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НЛО - все точки уже расставлены?Today unlikely to find a person who had never heard of "unidentified flying objects". While we may treat this issue as it does not disappear from public consciousness under the influence of educational articles, no irony, no ridicule.

UFO were our part of the world picture. It is a socio-psychological phenomenon, the subject of faith? The empirical reality that "fueled" new observations of witnesses? What can say about this phenomenon of modern science?

With these questions we addressed well-known researchers of the UFO problem - the candidate of philosophical Sciences Vladimir Rubtsov (Kharkiv), candidate of physical-mathematical Sciences Yulia this city Matvei Platov (Moscow) and doctor of physics Kazuo Tanaka (Japan).

Mystery left - look for the truth!

Roubtsov - candidate of philosophical Sciences, academician of the Academy of cosmonautics after. Tsiolkovsky (Russia). His dissertation was devoted to the philosophical and methodological aspects of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The author of "the Problem of extraterrestrial civilizations", Kishinev, 1984 (in co-authorship with A. Ursula), "UFO and modern science", Moscow, Science", 1991 (co-authored with Uplevel). One of the authors of the collection "50 years of UFO", UK, 1999

...on June 24, 1947, the American businessman K. Arnold, flying his plane near mount Rainier in Washington state, noticed in the sky nine strange objects. Eight of them were flat disks, sparkling in the sun rays. Movement of them, according to an eyewitness, it was very strange, "like a saucer, sliding on the water surface". Arnold, an experienced pilot, identified their approximate speed - 2600 km per hour.

Having landed, he spoke about what he saw airport employees. History has interested the journalists, it was widely reported in the media. But since the real tracks "flying saucers" could not be found, the message is the same kind from other observers were met with derision. Of UFO sightings were assigned to the category "national mass hysteria", and the Arnold acquired in the eyes of many Americans reputation as a liar and a madman. However, until the end of his life he answered, "Let me call ...a deceiver, I'm not for a moment doubt that saw".

The above case was the beginning of a debate in the USA, and later in other countries, about the strange objects in the sky, which, judging by the Chronicles, legends and other evidence of the past, was observed since ancient times. However, in different times they were called differently - heavenly signs, heavenly pearls, flying saucers, unidentified flying objects, anomalous atmospheric phenomena... But the essence remained the same. In the sky above the heads of the witnesses appeared unusual moving of education, not similar to anything earthly.

Arnold incident various organizations both scientific and Amateur, have started to collect evidence. So, the American participants of the research project "the Blue book" only for one month 1951 received 326 messages of this kind. By the way, the term UFO instead of "flying saucers", and in English UFO, it is suggested that the head of this project E. Ruppelt. Interestingly, depending on the situation in the world, each new wave" of UFO sightings received new explanations: mirages, atmospheric education, optical illusion, secret inventions of the enemy, extraterrestrial vehicles.

To explore these objects was difficult, as the starting point for the analysis was not they themselves, and subjective evidence. The dataset included information so different degree of reliability and quality monitoring, which gave every reason to call a lot of it ' noise" or "trash". And yet in the middle of the sixties the leadership of the U.S. air force has decided to recruit scientists who put everything points above "i". The head of the themes "Scientific study of unidentified flying objects" with funding of nearly half a million dollars to become an authoritative American physicist Econde.

Two, the Commission studied the received message. The main conclusion of its report said: "UFOs are not a threat to U.S. national security and are not space vehicles of extraterrestrial civilizations. ... after a 21-year study of UFOs is not received anything that could enrich science. ...the study of available information makes us conclude that further extensive study of UFOs, probably, can not be justified hope for the development of science".

Point? No. The Commission Condon not satisfy everyone. When several years later members of the American astronomical society said, "Deserves the UFO problem serious study?", 23% of one and a half thousand answered "definitely!". Another 30% is "probably", 27% - "it is not excluded". And antonoma described his own observations UFO! Since then and to this day to explore this issue more than once formed centres and commissions, projects and committees were held symposiums and conferences in different countries of the world.

Primary classification UFO implemented J.. A. Hynek, for twenty years was a consultant to the U.S. air force for the UFO problem. He divided all observations into two groups - "neighbors", located from the observer at a distance of less than 150 meters, and ar". Far" are divided into three groups: "Daytime disks", such as that seen by Nicholas Roerich in the Himalayas, "Night lights"observed, in particular, in 1981, in the valley of Hessdalen in Norway and radar-visual observation, for example, the migration of luminous objects over the plains East of England in 1956, which was recorded in three different radar military air base near Lakenheath.

However, among the General public the most famous became stories about contacts with "pilots" UFO "green men", the giants in silver suits, etc. In the United States there are even the so-called support group "contactees". However, not a grain of new knowledge "contactees" have not been given. The least reliable information should include also rumors that the U.S. military have a whole or broken in the fall of unidentified flying objects, as well as the bodies of humanoids.

