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Русские секретные материалыWe are opening a new series of articles "Russian secret files", devoted to the problem of studying UFO military organizations, and civil structures. In our archives contain many documents, testifying that from the beginning of 80th years in the former USSR topic UFO was seen at the state level...

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "soft" refused ufologists

Nikolay Subbotin

In late 2000, our colleagues from the Ukrainian city of Sumy sent a copy of an official request sent by them to the Ministry of defense of Russia. Just organized in city public organization young researchers unknown, decided to start his activity from the other side of the coin, which logically would have to resort all UFO researchers, namely - to ask the government how it is interested in this issue. Such practice is widely spread in the West, but, until recently, was absolutely inapplicable in our conditions.

Sumy city youth society

"Center for UFO research "CONTACT".

Sumy, Lushpa Ave, D. 22, 298 square

Code EDRPOU: 24014768

For letters: POB 303, , Sumy-7, 40007, UKRAINE

Phone: (0542) 32-54-27

Ex. No. 21

The Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation

, Moscow, 101000


Ask the members of the Sumy city youth Association "Center for UFO research "CONTACT" (hereinafter - the Company), registered August 15, 2000 by the decision of the Sumy Goris-polyoma, certificate No. 363.

8 and 15 October 2000 on the REN-TV channel in the transmission "Military secret" (hereinafter - transmission) was informed about getting exclusive materials from the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - the Ministry). According to the presenter, recently the Ministry has declassified a significant part of his archive of UFOs. In the transfer were shown previously secret lists of UFO sightings in the territory of military units, methodical instructions on organization of observation of anomalous phenomena and survey soldiers-witnesses, unique videos strange objects over the military bases and other materials. The transfer took part the leading expert of the Ministry of problems ANO normal aerospace phenomena Alexander Plaksin, major General aviation Nikolai Antoshkin.

Due to the nature of the Company's research, guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Laws of the Russian Federation Mr. "On state secrets", the legislation on information


give us information:

1) about the opportunities referred to in the transfer of documents of the Ministry, including photos and videos, or their copies to acquaint citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, public organizations, mass media;

2) a list of declassified documents on problems of UFOs and abnormal aerospace phenomena

3) list of documents of the Ministry of problems UFO and abnormal aerospace events that have marked "secret", "secret" or "of special importance", expired secrecy.

Written response to this statement, please send by mail to our address for letters (POB 303, , Sumy-7, 40007, UKRAINE). Copies 1 and 2 of the present application are sent to note their semi-Catala.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Chairman Of The Society Century A. Romanchenko

Honestly, I do not believe in the possibility of any response to this statement. This contributed to several reasons...

First, I was sure that the Ukrainian ufologists would not have any copies of documents, in the best case, this will be the official formal reply.

Secondly, those documents that were shown in the program "Military secret" never was a secret. For example, "guidelines", which says Viktor Romanchenko, known in the army since the early 80's and it was made by order of the Ministry of defense Vladimir Ajaja what he repeatedly mentioned in their speeches and the book "Another life". To obtain a copy of the documents has not been straightforward - there she was, lying before me on the table. Any officer of the strategic rocket forces and the air defense forces, serving in the period from 1982 to 1995, in the ranks of the RA familiar with these instructions. There have also been shown documents that formed the declassified archives of the KGB (125 pages of the official reporting of cases of abnormal weather conditions), which was given to Pavel Popovich (pilot-cosmonaut) in 1992 Deputy head of the KGB Samom.

Third, the letter can be ignored by the Ministry of defence already in accordance with the third paragraph - "please provide a list of documents with the stamp " top secret", "secret" or "of special importance", because the list of these documents is marked "C" or "SS". As a consequence, can be sent an official refusal.

Another problem lies in the other, if we are to believe an article published in the newspaper "Moscow Komsomolets" between Russia and Ukraine have already been friction in connection with the transfer to the Russian party of strategic archives for UFO sightings:

A nontrivial solution for the repayment of the Ukrainian debt to Russia for gas supplies was made at the meeting held in the end of last week the summit of the CIS heads of state.

