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The myth of "the effect of 25th frame" proved remarkably resilient: although it was repeatedly exposed, mentioning it as something real still appear in the media. Moreover, in a number of States have laws prohibiting the use of this most notorious effect during the demonstration on television commercials.
The most interesting is that the majority takes it for granted that rather strange: if there is a law on the prohibition of flights of Baba-Yaga in the daytime above the center of Moscow, all would think the mental health of the legislators, but the same absurd laws prohibiting the 25th shot as normal. Although this effect is the same invention as the flights of Baba-Yaga. But let us all in more detail.
Actually, what is this the 25th shot? Traditionally it is believed that the human eye is viewing the movie, can't discern more than 24 frames per second. Actually it is not so: the ability of perception frames depends on the sharpness of edges and the speed of the objects on the screen. So sometimes we can see not only twenty-five, and twenty-six frames per second, and sometimes only twenty. Figure "24" arose as a result of averaging the data.
However, this is not the point - adherents "theory of" on malicious twenty-fifth frame argue that foreign frames shown less than 1/24 of a second, passing consciousness, is extended by the unconscious man. That is, the information included in this frame of mind of man, though he is and does not see. Well, if it is remembered, at some point, the brain can use it.
A few years ago at a press conference the Deputy Director of the Institute of television and radio broadcasting (vniitr) doctor of technical Sciences Svetlana Nemtsov explained the action "the effect of 25th frame" "Hidden frames adversely affect the subconscious of people. If, for example, in this frame written "Kill neighbor", people can feel inexplicable aggression and this might work... Imposed information is perceived in spite of themselves, it looks like hypnosis. You can suggest any actions, ideology".
Alas, unfortunately dear doctor of technical science could not explain why this most unfortunate frame should have such an impact. And this is not accidental - since this is impossible in principle, and it is able to confirm any neuroscientist. The fact that the brain of any living creature, including man, is designed so that it can perceive only the information that comes to him from receptors. And information receptors to catch cannot, for it does not exist in principle. That is, if people really do not see twenty-fifth frame, what it represented, will not be perceived visual receptors to the brain just don't get.
But if people still see that same frame, even vaguely, it's a different matter - the information about it comes to the relevant centers in the brain, and there will undergo processing. However, it is unlikely that the authority of the higher nervous activity will pay attention to it. It has long been known that the brain is always sorts the incoming data and selects only the most important ones. They go on neural chains on, in other centres, and what was perceived as "information noise" immediately erased, and a brain, too, not rubber and keep it off he's just no place.
It is evident that the number of such noise and get the information recorded in the 25-th frame. Which, by the way, as shown by recent experiments neurophysiologists, almost all people see, although not particularly clear. Scientists have found that every single frame is marked by the eye of the observer, but due to the inertia of view merges with such and not allocated by man. However, due to the same effect notice "extra" advertising frame is quite possible, and many test even had time to read a short word, if it were printed in big print and was familiar to the audience. You can spend a similar experiment using a computer program for editing video - by the way, the frame rate can be set much higher standard.
However, as noted above, this information due to the fact that it appears quickly before my eyes, not marked by the brain as important. Interestingly, the participants of the experiment forgot the word that they were able to read in a few minutes. Therefore to speak about any hypnotic commands, implemented in the subconscious mind, there is no need any such command, even if it will appear in this frame, immediately forgotten man (and indeed, in a hypnotic trance, you can enter only when the experimental focuses on the actions of the hypnotist, and in this case such concentration is not possible).
So, no impact on our subconscious notorious 25th frame cannot provide. But the interesting thing is that he never did. In order to see this, let's remember the story of the emergence of the theory of "the effect of 25th frame" it all Started with the fact that 1957 businessman James Vickery said that held in cinemas in new Jersey following experiment: during a screening of the film "picnic" at the change of the frame with additional projector was shown footage hidden advertising (which was written "Coca-Cola", and "Eat popcorn"). The films were shown during the summer of 1957, and, according to the businessman, at the same time, the sale of Coca-Cola in the buffet cinema, rose by 17 percent, and pop corn - by 50 percent. As a result, Vicari have patented this technology and have opened a company of subliminal advertising in films.
This discovery was immediately interested scientists, and Vickery asked to provide data and description of the experiment, but he refused to do it. Then he proposed to hold another demonstration. And this was done: a demonstration was held in January 1958 and was attended by congressmen, employees of the governmental organisations, scientists, cameramen and maintenance staff cinemas, as well as journalists. The result was what was predicted neuroscientists - demonstration completely failed. Later, Vicari agreed publicly to experiment on all TV stations Canadian Broadcasting Company. During his last half-hour show with the help of "the effect of" 352 times inserted the message "call now". But no remarkable increase in the number of phone calls, both during and after the transfer has not been recorded. Instead, the CBC received thousands of letters indicating the inexplicable urge to take a beer, to go to the toilet, changing the channel, and so on, That is, none of watching this show could not guess what was written on "hidden frame".
In the end, the American Association of psychologists arranged a conference to discuss this effect. By the way, during the time it became known interesting details. So, the invited the Director of one of the cinemas, where allegedly held his experiments, Valteri, said that nothing of the kind in the specified period in the cinema was not Yes and sale of coke and popcorn has not increased. The specialists of the company RCA (The Radio Corporation of America), having studied the technical part of the project, said that because the e-beam requires a significant amount of time to scan the surface of the tube, and because the glow of phosphorus inertial, on television it is impossible to get an image that would be invisible to the eye.
All this, as well as data neurophysiologists, which I mentioned above, led to the fact that the experiments of Vicari considered normal falsification. The businessman responded to it is also very predictable: in June 1958, he disappeared, closing all their Bank accounts and not leaving any traces. According to the investigators, before that, he withdrew from them, and, consequently, brought with him somewhere of $ 22.5 million (in current prices) is were the money is transferred to it by the companies that wanted to use the patented Vicari technology.
The end of the story was simple - in 1962, Vickery was caught and in consequence admitted that the experiment 1957 along with full statistics of sales was consciously they fabricated. Thus in the history of "the effect of 25th frame" was a final point. However, nobody could assume, that created by the media (which also received from Vicari considerable amount of money) myth about this effect will be very tenacious.
However, this persistence is due to the fact that at all times some people to earn money trading... air. That is why it is still among the advertisements you can find messages like "Removing alcohol and drug addiction through the effect of 25th frame". And what is most interesting, many people go to such "doctors" and pay them a lot of money without even thinking about what they just sell the same "new dress king".
But why these charlatans still believe, as once believed and James Vickery? This question is most convincingly answered psychologist Anthony Pratkanis: "Science is respected. Therefore, if any statement dressed in pseudo-scientific mantle, to fool people very easy". Therefore, if you say that Lecheit binges using demonstration flights of Baba-Yaga, you will, at best, make fun, and if you mention the same mythological "the effect of 25th frame" something to believe...