Viewings: 8035
 Will we learn someday walk through walls? Build starships, capable of flying faster than light? To read minds? To become invisible? To move objects with their mind? To instantly overcome space?
Viewings: 11319
 Whether alternate universes have the right to exist? In Hollywood they have become a favorite tool of cinematographers; as an example we can cite the episode of "Star trek" called "Mirror, mirror". Captain kirk accidentally gets into a strange parallel universe, where the Federation of planets is a sinister Empire, the unity of which is provided by brutal conquest, greed and robbery. In this universe Spock is terrible beard, and the captain kirk is the leader of the gang greedy pirates, always ready to turn your opponents into slavery and kill their own commanders.
Viewings: 7476
 In "Star wars" is an episode. "Millennium Falcon" with the heroes - Luke Skywalker and Han Solo on Board, takes off from a desert planet Tatooine and meets in orbit around the world squadron of the Imperial warships. The Imperials started shooting at the vehicle of our heroes of the combat lasers, volleys which always breaks his protective field. The forces are not equal, "Sokol" frankly loses to an opponent in agaevoy power. Han Solo throws ship from side to side, dodging the fire, and shouts that their only hope - jump in the "hyperspace". At the last moment hyperspace engines work. All the stars around suddenly burst klepaski converging rays and rush to the center of the review screen. Opens the "hole"through which "Millennium Falcon" is going to hyperspace and freedom.
Viewings: 7649
 In the best-selling Dan brown's "Angels and demons", which preceded it as "the Code Yes Vinci", the action is centered around the plot of a small group of extremists-"Illuminati"; the conspirators wanted to blow up the Vatican bomb of antimatter stolen from a nuclear laboratory CERN near Geneva. The conspirators know that the result of contact of matter and antimatter should be grandiose explosion, many times more powerful than the explosion of the hydrogen bomb. Although the bomb from antimatter - the fruit of imagination of the author, in itself antimatter is quite real.
Viewings: 8324
 One day in the distant future it will be our last quiet day on Earth. Someday, over billions of years, the sky is on fire. The sun will swell fiery ball raging hell will fill the heavens. The temperature on Earth will jump sharply, the oceans will boil and evaporate, leaving charred parched desert. The mountains gradually melts and flows of lava flows on the site where once stood the full life of the city.
Viewings: 8324
 Huge, amazing spaceship run for several miles hanging right above Los Angeles; he fills the sky and gives birth in the city ominous darkness. Fortress in the form saucers take positions at key points above the planet - above the main cities of the world. Hundreds of jubilant spectators gather on the roof of a skyscraper, closer to the star guests; earthlings want to be the first to welcome the alien visitors in Los Angeles.
Viewings: 6006
 Irregular galaxy NGC 5253, taken space telescope "Hubble", is one of the closest to us famous blue compact dwarf (BCD) of galaxies. To it about 12 million light-years. It is located in the direction of the constellation of the southern hemisphere Centaurus.
Viewings: 7021
 "There are still three other cycle that should be aware of. The first cycle is the most important of all, he's even stronger than the precessional cycle. We call it the galactic shift. It is discussed in more detail in the next Chapter. Two other relatively weaker compared with the first and will be discussed here.
Viewings: 5127
 A group of astronomers under the leadership Naum arava from Virginia Polytechnic University (USA) with the help of "Very Large Telescope (VLT) of the European southern Observatory discovered quasar with the most powerful ever seen jets - emissions of the substance from the vicinity of a black hole. He at least five times more powerful than any known predecessor, which seems to confirm the existence of heavy duty emissions for several years predicted by theorists.
Viewings: 5848
 Physics doubted whether our real world? And if it's a matrix, as in the same movie?
Viewings: 8914
 The first indirect mention of the problem of parallel worlds can be found in the works of Greek and Roman philosophers of the ancient time.
Viewings: 5066
Spanish company Zero 2 Infinity works a kind of low-end sector of space tourism, planning to put on stream turpreti on the stratospheric heights up to 36 km, where the black sky, the Earth is round, and the stars in brightness almost do not concede to the cosmos.
Viewings: 5335
 Astronomers under the leadership of REMCO van den Bosch (Remco van den Bosch) from the Institute of astronomy of max Plank Society (Germany) has opened an exceptional phenomenon - a supermassive black hole weighing more than any other known. She 14-20 billion times heavier than the Sun, so in 4 thousand times larger than the largest supermassive black hole in our Galaxy.
Viewings: 4327
 The real prospects of space exploration is now seen as the colonization of Mars. Probably, sooner or later it will happen. Here only in order to place a colony or inhabited base, will create the conditions close to the earth. So we have to terraforming Red planet is to change its climatic conditions artificially.
Viewings: 4070
Heavenly body noticed telescope "Wizard" Irkutsk Observatory - it works on astrophysical site in Tunka valley. The asteroid was named 2012 VG82. Its cross-size - two kilometers, and now he is at a minimum distance from the Earth is only 110 million kilometers. Orbita VG with the trajectory of our planet does not intersect, so the Ground is out of danger.