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Подлинные мистификацииThe history of writing not only people, but also things: historical documents, relics, material evidence. And always, only it comes to a document or artifact, played a prominent role in the history of mankind, the question of its authenticity. Fakes are documents and relics, the authenticity of which for decades, no one doubted. And on the contrary - in a document or artifact that can't be true, no analysis unable to expose the fraud.

Here are just four of the great mysteries about which write Americans John Vankin and Jonathan Valen in his book "70 greatest conspiracies and hoaxes of all time"...

The autopsy, embroidered with white thread
Forty years hunters "Skeet" I waited and waited any material evidence of the presence of STRANGERS here. They were so eager to believe that the day will come when, as the sulfur rain let in upon Sodom and Gomorrah, skeptics will be brought down from heaven undeniable proof. A piece of metal that had never been seen on earth and processed by technology, unknown here. Photography, leaving no doubt. Or is the Holy Grail of ufologists is a real alien, living or dead: Yes any piece of an alien!

In the USA the first show "recording" looked ten million people.

During the 20-minute black-and-white film two men in white coats reveal strange bipedal creature, similar to "typical alien"as he is painted in the UFO magazines. Or rather, alien "from rock gray": the little bald-headed man with a large marble head. With a full set of things that should have raised the stranger, 't he come to the Earth.

Black-and-white film, shot by camera "hand" - with kicks and rolls, impression "documentary": this texture, unobtrusive reminiscent of the scenes from the evening news, as if disables the viewer question.

Within a few months to display video on TV experts on UFOs were expressed "with very high probability" in favour of the authenticity of this document, after the show the world community ufologists agreed that the film is fake, and quite rude and an unskillful.

According to Santilli, he bought a tape with the film in the summer of whether 1992, whether 1993. Roy allegedly held talks with an old American cameraman, who were rare footage Presley (clearly, Elvis could not appear in this story), and he casually suggested Roy "show something else".

What he saw made swarm to go to find a large sum of money (which is a mystery) in payment for two dozen rolls of film. The statement also said Roy as he became the owner is such a precious document: June 2, 1947, he was summoned from Washington to Roswell and gave the order the "remove everything you" at the crash site "super-secret spy plane", and a month later was sent to Fort worth (Texas), where he had to clear the intrusion of an alien.

How clever the operator managed to hide more than a hundred minutes sverhsekretnoj film depicting one of the most important events of human history, remains a mystery: how bad we thought about our army, such a focus would truly superhuman agility.

Then sensational film four decades gathered dust in the attic of the operator until he guessed for a similar price to offer their Roy Santilli.

Santilli and sponsor purchase roller decided to turn his discovery of extraterrestrial in quite earthly money and began to sell the right to display and printing tape, TV and videosorgasism around the world.

Well, let's try to uncover the origin of "the film documents". Arm yourself with the scalpel of common sense and scissors logic that will keep conceding in the rings of large and middle fingers, as do the surgery, but not as keep their scissors "doctors" from the movie...

These people, from head to toe in swathed in white, do like what you would normally do these pathologists, revealing the corpse, but they treat the body too pale as fragile and brittle subject - and yet too casually.

According to the doctor of medicine Joseph Bauer, work "doctors" would be unacceptable clumsy even the most routine autopsy ordinary earthly dead. Hasty and careless sections of the body and the head, improper retention tools and complete lack of interest removed from "corpse" internal organs (no attempt to measure, weigh, or open - all says that we have before us a bad amateurish performance.

Disgraced not only "doctors" - camera work too, below any criticism. Camera movement and change of plans too melodramatic for military documentary. In addition, the operator somehow kept the camera in their hands, without a tripod, which does not meet accepted in organizations such as the U.S. Armed forces, rules of documentary photography. Those operators that really worked for such institutions in the 40-ies, in one voice say that for documentation of autopsy or other medical procedures used in color, not black-and-white film, moreover, in addition to the operator will be present photographer and installed a second camera on the ceiling. As such events as the opening of the unknown earthlings beings, it is logical to assume that in such case the cameras would be more usual.