American scientist Jacques Vallee put at the centre of their researches, statistical processing of messages about UFOs. He was able to detect certain regularities in the distribution of the number of messages depending on the time of day, population density, social and demographic characteristics of eyewitnesses, etc. Say, given the potential number of observers peak observations accounts for four in the morning. In continuation of these works are also attempts to use for research computer recognizing program.

Now there are several hypotheses. First, the so-called natural, explains the UFO phenomenon as complex physical phenomena: optical and possibly plasma. Subjectivist describes it as a modern myth, that is a kind of illusion, multiplied by the realities of the space age. Artificial implies that all UFO flying machines, earth or extraterrestrial. Supporters of the latter, objectivist, belongs to Vladimir Rubtsov, gather information about the abnormal phenomena in the distraction from theoretical concepts. In his opinion, in order to establish the truth, it is necessary gradually to explain and to separate different classes of messages.

A kind of result of all these studies is the book "Fifty years of the UFO phenomenon"released in England and re-released in Australia and Japan. It is written by professionals from different countries with different positions and covers various aspects of the problem. There is also article Century Rubtsov, called "Soviet UFOlogy in the human view". As is known, during Soviet times, the subject of UFOs were a shade of some intellectual dissent.

So that gave us a half-century history of scientific (and not very scientific) research (and pseudo research) specialists and enthusiasts)? First, an array of hundreds of thousands of heterogeneous empirical data from more than 130 countries of the world, which, according to some estimates, ranges from 1 to 10 % of all observations. Here are the descriptions that are supported by the data radars and photo-, film and video. Secondly, the fact that the problem, in essence, have not even been delivered in accordance with its nature - in the unity of its physical, social and psychological aspects.

The situation, according to Vrabcova, can be changed only in case will increase the number of cases with some real physical consequences for humanity. Or our space technology "hits" on this phenomenon in the process of its functioning.

The problem is of interest

Uplatu - candidate of physical-mathematical Sciences, leading researcher, Institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN). In 1978-96, he was Deputy Chairman of the expert group of the Academy of Sciences on anomalous phenomena, participated in organization of works on the analysis of these phenomena.

"The people of Petrozavodsk have witnessed an unusual natural phenomena. September 20, about four o'clock in the dark sky flashed a huge star", impulsive sent to Earth the shafts of light. This star" slowly moved to Petrozavodsk and, sprawled over him in the form of huge "jellyfish", hung, showering the city with many subtle ray jets, which gave the impression of a heavy rain". Such was the description phenoMENA, printed on September 23, 1977 in the "news".

What was it? The question was interested not only ordinary citizens. He was raised and in official statements in the address of the President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, received from a number of neighboring USSR countries of Northern Europe. There also observed Petrozavodsk "miracle"! Moreover, the public was already agitated other publications these phenomena and lectures Russian ufologists F. Siegel and Vajaga.

Thus "Petrozavodsk phenomenon" became the formal reason for inclusion in the state plan of research in defence in 1978 unusual complex of research work. It was called like this: "Investigation of anomalous atmospheric and cosmic phenomena, their reasons and their impact on the operation of military-technical means and operation". In the USSR launched the state program of studying the phenomenon, which continued without a break of 13 years.

It consisted of two themes. Grid MO" - research of anomalous atmospheric and cosmic phenomena and their impact on the functioning of military equipment and operation (Ministry of defence) and "Grid EN" - study of the physical nature and mechanisms of development of anomalous atmospheric and cosmic phenomena (Academy of Sciences). To reduce public resonance decided to make these investigations are closed. Moreover, the military did not rule out the possibility of using some of the likely properties UFO - the lack of radar-contrast, high maneuverability, etc. in their own interests.

In the USSR created two research center UFO - military and academic. Each of them had their data sources, targets, implementing organizations and heads. The head "academic" directions of research has appointed academician Century Migulina, Director of the Institute of terrestrial magnetism, ionosphere and radio wave propagation Russian Academy of Sciences (IZMIRAN).

In accordance with the Directive of the General staff in the army launched a unique in its scale work has involved huge Supervisory capacity of the Soviet Army. In fact, every serviceman has become one of the potential performers, as in the case of observation of any strange, unusual, extraordinary phenomena he had to report about what they see in writing in the prescribed form and to send these materials to the authorities. We can say that this Directive army was put to 13 years in a mode of mass duty observations of the anomalous phenomena in the places of dislocation of military units on the entire territory of the USSR.

And what? First, it was found: the effect of "Petrozavodsk phenomenon" determined by the peculiarities of running of the Soviet artificial Earth satellite "Cosmos-955". About this ambiguous testified snapshots taken automatically by the camera, which is in accordance with the international scientific programme photographed during this period the Northern lights. They captured developments: first, there appeared a shining point - the torch of a rocket engine, then "light cone", and in another minute - rayed "Medusa".

- Fixed the formation of luminous area coincides with the time the launch vehicle of the satellite from the zone of the earth's shadow, " said Julius Platov. - The development of radiant structure - with the passage of the missile border turbopause above which the spreading of combustion products is virtually no inhibitory effect of the atmosphere. Especially struck witnesses madhusoodanan cloud shape with "curved" rays, i.e. jets of gas and dust of the trail, connected with the specific work of the rocket engine and angle of observation.