As have informed "MK" the Russian foreign Ministry, the term of repayment of debts will be postponed for another 5 years, up to 2002, in case Ukraine will give Russia remained on its territory... the archives of the Soviet air defense forces.

Now Ukraine has remained one of the largest bases of strategic bombers Tu-160 and Tu-95MS. Here is the once top-secret summary archive observations of air defense for unidentified flying objects and anomalous phenomena in the atmosphere.

The value of the archive is extremely high for the national security of the country. According to employees of the defense and security Council of the Russian Federation, participated in the summit, on the basis of the data of long-term observations already several times accurately predicted the place and time of the next visit of the UFO. This allowed not only to take precautions (it is no secret that often the abnormal phenomena occur in the vicinity of the strategic objects of type nuclear power plants and military bases), get full information about the main parameters of the object, but even to make contact. Such attempt was made in may last year at the military air base in Poltava region. The results of the Ukrainian side classified.

The Russian leadership was seriously concerned with the fact that Ukraine, exclusively possessing the archive, can make a significant breakthrough in the field of contact with UFOs and thereby significantly increase their influence on the international arena. That is why the question of "ransom" documentation has become one of the key at the summit. After much debate, the Ukrainian side agreed to transfer only part of the archive, which contains data on sightings of UFOs in Russia.

My doubts were justified in a few months, when the Ukrainian researchers have yet received the response from the RF Ministry of defense. But even refusal, was a small victory for the researchers of the UFO problem in Russia is to a certain degree of attention, which previously did not exist. The official response was brief, but gave food for new thoughts.

"The air force did not participate in the ongoing 8 and 15 October 2000 on the REN-TV channel transfer "Military secret".

Throughout the interesting information You need to apply directly to the TV channel REN-TV.

The head of press service

Air force

Colonel A. Drobyshevsky

on November 21, 2000

Interestingly, the response to the statement of Sumy ufologists gave not the press service of the defense Ministry, the press service of the Russian air force. Let's try to imagine how could develop the story statements. November 3, 2000

year (based on input stamp) it has acted in the Ministry of defense, where it was registered. Next it a few days spent "under the carpet"that could happen with this volume of incoming correspondence (incoming number of application 30491, i.e. an average day, the defense Ministry received in 2000 100 letters (drafts)). After reviewing the application and it decided to send the Chief of the air force, from which it can be concluded that the issues UFO "close" is engaged in this kind of troops. During transmission of documents to the Secretariat of the air force to the statement of the Centre "Contact" have added a document (on the second seal in the column "sheets" was first digit "1", fixed the same pasta to "2")obviously cover sheet; interestingly, attributed hand inspector of the press-service to the legitimate request of researchers? The Secretariat of the air force responded very quickly, passing the document "on purpose". Strangely, in a/h 55342 document spent 12 days before Colonel Drobyshevsky gave him an official response. With such a low number of incoming documents (2-3 emails a day, according to the input number) answer could follow quickly. Perhaps, the press service made the request on the possibility of providing the requested documents, or produced an audit of the Centre "Contact", and maybe just a minor for a/h the document was later?

I still do not understand why the answer was given by a representative of the air force, although in the transmission and in a statement said "on materials of the RF Ministry of defense", and not from the Russian air force.

Neither "Yes"nor "no" said no. It was exactly what I and said earlier - the official formal reply. The press service very skillfully jumped at the opportunity to refer to non-participation in the program on the TV channel REN TV".

The documents are, only that no one confesses...

Unfortunately, in Russia declassified documents currently very problematic (even if such documents exist). In fact, to date, researchers have scarce official materials that can be counted on the fingers. While not denying that the problem of "flying saucers" for many years been the subject of studies, Academy of Sciences of the RF, Ministry of higher education, state Committee for Hydrometeorology and the Ministry of defense (about the history of these studies tell Julius Platov and Boris Sokolov in the report "the History of the state of UFO research in the USSR", the latter author, a retired Colonel, in the period from 1978 to 1989 he was the coordinator of the study of anomalous phenomena in the defense Ministry and Academy of Sciences). In the last two years in the Internet appeared several alleged secret documents that describe the evacuation of some obscure objects under "the auspices of the KGB". However, the validity of these documents is very serious doubts.

