Viewings: 6594
Where did the vandals? No, not modern, have "nothing is sacred"and "it", which eventually became known as barbarians and hooligans.
Viewings: 6070
The Romans considered the Assyrian Empire first "world Empire" and a remote predecessor of their own empires - Roman. But the Romans were prudent and careful: they conquered every piece of the world they had long inhabited and pririsovali to the body to his state. Assyrians also acted as if they truly tried to embrace the boundless. Their vast Empire that stretched from Egypt and the Mediterranean sea to the Caucasus and Iranian highlands and South to the Persian Gulf and Arabian deserts, was pulsing like an amoeba, blazing with riots and simultaneously in fear and trembling. In his time in the world was not the army stronger Assyrian. Assyria was living with war and war. In history there is no other example that the country maintained nearly continuous war for 700 years. And at the same time, the Pythagorean theorem here knew long before the Pythagorean. And it is in the capital of Assyria - Nineveh was collected famous library of the cuneiform tablets - a priceless collection of ancient texts, thanks to which, actually, we know so much about ancient history of Mesopotamia.
Viewings: 4942
Archaeologists have found in Guatemala, in excavations in the area of La Corona carved on a piece of stone stairs letters confirming the last fatal date of the Mayan calendar - December 21, 2012.
Viewings: 5101
Long before in Mexico came the Spanish, there lived an extraordinary people - seers are Toltecs. They were capable of incredible, incomprehensible things. Toltecs was the last link in the long chain of knowledge, handed down over thousands of years. These people were strong magicians, dark and secretive. These sorcerers were unsurpassed masters of the mastery of awareness.
Viewings: 5668
If you carefully look into the mound hills around the fortress of Sudak in the Crimea, or a leisurely walk on the beaches of Koktebel, you will get the fragments of old products Goncharov - glazed ceramics with characteristic green-yellow-brown ornament. It artifacts testifying to stay in these places other civilizations...
Viewings: 4705
In the II Millennium B.C. on the territory of Asia Minor there was the greatest of kings - Hittite. Fit for him were only Babylonia and Egypt. It was one of the first samples of a structured class society, stood for almost six centuries and crumbled under the swords of the foreigners. Fragments of his legacy now scattered around the world - formal and proudly Hittites, etched in stone and bronze, look at the museums of Germany, England, France, Turkey.
Viewings: 4954
Their growth is almost three meters. Their skin changes color from green to blue, depending on the time of year. Their faces - very elongated, the eyes huge, eyelids open up and to the side, as if a door in a single lift. They breathe through the skin, without the help of light. They are bisexual. But most importantly, their souls came from the stars, Sirius, and Pleiades, and on land received physical shell...
Viewings: 6261
In the world ruled by many, but Cleopatra - unique: the last of the pharaohs and the first of the ladies-politicians. Preserved evidence of the contemporaries, who writes that she was prescribed the death of her own love, and found the men, which this condition is not scared; a night with Cleopatra, mad men-who paid with their lives, and the next morning their heads were exhibited in front of the Palace temptress.
Viewings: 5076
Clovis, who came to America from Siberia, Trypillians themselves with burning their cities, ancient Anasazi Indians and other forgotten peoples, the legacy of which today may show every
Viewings: 5743
Could the ancient Egyptians to use in combat helicopters and airplanes? The pyramids and temples of Ancient Egypt for thousands of years attracted the attention of historians. Yes, there's no reservation - it is not the first thousand years before our era the Greeks are very keenly interested in the culture and history of the kings on the great Nile and even wrote about them the whole volume of the study. Some of them survived to the present day. It would seem that for such a huge period of time all the famous monuments had to be investigated thoroughly investigated, and nothing new to find in them at all desire it is simply impossible. But it is not so...
Viewings: 5878
Одна из самых таинственных и загадочных достопримечательностей Рима – вечного города – это, бесспорно, Колизей. Его название берет корни в латинском слове Colosseus – «огромный», «колоссальный». Но у Колизея не только древняя история. Говорят, что в нем обитают загадочные монстры – или призраки, или существа, живущие в другом мире.
Viewings: 5091
Тех, кто «осквернил» гробницу юного египетского царя Тутанхамона, постигли несчастье, болезнь и внезапная смерть. Неужто и впрямь они стали жертвами трехтысячелетнего проклятия?
Viewings: 5114
В Калифорнийском научном центре открылась выставка "Клеопатра: Поиск последней королевы Египта".
Viewings: 4099
«Представьте себе совершенно сплющенного клопа, живущего на поверхности шара. Этот клоп может быть наделен аналитическим умом, может изучать физику и даже писать книги. Его мир будет двумерным. Мысленно или математически он даже сможет понять, что такое третье измерение. Но представить себе наглядно это третье измерение он не сможет. Человек находится в таком же положении, как и этот несчастный клоп, с той лишь разницей, что человек трехмерен.