Later almost all night mass of UFO sightings unequivocally identified as the effects of rocket-space or tested in aviation and space technology, even if they have seen over thousand kilometers from the place of start. The basic mechanism of the development of such events - the scattering of sunlight on the gas-dust cloud formed from products of combustion of fuel. Particularly impressive it looked like in twilight conditions when the track missiles is held in the area illuminated by the Sun and the observer is at "night" side of the Earth. Depending on conditions, the configuration of dust track missiles and its size can vary widely.

For example, mass surveillance UFO in the night from 14 to 15 June 1980 on the territory of the European part of Russia was connected with the launching of the satellite "Cosmos 1188"Podobnye phenomena were caused also by the launches of satellites "meteor-2" (1981), "Molniya-1" (1982), "Cosmos 1581" (1984) and others. In some cases the observations were associated with the launches of ballistic missiles of both land and sea-based. By the way, such phenomena rather regularly observed and in the Canary Islands, they were accompanied by the test missile launches from American submarines.

The second class of phenomena, which was seen by eyewitnesses as UFOs, was the start of tanks intended for studies of the atmosphere and meteorological observations. Sometimes these objects were alarming air defense forces. For example, Soviet aircraft patrolling the border with China in the East of lake Baikal, found 3 June 1982 unusual object spherical form, prepared for his attack, and suddenly the object suddenly disappeared. Inspection showed that it was unusually risen high and bloated the balloons.

A curious incident occurred on 5 October 1983 in the location of one of the divisions of the strategic Missile forces, stationed in the district of the Ukrainian city of Khmelnitsky. While in the sky appeared, disappeared and reappeared unusual similar to the airship, bright luminous objects on the remote control KP caught fire control and banner indicating a fault in the system of the missile launch. The division commander linked this to crash the system with the appearance of a luminous object just above the location of parts and therefore immediately reported it to the command of the General staff.

Arrived that same night, the Commission found: the source of the anomalous luminous phenomena was aviation ground in Belarusian Polesie in 400 km from the place of observation. Here at that time was carried out exercises staged by illuminating bombs. They were dropped by parachute from a height of 10,000 meters, which provides adequate illumination a large area for 5-7 minutes. These light effects in the night sky above the Belarusian aviation ground and watched the soldiers rocket parts, remote 400 km to the South. It was very rare in the atmosphere effect in excess of refraction.

For the sake of fairness it must be noted: there were unexplained phenomena. For example, the number of accidents involving aircraft, based on the airfields of the Borisoglebsk air site (Voronezh region) in the period 1984-87 period. Indeed, in some cases in the areas of emergency flights observed some unknown objects that have seen and pilots from the cabins of aircraft. They had been observed on the screen of the aerodrome radar stations. To date, there is still no consensus about what those objects are and what role they played in those accidents.

In General we can say that about 98% of UFO sightings over the USSR attributable to man-made phenomena. However, the proposed model is not the only possible one. And for a sufficiently full picture it is necessary to develop hypotheses are as varied as the phenomenon. Their studies are of great scientific and practical interest. However, the most popular explanation of UFOs as manifestations of the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations hardly wealthy - for the whole period of observations was not registered any case of landing of UFOs or contact with him.

Now in RAS even come isolated reports of UFO sightings, but work on the study of anomalous atmospheric phenomena is carried out.

This chance is not zero!

Dr. Tanaka - Professor of the University Gifu (Japan) - works at the faculty of electronics and computer technology. Well-known specialist in the field of mathematical physics, frequent participant of scientific conferences on this subject.

- I was brought to Kharkiv his article with the analysis of unusual stories, narrative which I have found in the ancient book, published in 1825 in Japan, " says Mr. Tanaka. - Its origin - the ancient handwritten manuscript, which, unfortunately, has not survived to our time. The story is illustrated with drawings of witnesses to the event. They depict a woman and a machine or a boat, where she arrived to the coast. The form of this boat strikingly similar to the modern image of the UFO in the form of a lenticular lens with "Windows" along the circle. In Japan, floating means, even remotely resembling this unit, then no.

Witnesses reported: arrived the woman was not her either in appearance or clothing. She smiled all the time. On her head she had long hair. In the hands of the woman was holding a box, to which no one would touch it. The figures also depicted mysterious icons or inscriptions which adorned the device inside that is not yet solved. A short time later the woman took it up again, and he left coast. What is it? One of the myths about the settlement of the Japanese Islands? Or a true story about UFOs?

Scientific activity, in my opinion, is very similar to the addition of the mosaic that is the picture of our world. Scientists painstakingly trying to find new items that can complement the picture. While details of the abnormal phenomena type UFOs exist outside of this mosaic, aside from it. They do not come into contact with modern science. Maybe it's the details from a very different mosaic? In my opinion, this kind of problem is a kind of tonic for intelligence. Science should not be too logical. In my opinion, any chance for joining different's mosaics are all the same. It is unequal to zero!
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