Ultimately, the real existing documents, confirming the interest of the state

institutions to the UFO problem is 127 page archive of observations of the anomalous phenomena in the USSR (former) and the Russian Federation, submitted by Deputy Chairman of the KGB Samom pilot-cosmonaut Popovich. However, these documents are only a statement of facts that had taken place in the past and do not allow to judge how serious attitude to this problem KGB. I.e. there is a paradoxical situation: all know that the problem is being studied at the state level, but almost no one sees the results of these studies, if not to take into account cosmetic report Platov-Sokolova. And the results should be. According to Platov, the state research program UFO began in 1978 and continued until 1996 (although, according to the available facts, it is still ongoing, but not so formal and large-scale). I.e. over 18 years old from the state budget allotted a certain amount to pay employees, business trips, special equipment and "unforeseen". Obviously, the research program was justified costs and I don't think the results of this programme can be packaged in a few lines, as did the authors of the article:

"...The results of this work have shown that the vast majority of phenomena perceived by eyewitnesses as something abnormal, have quite explainable nature. Mostly they are connected with technological activities of mankind, the rapidly developing in the last decade or with rare forms of natural phenomena".

One of the most important results obtained during these studies, perhaps, is attributed not identify a greater part of the observed phenomena and not even time-the development of physical models of their development, although, in our opinion, in this direction obtained very interesting results. The most surprising is that in contrast to the numerous descriptions of various kinds of contacts with aliens, collected in the collections of ufologists, in the framework of the project, using a huge Supervisory capacity of the army and civil organizations has not been received:

- no reports of landing "UFO";

- no reports of contact with UFO pilots";

- no reports of kidnappings "UFO".

This could speak, or that for some reason, within at least 13 years the territory of the USSR was closed for visiting extraterrestrial visitors, or insolvency of the hypothesis of extraterrestrial origin "UFO". Any serious researcher "problems UFO" should at least be considered with this result..."

I personally talked with the strategic missile forces Colonel, who investigated the case of a landing of a UFO around of a pioneer camp and surveillance two-meter humanoids who conducted some measurements and studies near his object. There are other significant examples. So I don't quite understand the "official" position Platov-Sokolov - "No reports of UFO landing, no messages about contacts with UFO pilots..."

Somewhat better is the situation with documents is in the USA. According to the existing legislation, the American citizen has the right to obtain copies of unclassified documents of any Department. "The act on freedom of information" (Freedom of Information Act) began operating in 1966. According to official statistics, the FBI over the last twenty years the employees of the Office was handled about 300,000 requests from citizens and issued approximately 6,000,000 pages of declassified documents. In 1975, when the first personal computers began translation of documents on electronic carriers. Many of declassified documents currently available over the Internet.

Among the declassified documents from the FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the air force and other agencies can easily find the documents describing sightings of UFOs, paranormal phenomena, the reaction to these events public services, official records of the Federal agents and other unique for researchers information. On the one hand, everything is great, U.S. researchers can clap their hands for joy, and tons to carry home copies of the declassified papers. But... After careful censorship, which are all documents before transfer to the public archive, the most valuable information, which could put the points on "i", loans is fully vimaranes...

A couple of days ago I was pumped from the network of the official documents of the study of UFOs in the CIA and NSA. Rubbing his hands, I opened the first file and was surprised to see only white sheets with official "caps" and vultures... All information concerning research, was carefully cleaned by a censor.

Of course, available documents allow finally to create a specific chronological view of many events, trace their roots and make certain conclusions. But, ultimately, these documents do not give more than what we know.

Thus the situation regarding the documentary evidence of the state research UFO same in Russia and the US with the only difference that we have researchers have no documents, and US researchers piled high with them, but they can extract their practical use.

