Viewings: 6650
In different parts of the world, on all surface of the Earth are special points that mystics have called "Places of Power". These singular points of the planet are the custodians of the divine wisdom, they have special power and bear consciousness certain light codes that are beneficial for the physical and spiritual health and is able to reveal the secret ancient knowledge, finding that he will be able to use them for the benefit of themselves and others.
Viewings: 5522
"Stargate", "magnetic portals", vortices in space: science-fiction writers gave the concept of extraordinary about it corridors in space / time, all sorts of names to explain how travelers from distant regions of space, time or both categories come to Earth. However, this is only a trick of science fiction to tell a good story, right?
Viewings: 5270
Comet Halley, the Creator of a meteor shower orionids covering our skies each October, hit the lens probe "Giotto" March 14, 1986. We are accustomed to the Hubble and Cassini, it is useful to recall how things were just a quarter of a century ago.
Viewings: 5274
NASA successfully ended three rounds of trials of promising inflatable aerodynamic braking shield. This is one of the key parts of future unmanned vehicles, which will land on the different bodies of the Solar system.
Viewings: 5563
Recently it became known that the company SpaceX is developing a special engine for the new missile, which is not only more Falcon 9, but also surpass the rocket NASA SLS, can lift the space of 130 tons of cargo.
Viewings: 5566
Specialists NASA, supported by a number of U.S. companies are already planning over the next few years to go to the moon first batch robots are extraction of water ice. It is believed that ice is concentrated at the poles natural satellite of the Earth.
Viewings: 5660
The opening of the new exoplanets, which is not linked to any star, perhaps, has little surprises. Over the past few years, astronomers have discovered such lonely worlds, they already know so much, that, in opinion of scientists, lonely wandering through the Universe the planet are the rule rather than the exception.
Viewings: 5959
As if mankind would like to the stars, if it does not develop a way to obtain huge amounts of energy almost effortlessly, his nearest significant cosmic perspective will territorialnye of Mars. Remind: to get to him, enough to accelerate to 1/10 000 light speed, and then would slow down - and this is unrepresentable easier than travelling with light velocity. Because fuel vehicle in space have to bear with me. Therefore, the growth speed of travel in 10 thousand times causes the same increase of fuel stocks, which in turn calls... And so on! But still it will be necessary to brake...
Viewings: 5198
Space telescope "Hubble" depicted here scattered spiral galaxy ESO 499-G37.
Viewings: 5239
Why the world looks so, and not otherwise? As he really is arranged? Why it happens, what we call miracles, and why there are physical laws? Is it possible to learn to control reality and the events that occur around us? There is only one theory that explains it: the so-called material world simply does not exist...
Viewings: 4417
Not so far from the Earth found another planet, which scientists call wandering or traveling, and some even tend to call them planets-orphans.
Viewings: 4751
The Orion nebula, the most studied star cluster space, actually is a complex mixture of two star clusters, as shown by new research. Using high-resolution images taken by the camera MegaCam telescope Canada-France-Hawaii, astronomers have identified a massive cluster of young stars in NGC 1980 and were able to more precisely to separate education from the primary accumulation of the Orion nebula.
Viewings: 4527
The French national center of space research (Centre National d'?tudes Spatiales, CNES) reports that space telescope CoRoT (COnvection ROtation and planetary Users November 2, 2012 fell victim to a fatal error in software. Although the spacecraft is still functional ("hardware" OK), data transfer 30-centimeter telescope on the Ground was broken. Most likely, finally.
Viewings: 4293
Nikola Tesla is widely known as champion AC, wireless electricity and "ray of death", but some of his fans probably will not be happy some forecasts scientist relative future science and culture. He predicted not only the coming of the workaholic-robots, which will allow the person to rest, and to end wars with the advent of super-weapon, but also the distribution in the XXI century eugenics saying that mankind is high time to improve.
Viewings: 4264
By November 20 the famous meteor rain "Leonid" reaches its peak. It meteors very fast (about 40 kilometers per second) and can leave traces of smoke in the atmosphere. They move in the constellation Leo, and may range in color.