Viewings: 6798
 The tale of Tibet is just another weapon in the ongoing information war waged by the Dark Forces against all people of the white race on the planet. It was time for us to know the whole truth about this great deception...
Viewings: 6012
 "In a sepulchral silence we got up on the plateau, leading the horses by the reins. Awful view opened our eyes. The stone was not the end. We went exactly huge abandoned home and held her horses, trying not to knock "on the floor". Nothing living around: neither bird nor nomads, not a single blade. If I was told that there is such a country, I'd never believe that..."
Viewings: 5680
 Russian researcher of the paranormal Valery Kachanov a few years ago, cut out from a magazine photo mysterious Peruvian drawing on stone and realized that he could not rest until, until he will uncover the meaning of each line and hook. Having studied a lot of foreign and domestic literature, met with a dozen "luminaries" in this field, made a sensational discovery, deciphering the world famous image in the Nazca desert. According to his version "Candelabrum of Paracas" - one of the Central figures of Nazca, is nothing other than... the passport of the Land left behind by an alien civilization.
Viewings: 4616
 For several decades it says the Swiss Erich von d?niken. His first book on the subject, "memories of the future. Unsolved mysteries of the past", was released in 1968 She immediately glorified the author. In it he wrote: "a Lot of things that seems archaeologists mysterious, explained very simply. Our ancestors tried to tell about the events, the meaning of which they could not comprehend, and because of the stories they are so vague."
Viewings: 5733
In Egypt discovered two previously unknown complex of pyramids. According to the British Daily Mail, opening belongs to the American archaeologist Angela of Mikol.
Viewings: 6033
 Underwater archaeology about 100 years. And during this time, researchers have made many surprising discoveries. So, in different parts of the globe at the bottom of reservoirs repeatedly found mysterious structures, similar to the ancient Egyptian pyramids...
Viewings: 6956
 Images of the gods with the heads of animals and human bodies are found in different Nations. It is possible that these beings are the fruit genetic experiments aliens.
Viewings: 8716
 Titus Libya, the Bottom Cassius, Pliny the Elder, and other Roman authors unconditionally took the position that everything on Earth foreordained, believed that on the threshold of great events gods give to know them heavenly signs.
Viewings: 4800
 Many archaeological monuments surrounded by a halo of mysterious legends. And not without reason! According to researchers, the ancient constructions are often located in anomalous zones.
Viewings: 4646
 It is well known that "Dvurechye" is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where was born the oldest centers of civilization and where now is Iraq. But the second anniversary is in America. It is located in the Southeast of Mexico, in the state of Chiapas, occupying a hilly, covered with forest plateau between the two flowing rivers - Grihalva and Usumacinta. Before Christ there was inhabited by Indian tribes Maya, who created many small kingdoms, warring with each other.
Viewings: 5783
 Tiahuanaco that the language of the Incas is translated as "Dead city", is one of the most mysterious historical monuments not only modern Bolivia, but throughout pre-Columbian America.
Viewings: 4997
 Under water there is civilization young revoluta, and people sometimes do. Anthropologists believe that in the Quaternary period, when it started to get cold, the ancestors of the people led a semi-aquatic way of life at the coast of the Indian ocean. Long swimming gradually led to the disappearance of hair, the formation of subcutaneous fat, and diving to the development of gills.
Viewings: 6698
 Stonehenge, if you believe the accepted methods of Dating, a bit younger than the famous Egyptian pyramids. But among the ancient seven wonders of the world he entered not - nothing about him write either Greek or Roman authors Probably Romans these stones are not impressed, because they saw the Egyptian pyramids, they built majestic temples. Today it is impossible to determine who was the first biographer of Stonehenge. Already to the XII century all the information about its origin dissolved in myths and nobody remembered the true purpose of the monument. Who built it?
Viewings: 6089
 The existence of the pyramids at the bottom of the American Rock lake there is no doubt. But who was able to build 10 thousand years ago, when the lake's bottom was still land ? What a mysterious civilization existed in those distant times, when, according to the scientists, only a small primitive tribes were fighting for their survival in the vast North American continent.
Viewings: 8749
 About 2000 years ago, one of poorly known South American civilizations created these mysterious image. In the vastness of the Peruvian desert Nazca these lines, drawn by Red rocks wilderness, represent more than 100 known plants and animals, simple geometrical figures, as well as a scattering incomprehensible, not related to each other straight lines. There are many theories explaining their meaning and answering the question why they were drawn, but their true purpose still remained a real riddle.