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American scientists studied the star Sao 206462 and its protoplanetary disk.
During the observation of a star Sao 206462 scientists have found that gazopylevyh disk that surrounds this star has pronounced spiral structure with the same arms, which are usually observed in spiral galaxies.
At this stage, this spiral gazopylevyh disk can hide exoplanets at the stage of their formation.
In principle, astronomers have long known that protoplanetary disks form the planet, but for the first time scientists discover gazopylevyh disk spiral structures around the star.
Using a scientific instrument HiCIAO that is installed on the Japanese Subaru telescope, astronomers were able to photograph the star SAO 206462 and its gazopylevyh disk with two spiral arms.
Now scientists believe that their recent study could become a new indirect method for detecting exoplanets around the Central stars.
The image of the disk around the star Sao 206462 blocking direct light from the Central star, which is shown on the photo as a black round region. Arrows indicate two spiral arm of the disk around the star.
At the moment, these discs as well as processes that occur in them, remain a mystery for scientists.
Star SAO 206462 is 460 light years from Earth in the constellation Lupus. Astronomers believe that the age of the star is about 9 million years. As the radius of the disk is 20 billion kilometers.