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За что Хрущев обиделся на СталинаThe principle of Stalin is particularly obvious when compared with the behavior of other high-ranking parents who were in the same difficult position. And not even in a very difficult, just when over their children hung any threat.

Remember it is necessary not only to match but also to show one of the reasons that can incite, induce ill-will, a concealed hatred. But as long as we are talking about the birds flying high, then these emotions sooner or later reflect on the great event of national importance. An illustration to this statement is at least the story of Nikita Khrushchev and one of his sons.

I had little contact with Khrushchev, only for military Affairs, relatives did not know what had happened I know mostly from somebody else, so I'm not gonna get, will give only the outline. Several young commanders (I will continue to use the term "officers") spent his time in surround the city, it seems, in Kuibyshev.

Daddy's sons, rascal came up with fun, nerves tickling: shoot pistols in apples or bottle on the heads of their girlfriends, the girls of a certain kind. Well if an officer roulette played their lives risked at least it's decent, but it's other under fire was set. Right in the hotel room, after drinking and bed exercises. In the eyes of the cloudiness in the hands of the weak, and the girls probably heads rocking after the previous pleasures. Here and thrust his son Khrushchev bullet is not in Apple, and right in the forehead half-naked beauty. Outright.

The court did, in my opinion, not very even and strictly. The soldier was demoted and sent to the front. He would be patient, to pochlubit soldier's porridge in the trenches or different in the attack, wash off from itself a shame blood. And he, you see, was offended. And the power that for pranks punishes, and on the father, for it was rescued, and superiors, which belonged to him, as to all, without concessions. And it is at the first opportunity strode across to the Germans.

At first we thought just taken prisoner, any chance happen. Soon, however, Khrushchev, the son began to appear in the enemy trenches with radioseriala, coaxing Soviet soldiers to follow his example, to go to the Germans. Give up, they say, as soon as possible, the war will still lose, and the Germans to the defectors are good: warm clothes, a hearty feed, taken away to the rear, in a quiet place. I want to live - a stake in the ground!

An absurd situation: the father - the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU(Bolsheviks) of Ukraine, a member of the Military Council of the front, organizes the fight against the invaders, educates, inspires people, and his son on the radio, leaflets, newspaper urges all to forget the party, Soviet power and to cooperate with the Nazis.

Here Yakov Dzhugashvili also in captivity, but to betray went not, for the Nazis not agitate, does not bring harm, Germans hold it for seven locks somewhere in the depths of Germany. And young Khrushchev tours along the front line, yells in front of a microphone, instilling doubt, fluctuations in the souls of warriors. It's not just anyone, but the son of known Nikita Sergeevich. Acted. Especially for Ukrainians.

Stalin expressed Beria and Andreev their dissatisfaction: provocateur, a traitor to harm, and we have that, there is no way his throat to shut?! Immediately were given relevant orders to our agents on the other side of the front, and a few days later a group of guerrillas penetrated into the occupied the city and in a short skirmish repulsed Khrushchev Jr, capturing him alive and almost healthy - with a few bruises and cones. The time came to pay for sins. The traitor had to appear before a partisan court.

And the people's Avengers behind the front lines laws were special, worse than the state. And here for the first time intervened Nikita Sergeevich. Called to Moscow for some meeting, he found an opportunity to talk with Stalin about his son. Not defended it, and only asked to be deported from the German rear and judge conventional military court. Of course, there was some chance to save my son's life.

Asked Nikita Sergeevich, even Unijas. Understood the complexity of the situation, but as not to oblige his native... Stalin's response was not immediately given. On the one hand, provocateur already neutralized, and Nikita Sergeevich is suffering, suffering. Maybe it is not necessary to aggravate his experiences? But on the other hand, for the son are not one but several serious crimes deserves severe punishment. Why should he indulgence to give?! The leading comrades, their families in mind, look at them, they demand special. No connivance, and that in fact the hegumen for the glass, and the monks for the buckets.

Stalin ordered to request the guerrillas about the possibility of a transfer provocateur by plane to the mainland. The answer came unexpected and so sharp that it immediately reported to Stalin. The guerrillas said that the capture of the traitor was killed several comrades. Strived for what have been the victim to take the traitor in a safe place to hide from the deserved retribution? This is very insulting. Wounded who complex operations are required, send nothing, and for a traitor aircraft arrive, pilots at risk will send?! No partisan consent.

- They are right, " said Stalin. - Let you judge for yourself. How will decide, so be it.

Traitor was shot. Khrushchev senior abandoned son, he never mentioned that he did not. But deep down, Nikita Sergeyevich kept a grudge against Stalin: he could say, to assist and refused. There arose a sore that was astrauskas then other grievances, large and small, in General inevitable when working together in difficult times. ROS abscess that in a few years will push Nikita Khrushchev in the camp of the enemies of the aging leader.

Burst this boil after Stalin's death: the high party stands will bring vindictive Khrushchev on Joseph Vissarionovich the torrent of criticism, mixing that was with muddy speculation, dumping on Stalin all sins, including their own. Revenge will take darling.

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