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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4245
На Шри-Ланке обнаружен скелет древнего человека, жившего 37 тысяч лет назадIn Sri Lanka was found the skeleton of a man who lived 37 thousand years ago. The finding may be the oldest evidence of habitat areas of South Asia "Homo sapiens" or "person".
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Viewings: 5162
Туристов отправят к Луне в старых шпионских капсулах.Полететь к спутнику Земли можно будет уже в 2015 годуTourist flights to the moon intends to organize by 2015 British company Excalibur Almaz. The price of the journey to the Earth's $150 million. To deliver tourists will be old Soviet station intended for espionage, writes The Daily Mail.
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Viewings: 3425
Ученый шантажирует сообщество разгадкой тайны «неизвестного вулкана»"We have a new and irrefutable evidence that reveals the secret of the mysterious eruption in the history of Volcanology," says Frank lavigne.
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Viewings: 4245
Водолазы спустились к НЛО на дне БалтикиSwedish divers inspected the mysterious object at the bottom of the Baltic sea and shot it. As the saying goes on the official site of the organizers of the expedition, none of them had not seen anything like it.
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Viewings: 3750
Солнечная энергия: в Одесской области построят электростанцию за 100 миллионов долларовThis year in Odessa region are going to start the construction of ten solar power plants with the capacity from 1,5 up to 4 MW each. On the eve of the Israeli company SunElectra confirmed its intention to invest in the project $100 million "We continue to work on land acquisition, obtaining all necessary permits and approvals. I hope that in a few months we will proceed to the construction", - told reporters the founder and Director SunElectra Peter ROS.
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Viewings: 3362
В гомельских реках плавает опасная для здоровья человека рыбаIn the Gomel region epidemiologists have tested different kinds of fish caught in the river Pripyat and Sozh, and concluded that more than 20% of the fish potentially dangerous for human health. Thus, every fifth fish were zarazena larvae parasitic worms - opistorhoz, flat worm.
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Viewings: 5181
15 июня: приближение к Земле огромного астероида в полночь покажут в прямом эфиреSpace rock that in the length may exceed half a kilometer, will be held from the Earth at a safe distance, but will give to consider themselves in a telescope.
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Viewings: 3704
НАСА уточнило место посадки нового марсианского вездеходаNASA say that the new American Martian Curiosity is getting closer to the surface of the red planet and in August he will have to make it fit. According to experts, they will try to put the device as close as possible to the point of his initial research. Due to the fact that this point is close to the mountain area, landing promises to be a very difficult operation.
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Viewings: 3254
Hundreds of people gathered on Tuesday at the Moscow Planetarium, where he was declared the day of open doors. All was occupied with seven in the morning. However, it is normal turn, according to witnesses, organized was not. At the entrance hustled, security with a situation could not cope, TV channel "Russia 24".

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Viewings: 6335
В Днепре появились субтропические рыбы и медузыIn the Dnieper river wound up subtropical fish: from 56 native species that live in the main river of Ukraine, 18 - "parapluie”, and among the newcomers is the utter exotics - piranhas, jellyfish, snakeheads, wrote in Saturday "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine”.
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Viewings: 5782
"In the sky flies the sphere with bright light train, what to do?" such messages that night came to the police and an ambulance from residents of Israel, Lebanon, Turkey and several countries which saw a UFO. It was still unknown. Local media immediately put forward several versions. In addition to the classic - alien invasion suggested the fall of the satellite, meteor, and the consequences of the deployment of Russian ballistic missiles.

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Viewings: 3828
В Китае сотни миллионов человек не имеют доступа к безопасной водеChina is one of the countries that are experiencing severe water shortages. This problem is aggravated by the continuously increasing pollution of scarce water resources.
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Viewings: 3253
Метеорологи заявляют, что в ближайшее время в Украине можно будет наблюдать различные погодные катаклизмы. Синоптики предупредили: в одном городе будет одновременно несколько времен года, нас ждут глобальные наводнения и засухи, а также локальные смерчи...

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