All as in the series "Secret materials", Mulder, it would seem, already close to the solution, but comes uncle in a simple suit and a cigarette in his mouth, takes away the evidence, and we can only once again to cry over the phrase TRUTH is out THERE somewhere...

UFOs and the national security

The problem of "flying saucers" was the first to be considered through the prism of "national security" Americans. The impetus for this step was the events of 1947, during the height of the cold war between the Soviet Union and the United States. Numerous sightings of unidentified bistrilitsa objects on the territory of the United States forced the Pentagon seriously bespokoitsja the national security interests of the country and launched a number of secret research programs whose main goal was simple - to understand the nature-Doo and the intentions of the data of aircraft.

By 1953, when he completed one of the most large-scale research programmes under the code name "the Blue book", the generals knew that UFOs are not probes scouts and top secret aircraft "advice". And, as a consequence, potential-the real threat to U.S. national security cannot carry.

Since the middle of 90th years is the gradual growing information zombies of mass information about the unusual creatures aircraft, the possible existence of other life forms and mind. As arguments begin to appear gradually army and state archives, showing the true attitude of governments of different countries to the UFO problem. Last autumn, the media has stirred up a wave of sensational revelations of British military about their secret research of anomalous phenomena and contacts with unidentified objects in the Internet appeared several hundred pages of documents containing startling evidence, reports, pictures and drawings.

President Bush, speaking before the Congress, took many by surprise statement that the U.S. budget for 2004 provides for an increased allocation of funds for research contacts with other forms of life, because "there is ample evidence that our civilization is not unique in the universe." Such a statement in the person of the head of state actually acknowledges the existence of alien civilizations and speaks the official policy of the country in respect of this and related problems.

On the eve of 19 December 2002, when it took a direct TV bridge between citizens of Russia and President centuries Putin, the travellers were requested to cover the position of Russia in the study of UFOs at the state level. Knowing about the existence in the former USSR and the Russian Federation military and scientific programs of study UFOs, ufologists hoped not only to get the answer, but to find a way to combine the efforts of military and civilian personnel. However, the dialogue failed. And not only because this issue is no longer engaged in Russia (studies have been conducted), but rather because of the mentality, educated Pavlovskii bans on the publication of materials about "saucers" and the system of denial of this phenomenon.

However, so whether we are well aware of the intentions of the UFO? We know that these objects are far superior to the available technical potential, which is able to develop an incredible speed, radiating fields, negatively affecting those military-nick and people to dive to great depths, to apply powerful beam weapon... We know only what about thesejetty exist, but their goals remain a mystery to us. Silent force is always disturbing, especially when there is no clear ideas about possible countermeasures in case of possible threats...

What they say military and journalists?

"When I served in the army (1979-1981) in defence, we had a secret order, and soon HOWTO (almost identical to the order) about what we do in the case of UFO sightings. On this guidance, we conducted training of personnel (I was the commander of the battery). From our part of the unit was equipped to participate in the study of UFOs. There are places in which they appear almost through the night. Me in this division could not take it, because I was not a career officer, not a Communist and not a specialist of the 1st class. When they came they had said nothing, and I didn't ask, because they understood what "gave subscribe". But when I left the army, they each, in turn, said that he saw. And they saw UFOs and repeatedly, including man-made and very similar in appearance to our technique. Now we can talk about it more or less quietly..."

(Yevgeny Lutsenko. From the archive of the Russian

UFO station RUFORS).

"Increased interest in UFOs and showed the Soviet leadership. Thus, according to the American press, referring to information from a dual agent of the GRU Yuri Popov, the Main thing is-Divadelni management of the General staff of the USSR armed forces in 1952 publishes a secret Directive, in the third section-Les which the agents were instructed to find out what are UFOs, and then naru-destructive air borders of the USSR: a) the secret of the foreign aircraft; b) the special shares imperialistic secret services; C) manned or unmanned extraterrestrial funds, engaged in the research of the Earth; d) unknown natural phenomena...