Special causes perplexity manner operator at the most important moments move up the camera too close to the object so that it is not in focus. And it does look funny plans when the screen are back "pathologists" and nothing else - as if the operator could not find in the operating room, where apart from him there were only two people alive, the point at which he would see what he should shoot.

Funny looks document Santilli and from the point of view of specialists on counterfeit or on special effects. Hollywood artist and scene-shifter-Stokes ("Abyss", "the Return of Batman", "Robocop") have asked their colleagues and formulated several points summary. Here are some:

- muscle and fat tissues of the body SAG, as it should be at the corpse, on the contrary, fabrics chin, hips and armpits look as if they force aimed horizontally to the feet; this suggests that it is a fake, made with the help of the impression produced with the person (usually come in Hollywood);

- the operator must possess the ability to guess the thoughts - he always puts the camera at the right place for a moment before there will be something interesting. When "Doc" holds the incision from the throat to the stomach, Luggage does not follow the scalpel, and Vice versa - is delayed by the neck until the cut place not emerges blood.

On the background of these findings, especially the ridiculous statements Santilli, in which he promised to the audience a lot of fantastic scenes that "is on the film", but have not yet been shown on TV. He mentioned the phantasmagoric details - like presence in the operating President Truman, " but none of these episodes has not been shown in any channel. And never will. Now Santilli said that other parts precious film "lost", and other "suffered during developing, because it was impossible to make out". So priceless evidence - neither more nor less "lost and broke".

Christianity is political provocation?

18 April 1998 in Jesus returned. Not alone of course, but only his image. Lucky enough in those days to see exhibited to the public the Shroud of Turin, he was able to look into the face of the most famous in the last thousand years in the West of the person.

The Shroud of Turin is a big piece of canvas carrying fuzzy and a faded image of a bearded, long-haired (and frankly quite big nose) men who endured the pain of crucifixion. And not just the crucifixion - wounds and traumas of this person indicates that he has passed all the torture and executions, in which the gospel is the Savior.

In a person with a shroud wounds on the forehead as if from the crown of thorns and wounds from flogging on the back and even extensive stab wound on his chest - exactly where, according to the gospel of John, suffering on the cross Christ was wounded with a spear Roman soldier.

Of course, it seems incredible that to our days came funeral cover Christ. But, on the other hand, it just can't be anything else! The fact that the cloth is woven at the beginning of our era, in 1998 still relatively well preserved, is already worthy of admiration and serves as evidence in favor difficult origin of the shroud. And the main thing - earth science is still unable to establish how occurred on canvas absolutely realistic photographic! - the image of man, died on the cross.

Interestingly, in the first centuries of our era Christ depicted on icons bobbed hair, chubby and clean-shaven young man, but then the Canon has changed dramatically: Jesus ceased to be like DiCaprio and became Mature the man. He stretched thin face, long hair, divided parted in the middle, moustache and beard, also divided into two halves, long straight nose. In short, he has acquired a new appearance - the appearance of the man of the shroud.

And we are talking not only about the General appearance - on the coincidence of the smallest details! Nand the many images of Jesus, created in the middle ages, prominent V-shaped crease between his eyebrows and a line crossing the throat, - all this detail of a portrait with a shroud, and there "scar" throat - just fold on the canvas.

But not only the authenticity of the shroud on the minds. What facts she testifies, if it is genuine? And if tampered with, then what is the purpose? In 1960 scientists-sindonology (sindonology - the science of the shroud) made an important discovery: the man of the shroud belonged to the Qumran sect (that's the way his burial), has created the so-called Dead sea Scrolls.

The connection between the man of the shroud and militant Jewish "order" (the Qumran sect was religious and military organization simultaneously) provides a new read the famous Scrolls and find in them instructions to "true Christ".

