnesses, in the day about an hour before the start, aside from the facilities of the Baikonur cosmodrome, at low altitude appeared onua.org strange fixed illuminated object spherical shape. So he hung up the start, and when the missile was launched, rushed followed up and in a few seconds disappeared in the clouds. After a few days of Venezuelan scientist Laroles photographed span Soviet satellite and found that his side were flying some object that making a turn, back to the satellite. It couldn't be the last stage of the rocket, as a second satellite was fixed on the stage. Even then suggested that the interest of aliens caused the dog Laika, the former on Board.

Since then almost any space launch was accompanied by reports of UFO appearance in the areas of space centres. Evidence of this arrive from all over the world, where space activities. In the USSR about it sought not to speak. Only when witnesses have been dozens, hundreds and thousands of people, and it was impossible to keep silent, and there were reports of abnormal phenomena, usually accompanied by the comments that were designed to confuse the reader to him-not even a thought onua.org appeared, that there was something unusual. Blamed it all on fragments of rockets-carriers, ball lightning, on the Aurora. Yes to anything. And in parallel, in the strictest secrecy was conducted a study of all unusual happenings. Only in recent years has begun to receive more or less reliable information about the relation of space activities of humans, and UFO.

Only two certificates with reference to time and in place. In June 1989 on the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome several officers saw disc-shaped object with a semicircle at the top. He flew low over the warehouse of ammunition, illuminating the earth light beam. In the early 90-ies, according to the former commander of the Russian military space forces General Vladimir Ivanov, a little away from Baikonur at high altitude were seen three registered locators. What was it, is unknown. You can definitely say that it was not the aircraft.

Now about the UFOs were observed directly in space. Such observations has become very much when was sent into space in people. And this is understandable. Not always from the Earth can be considered a small object flying at an altitude of several hundred kilometers.

First saw UFOs in space American John Glenn in February 1962. Three objects first persecuted the ship, then overtook him at different speeds.

In may 1962 Malcolm carpenter photographed some similar to the lights and objects flying saucer.

In October 1962 Walter Serra observed a large glowing object above the Indian ocean.

In may 1963 Gordon Cooper saw a red object with a tail over Australia recorded by ground observation stations.

In 1964 astronomers Argentine Observatory "Adhar", located close to Buenos Aires, observed through a telescope, as around the American satellite "Echo 2" at an altitude of 1000 km from the Earth did bends with great speed some sbecause object . Initially, this object was flying on a trajectory perpendicular to the direction of motion of the satellite, then made a semicircle, and flew away. The second time he was moving towards the satellite circled the satellite and flew away. Given that the speed of the satellite was 28 000 km/h, it can be assumed that the speed of this object could exceed 100 000 km/h, and its diameter is estimated to have reached 120 m

Interesting post was placed in the January issue of the American journal "True" (1965). In saying that the first test launch Titan" with the spacecraft Gemini" without crew, which was held on April 8, 1964. It turns out that during the first wrap around the earth about "Gemini" appeared four objects of unknown origin. Surprised scientists and technicians observed these objects took up positions around the flying "Gemini”: two on it, one behind and one below. This provision mysterious objects kept during all round, and then change the direction of their flight and disappeared into space. Article in the journal "True" caused a sensation, and members of Congress have demanded explanations. Try the command of the air force to give these objects are pieces of the rocket carrier was refuted since in this flight the second stage did not separated.

Practically each flight American manned spacecraft was accompanied by a UFO sightings. Even when Americans first went to the moon, and this is not a journey, not without a strange phenomena. When the ship was at a distance of about 60,000 miles from the Earth, astronauts Frank Borman, James Lovell, and William Anders saw that appears onua.org disc-shaped object flying parallel to the course of Apollo. With the appearance of UFOs all control systems and navigation devices ship immediately ceased to function, and the relationship with the Land is abandoned, that made a lot of fuss in the mission control Center in Houston. Then a mysterious object threw Apollo dazzling light, and the ship rocked. There was unbearable sound which caused the pain in the ears of the crew. After a few minutes UFO disappeared with great speed, but the rate of Apollo was broken. Had to conduct an unscheduled adjustment path to restore the course.

Having overcome almost two-thirds of the distance to the moon, astronauts again observed UFOs. He also shone a bright light. Apollo began to go astray, and its management began to falter. Off course has been much more impressive than the first time and again had to conduct unscheduled correction. I had the impression that someone is deliberately sought to prevent Americans to the moon. All subsequent flights are carried out eight, was accompanied by a strange phenomena. These were the objects which accompanied the ships flying the Earth - Moon, and objects that were on the moon's surface and the objects, which started of lunar craters. Only an enumeration would take several pages.

Most sensational should be considered messages about detected on the moon alien space bases. This fact try not to advertise, but on the NASA photos that are officially published, it is possible to consider a lot of interesting details, which indirectly confirm the existence on the moon something unusual. It is precisely by action onua.org alien mind, many experts explain the unexpected and rapid collapse of the programme Apollonia were made three ships (Apollo -18, of 19 - 20), assigned to the crew, defined areas plantings. And suddenly the program was closed. Sensible explanation from NASA so far not followed.

The landing of American astronauts on the moon were described in the book of one of the authors of the communication system project "Apollo" Maurice shatelena called "Our predecessors profit from space" (Paris, 1975) and "the Book of mystery"written by Professor Jacques Bergier and Georges Halle (Paris, 1975). In these books was stated that "Apollo-11" from the beginning of the flight and within two days were accompanied by a UFO, and the members of his crew Armstrong and Aldrin who landed on the moon, observed on the surface of some big unknown objects.