But this interest is carefully hidden, and in 1952, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU MG Pervushin in its third report gives ideological installation of the struggle with the rumors of "flying saucers" and "green balls"...

(Vitaly Shelepov, 68 plates over the White House

or how UFO quarreled air force, and Navy).

"...the report on the Symposium in the USA in the summer of 1994 American ufologists Gras and Knapp said that they managed to extract and to export from Russia's secret report on scientific research work (SRW) on the theme "Niti". Speech in the document under obscure the name of "Substantiation of the concept and forecasts, the expected results of experimental and theoretical investigations of the processes with the environment" is about the sightings of UFOs. At least, so says the Russian Colonel Gregory Kolchin, which had to do this work. These studies, he said, was held in the military unit N 73790. "Here in 1991 and was drafted this report with a volume of several dozen pages," he says".

"...the report on the Symposium in the USA in the summer of 1994 American ufologists Gras and Knapp said that they managed to extract and to export from Russia's secret report on scientific research work (SRW) on the theme "Niti". Speech in the document under obscure the name of "Substantiation of the concept and forecasts, the expected results of experimental and theoretical investigations of the processes with the environment" is about the sightings of UFOs. At least, so says the Russian Colonel Gregory Kolchin, which had to do this work. These studies, he said, was held in the military unit N 73790. "Here in 1991 and was drafted this report with a volume of several dozen pages," he says".

(Alexander Andrushchenko, Plates watching us,

special services for them. Russia, # 142, 16.11.2000).

"Created in 60-ies in the USSR secret laboratory of "flying saucers" was not accidentally linked to the site in Kapustina Yar. In 1971, at the end of June, in the area of Kapustin Yar many military observed the span of the device cigar-shaped black, which as if were sailing at a height of 800 meters under the clouds. The device is 25 meters long and about 3 meters in diameter had no stabilizers, no wings or engines.

He moved with a speed of 150 kilometers per hour completely silently. Laboratory among their tasks was engaged in problems of antigravity. Progress, if any were, of course, was not made public.

In 1978, the Ministry of defence adopted a programme Grid MO". Center of information collection appointed a special military unit located in the town of Mytischi. In the USSR were created space forces, designed to represent a threat from space."

(Alexander Dremin, UFO mysteries of the Soviet army.

Air transport, № 47, 22.11.2000).

"Military expert Century Acolytes in his time, wrote in the journal "Terminator" on a top-secret laboratory for the study of UFOs. For the first time casual mentions in his memoirs S. P. Korolyov. Again about the existence in the USSR laboratory for the study of UFOs can learn from the interview of the oldest Soviet inventors HP theremin (see magazine “Radio”, N 8, 1990).

In 50-60-es he was offered to head the lab, but theremin no UFOs, no aliens did not believe and flatly refused the offer."

(International Centre for extraterrestrial culture named Lo Wangerin, , Nalchik).

"In Mytischi, on the basis of one of the military institutions was established a special, then the top-secret laboratory for the collection of information and messages about abnormal aerospace phenomena. There came the information from all branches of the armed forces, from the Navy, border guards, air force, air defense, and so on. Really, when was the impact on the personnel, weapons and military equipment, with the participation of our specialists and we were specialists of the most diverse professions, and radioelektroniki, and Geophysics, medical professionals, including representatives of various radiolocation services, - went on site and directly studied the physical traces of influence..."

(From the speech of Alexander Plaksin expert of the Ministry of defense

on the problems of friends in the TV program "Military secret".

REN-TV channel, 8 October 2000).


Time changes things... Three years ago, when I was writing this material, I have had no documents, based on which it would be possible to speak about the success or failure of the Russian program of the study of UFOs, which bore the code name "Grid". From a different source, I managed to get more than 2000 pages of previously secret documents that odnoznachno confirm not only the existence of the state program of study of unidentified objects, but the powerlessness of the scientists before the explanation of this phenomenon. But this is the subject of the second episode of "Russian secret materials".
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