The historical Jesus, independent researchers argue Scrolls, was neither a son of God or a carpenter, who came to the sermon or the good shepherd and teacher, whom we know and love, he was in sharp speeches and decisive actions politician who cared more about inciting riots and rebellions than about creating any kind of doctrine. Evangelical same way, suggested to Western culture, formed by the efforts of the Qumran falsifiers, who took such image - us dare to call it so - Jesus.

...Dead sea Scrolls were kept in the cave, where they were found, at least in the first decades of our era, from the time of the Jewish revolt against Roman rule. The scrolls were invested in jugs or cans that the members of the sect were filled up with stones in the caves near the ancient city of Qumran. The contents of the Scrolls is a set of texts in Hebrew and Aramaic languages: Apocrypha, the interpretation of the Bible, theology... But some of them are so-called logs sects" - chronicle that and find evidences, turning everything views of Western culture about Christ and about the history of Christianity.

But what anyone finds or doesn't find in the Scrolls, is a private detective story. The text Scrolls still not published and they do not allow anyone but members "international research group", based at the Hebrew University. This group does not find any sensational information about Christ, or knowingly conceals this information.

This opinion is shared by independent scientists who are trying to fight the monopoly on the study of the Scrolls and oneness of mind in their interpretation. One of them - American Robert Eisenman. On his conclusions were based authors of the book "Truth and lies about the Dead sea Scrolls" Michael Baigent and Richard lay - hot supporters of the theory of Qumran "image" of Christ.

That's what they say

- The Qumran sect, although she had already existed for a hundred years before Christ, adhered to the practices and rituals of the early Christian communities - and it refutes the Church that was not a Christian until Christ (that is, Baigent and Lei claim that Christianity evolved out of a variety of Judaism - this is not the most blatant heresy in their book).

- The inhabitants of Qumran caves were not peaceful worshippers and hermits, how about them - with the filing of "the international team" - it is accepted to think and write: they were zealots, armed fighters for the liberation of Israel (in the present world the methods the zealots are Islamic fundamentalists and Kurdish extremists).

- The zealots were religious fanatics who did not accept any deviations from the laws given in Scripture. True preaching of Christ, who, according to the General opinion, preached tolerance and peace, carried the ideas of the zealots.

- Jesus was a Zelotes, or at least, a politician, sympathetic to the zealots. He profess any religion other than Judaism. And even the text of the gospel plainly stated that among the apostles was at least one Zelotes, the Apostle Peter, whom Christ called Simon Zelotes.

- The Qumran sect is mentioned in Acts. Qumran is called there Damascus, and at this Damascus (and not in the Syrian city) went Roman Punisher Saul, when he experienced a miraculous event which had caused him to turn into "Christianity".

- Saul-Paul Scrolls called "Liar" and oppose "teacher of the right-wing", with which he led the debate about the essence of the faith. Paul, who never met Christ claimed to better understand the essence of his teachings than Christ's disciples, the apostles.

Perhaps Paul was an agent provocateur sent to the sect by the Romans with the purpose to lead a new movement away from political goals.
These findings, we have to admit, turn inside out traditional ideas about the history of Christianity, which for thousands of years has been and remains an ideological Foundation of Western civilization. But, to finally convince the world he is right, Barentu and Leah have to find conclusive evidence that the Shroud was made Qumran forgers, and to explain how it was created...

What Onassis killed John Kennedy

"The Jamestown dossier" - a document, the original of which nobody saw. But pale a photocopy digest "File" at the time was holding nearly one in three Americans. Another would be: "Jamestown dossier" contains an alternate version of American history from the thirties to the presidency of the Ford reveals the secret spring of many events and names the names of international gangsters, Dergachi strings are puppets of American presidents and senators.

