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 Загадки, извлеченные из глубин July 11, 1891 provincial American newspaper "Morrisonville times published a note which read: "on the Morning of Tuesday Mrs. SO Kalp made public one surprising finding. When she broke a piece of coal for the fire, they found in it a small gold chain with a length of 25 centimeters, ancient and intricate work. A piece of coal split almost down the middle, and because the chain was placed in it in the form of a circle and two end it was next to each other, when a piece of split, in the middle it was released, and two end remained enshrined in the corner... It is made of 8 carat gold and weighed 192 grams".

Finding gold chain is certainly an event. But gold chain, found in a piece of coal, is a sensation. Why? Yes, because coal was formed on the Earth about 300 million years ago! That is when, according to all the scientific data, on the planet there was no reasonable person, but even APE hominids.

Who made this chain?

And not only it. In the book "Forbidden archaeology" its authors Michel Cremo and Richard Thompson lead facts causing if not to take a new look at the history of mankind, at least to think...

In 1928, working in coal mines in Riverine, Oklahoma, on depth about 100 meters at dismantling the blasted coal found in it... a few concrete blocks. They were the right Cuba side 30 centimeters. All six sides of the cube were smooth. Subsequent explosions coal discovered fragments of wall, made of the same cubic blocks. The age of the coal seam, which was mysterious wall, was more than 280 million years.

Similar wall, only made of slate were discovered in 1868 by the miners of the coal mines in Hammondville, Ohio. On a wall surface could clearly see a few lines of hieroglyphic inscriptions.

Coal mines and quarries, where most often find the mysterious subjects. Depth where they are found, often more than one hundred meters, and the age of the layers in which caught the subject, reaches 600 million years! From the point of view of modern scientific knowledge, these findings inexplicable. And the evidence multiply and multiply...

In 1844 in the quarry of Nengudi (Scotland) found a metal nail stuck in a piece of Sandstone. Age Sandstone was about 400 million years. The tip of a nail sticking out of stone and was eaten away by rust, and the hat was in the rock at a depth of 2.5 cm. The length of a nail was 23 cm.

June 5, 1852 in the magazine "scientific American" published an article "a Relic of a bygone era, in which he told that during the blasting work in the quarry at the mount of Meeting-house in Dorchester after one of the explosions in the pile of stones was discovered metal vase shattered by the explosion of two parts. Parts turned out to bell-shaped vessel with a height of 12 cm with the walls of a thickness of 3 mm. Color of the metal vessel reminded zinc or some alloy with significant silver. On one of its sides was depicted six figures in the form of a flower or bouquet, and the lower part was surrounded by a garland. The image of figures and festoon were beautifully inlaid with silver. This amazing vessel was in solid Sandstone at a depth of 4.5 meters from the surface. The vessel got into the possession of Mr. John Kettele. Dr. DUC Smith, a researcher of the East and the traveler who is familiar with hundreds of amazing household utensils, said that he had never seen anything like it.

In 1871 in Lawn ridge, Illinois, core drilling rig, was found metal coins the subject. The depth with which raised the subject, was 35 meters, and the age of the layers is 200-400 thousand years. At the same time, besides the "coins", while drilling in the area Whiteside at a depth of 36.6 meters workers found "the big brass ring, or bezel, such as those that are still used in the ship's mast, and something that looked like the hook".

In 1889 Nampa, Idaho, while drilling a borehole, under layers of sedimentary rock, basalt, clay and loose Sands at a depth of 91.5 m was found a small figurine of a woman, artfully sculpted from clay. The height of the figures 3.8 centimeters.

on November 27, 1948 somebody Frank Kenwood from the Town Sulfur spring, Arkansas, told the following:

"In 1912, when I worked in Thomas, Oklahoma, I found a large lump of coal that was too large to use it. So I broke it with a hammer. From a piece fell out of the iron circle, and on coal has left its imprint. Work Jill Steel was a witness. I learned that the coal came from Wilburton mine in the state of Oklahoma.

Wilburton mine is a place where not once did the strange findings. Age of coal here is 312 million years. According to the testimony of the workers of the mine, once here in the piece of coal was found "a silver bullion correct form, on which there were prints klepok".

Findings the findings... Who produced these mysterious objects? On "aliens from space" they didn't look like inventory, poorly: nails, cups, coins, chains, clay figurines. Hence their earthlings. What civilization has left these tracks?

Traces... Mysterious people who lived hundreds of millions of years ago, it turns out, literally left their traces. Chain distinct prints of human feet 43 size in 1983 found on the mountain slope of the Kugitang range in Turkmenistan correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan K. of Ananniyazov. The age of these prints of 150 million years - the Jurassic period, the age of the flowering of the dinosaurs. In 1938 similar traces were found in the district Rockell, Kentucky. Similar traces found in the dried-up riverbed, Palace river, Texas, Pennsylvania, in Tanzania... the Age of these traces, from 150 to 300 million years. It is proved that these tracks belong to Homo erectus, the foot of which looks like the sole of a modern person, not fossil hominid.

And this upright man is not only walked barefoot, but... wore shoes. In October 1922 in new York Sunday American" published an article "the Mystery of petrified "the soles of shoes", written by Dr. OH Ballou. It was reported that a well-known geologist John Reid found on the rock petrified print of the sole of the shoes. Preserved outline only two thirds of the soles. Well was distinguishable thread that connected Welt shoes with soles. Then came one seam, and in the center, in the place where the pressure of the foot was the greatest, there was deepening, what would remain from the heel bone, washing and wear-intensive soles.