The us national aeronautic and space Agency (NASA) is not confirmed, but also have not denied them.

The crew "Apollo-16" Duke and young, landed on the moon on April 21, 1972, watched the strange objects moving on the slopes of the mountains of the moon, lead to their cameras and up togladiali about it in Houston. Preserved record of negotiations of Duica and young about the observed objects that were excited voices: Duik: Look, onua.org the device of these objects is just incredible. I have not seen anything like this until now! Yang: Yes, indeed, a miracle. But, look, they move up! In addition, Duic and young watched the flight of a large UFO near the surface of the moon. At the same time he was seen, and the third member of the crew of Mattingly, situated in the main block "Apollo" on the lunar orbit.

When the moon landing crew "Apollo 17" 11-15 December 1972 astronaut Schmidt, moving over the surface of the moon, also seen on the hillside blowing in orange object. Later Schmidt reported that observes on the surface of the moon several objects that are very brightly lit. Cosmonaut Evans, situated in the main block "Apollo" on the lunar orbit, confirmed that sees these objects.

With the arrival of Armstrong in the USSR, member of the Bureau of the Commission on TH USEA USSR Marina Popovich asked him about it, which Armstrong said, "Next to us was flying some glowing orbs, but we were told that it was our garbage in bags".

In an interview with the newspaper "Hamburger Abendblatt" in 1974 Armstrong also said that they had seen the unknown objects, but they were too far to say that they are.

And in response to a request from one of our diplomat to tell what they are. in fact seen on the moon, Armstrong right said, "We also gave subscription..." So that information about what really happened during the first landing on the moon, apparently, are stored by the U.S. authorities under seven seals.

Unlike their American counterparts, who are more talkative, Russian cosmonauts reported relatively few facts about his was met with UFOs. Nevertheless, they saw a strange phenomena in space.

The first meeting of the Soviet of space explorers with UFOs happened at the dawn of the space. October 12, 1964, the crew of the first multi-spacecraft "Voskhod" V. M. Komarov, K. P. Feoktistov and B. B. Yegorov informed in the mission control Center (MCC)that they were surrounded by a squadron of flying at high speed objects in the form of discs. It was reported then onua.org in the paper "Komsomolets Kyrgyzstan" of 13 July 1990. From publications of the St. Petersburg newspaper "Range" 7, 1992 became known new interesting details of this event. It turns out, the flight of the spacecraft "Voskhod" was to last five days, but after a few hours after the release into the calculated orbit shocked the astronauts reported to Earth about the meeting with foreign objects. They looked so frightening that the flight "Sunrise" was immediately interrupted.

In 1978 Yuri Romanenko in an interview with the newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva told how in December 1977 they Georgy Grechko within two orbits observed the object, pursuing Salyut-6. According to him, it was a small explicitly metal body, the size of which was difficult to determine. Romanenko even managed to strike it. However he later distanced themselves from his words, saying that this was nothing but a capsule with waste.

About UFO sightings during his flight was told and Georgy Grechko. However, after some time he began to deny himself, saying nothing. 1978 was the most fruitful for observations incomprehensible phenomena in space. Especially many accounted for the second crew of the station Salyut-6. 17 July 1978 Vladimir Kovalenok said onua.org at MCC about seeing UFOs, flying with a speed less than the speed of Salut-6 at an angle to the orbit of the station. In the report of the MCC cosmonaut described it as a tennis ball with the brightness of the flaring stars.

on August 15, 1978 Vladimir Kovalenok and Alexander Ivanchenkov recorded in the logbook about seeing ahead of the rate station of some object that it was close to the station, then withdrew from it. on August 29, 1978, when to the ISS, arrived to the international Soviet-German crew, four astronaut witnessed the emergence of a large object, which made a flight around the station.

Valery Bykovsky after landing informed only, that they did see something strange, but from the details abstained.

Vladimir Kovalyonok, more than other Soviet cosmonauts carried on UFOs. During his next flight he also made in the logbook entry about seeing a strange phenomenon. on may 5, 1981. ... saw the brightly burning ball, reaching almost perpendicular to the direction of flight of the station. Then the balloon took oblong shape like a melon, and there was a double explosion with an interval of 0.5 seconds first, the front and then the back, and formed a cloud of white smoke....

12 July 1982 cosmonauts Anatoly Birch and Valentin Lebedev observed on the screen of the monitor installed on the Salyut-7, as between fireworks and a Progress-14 flew down some unknown object whose image is on the screen had a tear-drop shape. The astronauts reported this to the control Center.

on September 26, 1990 Gennady Strekalov, flying over Newfoundland, ten seconds watched bright, similar to Christmas toy ball. In the same year, Musa Manarov saw a strange object rotating close to the ship. All this was recorded on film.

Probably enough of the facts in order to speak about the attention manifested to the space flights. Moreover, attention is not accidental, but deliberate. Why else with such care onua.org to control the activities of earthlings at all stages, starting from start to rise. As if someone wants to ensure that a flight does not carry anything that might threaten to extraterrestrial civilizations.

Worked at NASA scientist El-Bass, taught us astronauts Geology, said that while not find any reasonable explanation for such phenomena. Undoubtedly, only that we are talking about any abnormal objects are not of natural origin.

Of interest and the statement of the specialist rocket Werner von Braun, published in the journal "Esotera" after strange deviation of the rocket "JUNO-2" from its trajectory to the moon: "There are extraterrestrial forces, the place of stay which we still unknown, " said brown, " and one that is much stronger than we have so far assumed. More I do not have the right to talk about it. In the near future we will be able something to clarify, when we go with these forces in a closer link".
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