The existence of this document, the American people have learned in 1975 from the mouth of an independent journalist Stephanie of Karuna, published its digest "File". Original "File", she said, was a manuscript to several thousand pages, which left behind a mysterious man named Bruce Roberts.

Today it is impossible to determine who was that Bruce Roberts, and generally just install something against his "File". And yet, the contents of the document too unusual and exciting and creates too many questions, so you can declare "doll" and forget.

The events described in the "File", begin in 1932. The main character - Aristotle Onassis, the man known as the multi-billionaire, who took to wife a widow of President Kennedy. Onassis, who made his first million on the sale "Turkish tobacco" (that is, opium) in Argentina, makes a deal on the smuggling of alcohol in Boston. Its counterparts are the Meyer Lansky, Eugene Meyer and Joseph Kennedy, father of the future President of the United States.

Next is a story about forty-three years of the secret history of America (chronicle dropped in 1975 with the death of the chronicler). All these years the fate of the country secretly does Onassis, regiments gradually all functions and attributes "the villain": he commanded the underworld of America, dictates the presidents and the Roman Popes.

In the late 50s Mr. AO actually possess the highest power in the USA. It was he, according to Roberts, stood for an invasion of Cuba in 1963: the mafia did not want to lose the invested capital there. President Kennedy then dared to disobey the commands and turned to the military operation, and it was from him very unwise step: it "threw" American mafia, left with the nose O.

So no one get away with. Onassis, according to Roberts, could not violate criminal law: if somebody had thrown, kill him and take his weapon and his woman (in the case of JFK ~ the Pentagon and Jacqueline).

After the assassination of Kennedy Onassis immediately took control of Lyndon Johnson. He just sent him on Board the presidential plane departed from Dallas, this wireless message: "No conspiracy was not only the killer is a loner, psycho Oswald. Understood, Lyndon? Look, as if your plane never crashed during landing in Washington".

Nixon was also a puppet of the Onassis, and when Bruce Roberts began performing with his revelations, mafia thought it best "push Nixon". Thus broke the Watergate scandal. Those "random" erased 18 minutes Watergate spyware entries contain the words that Nixon in the address "that asshole Roberts". Retiring, Nixon bargained at the Gerald R. Ford entitled "remove" all who could say too much about "Watergate" or "Jamestown dossier" and, obviously, still managed "remove" Roberts.

So who was this mysterious Bruce Roberts and as he went out on the world's main villain? According to Koruna, the investigation Roberts began by accident. He was an engineer who has invented a technology for the manufacture of artificial precious stones ("Jamestown" English "gem") and wanted to sell it to the concern of Howard Hughes. The group was led negotiations with him, but in the end, Bruce deceived, in effect, stealing his invention. Furious Roberts began to inquire about the group and soon discovered that no Howard Hughes long gone (he was kidnapped and murdered by the injection of large doses of the drug people Onassis), and concern secretly controls the mafia Onassis...

So Roberts became a personal enemy "Mr. O" and is by definition the Karuna-the real prototype of the agent 007, "real James bond".

To consider the "File" fraud and misinformation no reason. First of all, because this hoax has not brought no benefit to anyone and did not create a sensation (the two main motive falsifiers of all time).

Rather, it resembles the work of the hands delightfully passionate character, a kind of art version history created a small person, a victim of historical progress... the extent To which this art version supported by facts, we probably never know.

Mythology of the world conspiracy

I have to say: "the Protocols of the elders of Zion" is, horsea rule, are fake. But her story is fascinating historical document: "Protocols" the reason for such a number of political organizations, which have not boasted no other dubious document.

The myth that work Protocols" - secret world government, consisting of malicious Jewish oligarchs, is continuing its March around the world: recently to accuse the Jewish bankers in "the collapse of national economies" has become fashionable in Japan and Malaysia, the countries where Jews are really small.

The text "Protocols" consists of 24 sections and covers over 1200 pages. Each paragraph of its author, one of the "elders of Zion", members of a secret Jewish world government. Each section covers a particular aspect of the conquest of the planet.