John Reid brought this sample in new York, where the experts agreed with Dating mysterious footprint - 213-248 million years. Naturally, the "sole shoes" immediately tried to declare "a miracle of nature" and "amazing fake." However, the manufacturers of footwear described this imprint as a printed Shoe soles with Welt handmade, micrograph and revealed all the details of twisting and bending thread and proved the absence of the possibility of tampering with imprint. The analysis carried out by chemists from the Rockefeller Institute, proved that the age of print is more than two hundred million years.

Another imprint shoes found in shale Utah collector trilobites William Meester. Smashing a piece of slate, he saw the stony track, and next to it - the remains of the trilobite fossils of marine arthropods. Age slate with prints is 505-590 million years. Imprint heel embedded in the rock by 3.2 mm more than the sole, and is undoubtedly an imprint left right leg, according to the characteristic of deterioration of the heel. Scientists, of course, had announced the discovery of a "strange case of erosion."

What were the people who have walked hundreds of millions of years ago on our planet in the shoes are handmade? 2 April 1897 newspaper "daily news" from the city of Omaha, Nebraska, published an article "Rugged stone in the mine, in which, in particular, said: "At a depth of 40 meters of one of miners Leehighschool coal mine in Iowa came across a piece of rock that led him in amazement. This stone was dark gray, 60 cm long, 30 - wide and 1.2 m in thickness. On a very hard surface were conducted lines, forming the correct diamonds. In the center of each diamond was good depicted the face of an elderly man, with a special recess on the forehead, present on all images. All persons were similar to each other. Two faces looked to the left, and all the rest - to the right. As the stone was found under a layer of Sandstone at a depth of 40 metres - this is the question that the miners are not able to answer. They believe that where found stone, earth has never been damaged". The coal from the mine Lehigh formed 280-345 million years ago.

Mysterious people left us not only his image. In the late summer of 1860, Giuseppe of RaGEZONE, Professor-geologist from the Technical Institute in Brescia, worked in coral deposits near the village of Castenedolo at the foot of the hill Calle de Vento. "When I was looking for shells on the coral nanos, I fell into the hands of the upper part of the skull is completely covered with the pieces of coral, glued green-blue clay, - recalled later RaGEZONE. - Extremely surprised, I continued my search and found the bones of the chest and limbs, which obviously belonged to a representative of the human species".

RaGEZONE showed bone geologicalgam. "Not having much confidence in the circumstances opening, they expressed the view that, since the bones belonged to a very old individuals, they were from modern burial in the terrace. Some time later I came back to the same place and was able to find even a few fragments of bone in the same position as the previous one". In December 1879 - January 1880 ibid of RaGEZONE via Carlo Germany found lots of fragments of several skeletons. "All the bones were completely plastered with clay, small fragments of coral and shells so that they even penetrate deep. All this dispels any doubt that the bones are buried in the cemetery of people, and confirms the fact that their endured waves of the sea". And on 16 February 1880 RaGEZONE and Germany found a skeleton, "a prisoner in a mass of green-blue clay, he belonged anatomically modern woman". The skeleton was in the blue clay layer with the thickness more than a meter and retain their integrity. "Probably, people in a tragic accident fell into the sea mud, and was not buried, so how could discover blotches lying on top of yellow sand and iron-red clay called "Ferrero," wrote RaGEZONE.

The age of the blue clay of Castenedolo, in the thickness of which found the mysterious remains, 3-4 million years...

In 1883 Professor Giuseppe Sergi from the University of Rome visited RaGEZONE and personally examined the human remains. He determined that they belong to four individuals: adult man adult woman and two children. Then Sergi went to Castenedolo: "I went there on April 14, together with Rigatoni. The trench is dug in 1880, clearly demonstrated the geological sequence of layers. Except for the nearly complete skeleton of a woman, most of the bones were found among the shells and corals under blue clay, as if they were scattered on the same plane. This confirms that the owners of the bones of the drowned by the sea. When the bodies decomposed, waves scattered bones on the surface of the bottom."

Making sure that the skeletons from Castenedolo are the remains of modern humans, who lived 3-4 million years ago, Sergi said: "the Tendency to deny because of preconceived theoretical concepts any discoveries that could confirm the existence of man in ancient times, is, I believe, a kind of scientific prejudices".

Armando Quartette, author of "the Human race", writes: "there are No serious reasons to doubt the opening of RaGEZONE, and if it is made in Quaternary deposits, no one will dare to challenge its validity. Nothing can be against, in addition to previous theories, not related experience." However, the bias against opening Ragozina continues to this day.

RaGEZONE probably did not know that thirty years before its opening, in 1850, also in Italy, three hundred kilometers from Castenedolo, 's fool Savona workers digging a trench, found at a depth of three meters skeleton anatomically modern man in a geologic layer that took ages 3-4 million years. In 1867 Arthur Iossel, Professor of Geneva, made a detailed report about Savonia Nakhodka at the International Congress of prehistoric anthropology and archeology in Paris. He said that Savonia man "synchronous layer, which was found". At the next Congress, in 1871, a report on the same subject were made by the priest father De Gracias who studied paleontology. Stating that the find in Savona in no way is the burial, he noted that the body Savonia man "was found in a spread-eagle position, hands outstretched, his head tilted slightly forward and down the trunk is above the feet as a man in the water. Can we assume that somebody was buried in this position? It is the position of the body at the mercy of water? The skeleton was found on the slopes in the clay that makes doubtful the possibility that the water is moved skeleton from the opposite side of the obstacle. If it was the burial, the upper layers would be mixed with the bottom. However, nothing similar was observed".

...More than a hundred years, the idea of Darwin on the evolution of man from APE defines the scientific approach to the acceptance or denial of the facts. Anything contrary to it carefully screened, and thereby artificially supported comprehensive validity of Darwin's theory. But, alas, disagreeable facts exist...
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