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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 5440
Странности «поющих» болидовIn encyclopedia article about the car, they say, in particular, the following: "Sometimes in the sky suddenly appears rushing fireball. Behind him there is the fire tail, scattered sparks, and then remains weakly glowing foggy trace. This fireball is called the Greek word "car", which in Russian means "throwing weapon".
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Viewings: 5046
Наша Вселенная выдыхаетсяAccording to the most complete at the moment the investigation of the age of the night sky, a large part of the stars that ever will exist, have already appeared. About it says Iain Steadman in Wired Magazine (USA).
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Viewings: 4878
Британские астрономы рассказали о грядущем солнечном затменииAccording to the astronomers, November 13 GMT on Earth there will be a full solar Eclipse, and its impact will be seen to be felt by people in all corners of the planet. And it's no wonder Vedic astrology Sun is responsible for the vitality, health, will-power, ability to operate and manage. Astrologers warn that the high activity of our luminary can deprive some people of these qualities, worsening health. Experts advise not to plan anything for that day and to refrain from making important decisions. The shadow of the Eclipse will not affect Russia, and see him only South of the Pacific Ocean.
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Viewings: 6463
Зачем покупать телескопTelescopes are sold on every corner and available to everyone. But does it make much sense this purchase, and will not turn out whether she expectations?
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Viewings: 4672
Планеты Солнечной системы - ровесникиIt is believed that all the planetary systems are formed of two components - of chondrules and calcium-aluminum inclusions (CAW). For a long time scientists thought that both of these components were formed at different times: first appeared KAV, but after a few million years appeared and Hendry. But recent studies have shown that most likely they were born at the same time.
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Viewings: 5411
На следующей неделе можно увидеть три «звездных дождя» November rich streams of Meteora, and next week you will see three streams, the most well will be seen Leonids.
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Viewings: 5317
Самые страшные вещи в космосеThe cosmos is full of quaint and even terrible phenomena, ranging from the stars that sucked the life out of their own kind and to the giant black holes that are billions of times larger and more massive than our Sun. Some of the most terrible things in space.
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Viewings: 4224
Новый пульсар делает 11 000 оборотов вокруг собственной осиA group of astronomers from Germany and the USA opened the brightest and the young of rapidly rotating stars. Researchers say the discovery as a very old and very young and rapidly rotating stars suggests that such objects can be significantly more common in the Universe than previously thought.
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Viewings: 5280
NASA решило покорить обратную сторону ЛуныNASA seriously think about how to send astronauts in the vicinity of our natural satellite, and, most likely, will make public their plans now, after the election of President Barack Obama, at least so say the experts.
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Viewings: 5193
НАСА и ЕКА успешно протестировали межпланетный интернет на МКСNASA and the European space Agency (ESA) has successfully tested the transfer of data from the ISS to the Earth with interplanetary Internet new data transfer Protocol that will be used during the expeditions into space, the press service of the space Agency.
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Viewings: 5947
Астрология и магияAstrology is an inherently magical art. However, astrologers believe that our fate is written in the stars, but as they firmly believe that the influence of the stars person can use to your advantage.
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Viewings: 3817
Около звезды 49 Кита кометы сталкиваются каждые шесть секунд49 China, from which we are separated by some 189 light years away, would be the most common star, if not the environment. It would seem, and spectral A1VC class is not as rare as the blue giants (though not as frequent as red dwarfs), and metallicity the most that neither is common, and mass (2,17 sun) is not extraordinary. But there is an important detail: around it at a distance and fifty. that is a lot of gas, this cloud.
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Viewings: 6639
Шестая планета вокруг оранжевого карлика находится точно в середине обитаемой зоны и возможно обитаемаLuminary HD 40307 from the constellation of the Painter, member of the spectral type K2,5V, since 2008 it is known as the owner of three "supertall" with the masses 4.2, 6,7 and 9.4 times bigger than earth and astronomical year 4.3, 9.6 20,4 earth days. But subordinate to the star, the planet could hardly be candidates in the life carriers of the earth type. The orbits of all three removed from the parent star for no more than is 0.135 and. that is, For comparison, note that mercury and the Sun shares of 0.3 a. that is, Even with the smaller one quarter of the mass and luminosity orange stars temperature of these supersemar" too high for the development of complex earth-life.
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Viewings: 3849
Потенциально обитаемая планета обнаружена в 40 световых годах от ЗемлиAstronomers have discovered near the star HD 40307, located in 42 light years from Earth, the planet, a potentially suitable for life, said in an article published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
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Viewings: 5124
Всё во имя науки: НАСА разрушит новый космический аппаратNASA scientists are conducting the work associated with the establishment of the satellite, which was not launched into outer space, and purposefully will be destroyed on Earth.
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