From the Protocols" it is clear that "the sagesprepare "world revolution" and inspire citizens discontent with the government. After "revolution" planetary Jewish government will set on the earth with social justice. But real freedom will not receive none: her Ghost peoples will go wherever you want them to lead the government of the Jewish oligarchs. So the donkey yoked to the shafts, going forward, trying to reach the carrot tied to his shafts.

In Russia Protocols" at the time so whetted the hatred of Jews that began and came into wide practice of Jewish pogroms. The tsarist secret police used Protocols" as an excuse for his hunting for revolutionaries, hiding abroad.

In Germany in the Protocols" was also grateful audience: the defeat in the first world war was blamed for not anyone, and Jews, and Protocols" has become one of the instruments of Nazi ideology.

Ironically racist fiction about "worldwide Jewish conspiracy" was born from sources that do not have anything to do with Zionism, nor even to the Jews.

Mythology of the world conspiracy begins in 1797, with the publication of the Abbot of the Barrel, who wrote that the real leaders of the French revolution were the Freemasons and the Illuminati, who are guilty, in the end, many of the problems the modern Western world. In opus Barrel, which became a bestseller, Jews are not mentioned not once, but readers can see each his own. In 1806 Barrel received a letter from a certain Florentine, officer Simonini. Simonini wrote that the Freemasons and the Illuminati puppet omnipotent Jewish sect, which creates a secret societies around the world and nasylaet their agents in the Vatican. He claimed to have learned all of this first hand: allegedly impersonating the Jew became a member of the sinister sect in Piedmont.

75 years after the speech of Simonini topic Jewish conspiracy began in Europe with a Bang: the Prussian postal clerk Herman Gedsi published (under the pseudonym John Ratcliff) novel, in one of the chapters which describe how the Jewish cemetery of Prague every hundred years are going to the tomb of the oldest Rabbi heads of the twelve tribes of Israel to plead the enslavement of the world of infidels. This Chapter from the novel was published as a political pamphlet in France and in Russia, and soon it describes fictional events become accepted as facts.

Those Protocols"that we know today were born at the turn of XIX and XX centuries in Russia. The text was compiled from the novel of Ratcliffe and pamphlet against Napoleon III "Conversation Montesquieu and Machiavelli in hell"written by Maurice Joly in 1865...

This document emarkable that works equally well under the concept of any political Association. In America Protocols" explained quite different phenomena and called for other actions, than in Russia. In Russia they once needed to save the monarchy: all the ills of the country is guilty of malicious Jews - and nobody else, but the American millionaire Henry Ford, well-known anti-Semite, the theory of the global Jewish plot served "revelations" those indigenous social changes that had taken place in the United States after the civil war. The growing influence of trade unions, the influx of immigrants - all this was the work of his hands mysterious Jewish sages. Ford claimed that the Jews control the whole world financial market and the spread of radical teachings. Controlled by the Ford newspaper has written once before, that Christopher Columbus was a puppet of the elders of Zion...

As for Japan, there Protocols" penetrated in 1917. They were brought Japanese military, which enlightened white Russians. In Japan Protocols" played the same role, as everywhere: they reflected the fears and prejudices of the radical nation. Anti-Semitic mythology many served to strengthen the national identity, which has created a stereotype of a Japanese-chauvinist.

In the end, the Deposit survivability "Protocols" - the desire of people to write off all the troubles on the machinations of their Gentile and "immorally" villains. This fake reflects the collective fears and prejudices of any people, and therefore is still alive and zdorovoi it finally happened - in August 1995 with the pump, which is usually rewarded with major Hollywood premiere of the year, on the screens of more than 30 countries of the world showed the documentary depicting the opening of an alien in a secret military lab USA. Film, exposed as if in 1947, after a UFO crash in Roswell, showed to the world of small London videologic named Roy Santilli.

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