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Viewings: 5347
Дарвин был не правScientists say that science has proof of Darwin's theory, but for 151 year of its existence has not provided any!
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Viewings: 4563
Иногда они возвращаются...Not one year, scientists, and advanced people spend too much time news that in 2029, in the immediate vicinity of the Earth will fly large asteroid Apophis. The question, whether avoid Land conflicts, much more serious than the toys with the Mayan prophecy. But here's the problem: even if the intruder will fly past in 2029, he will return, and in 2036, when he again will pass by our planet, the probability of collision with the Earth will double. So what do we sit idly by?
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Viewings: 4621
Жемчужина затерянного мираIt is well known that "Dvurechye" is the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, where was born the oldest centers of civilization and where now is Iraq. But the second anniversary is in America. It is located in the Southeast of Mexico, in the state of Chiapas, occupying a hilly, covered with forest plateau between the two flowing rivers - Grihalva and Usumacinta. Before Christ there was inhabited by Indian tribes Maya, who created many small kingdoms, warring with each other.
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Viewings: 10418
Нацисты использовали тайные знания атлантовThe Foundation of the ideology of fascism was laid secret societies long before the appearance of the Nazi state, but active force of this Outlook was after the defeat of Germany in world war I. In 1918, a group of persons, who already had experience in international secret societies, in Munich, was founded a branch of the Teutonic knights order - Thule society" (the name of the legendary Arctic countries - the cradle of mankind). The official aim is the study of the ancient German culture, but the real problems were much deeper.
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Viewings: 7168
Подземные мирыModern science claims that life has many forms. Life exists not only on the Earth's surface, it exists everywhere. A great many of the worlds exist in the atmosphere and inside the planet. People don't see or feel because there are at different frequencies with them. You can make a comparison with the TV or radio, have many channels.
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Viewings: 8441
Черная магия Третьего рейха"...Lord and master, I urge you as his God and promise to serve you, as long as I live, and from this day deny all others, and from Jesus Christ, and Mary, and of all the saints in heaven, and from the Church, and of all acts and prayers of her, and I promise to worship you and serve you and to inflict as much as possible over evil, and to bring to commit evil all whom I will be possible, and from a pure heart deny confirmation and baptism, and with all the grace of Jesus Christ, and in the case if you want to go, I give you authority over my body and soul, and life, as if I had received it from you, and forever you are inferior, without intending to regret it..."
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Viewings: 5665
Шутки кончились! Мир вступил в фазу начала планетарной катастрофыNational Board of the USA on Aeronautics and research of space administration (NASA) informs about the incredible acceleration of the process of melting glaciers of Greenland. As suggested by experts that this phenomenon is already in the near future could lead to disastrous consequences for our planet.
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Viewings: 5477
«Великобритания будет смыта, также как и большая часть Северной Америки», прогнозируют ученыеA large part of the glaciers of Greenland melts before the end of the month, said NASA specialists. Scientists record unprecedented rapid melting of ice. Just four days the surface of the glacier has melted by 97%. Melted ice island could lead to Apocalypse literally destroy all life on the planet. The details -- Svetlana Belova.
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Viewings: 5756
Кто построил Тиауанако?Tiahuanaco that the language of the Incas is translated as "Dead city", is one of the most mysterious historical monuments not only modern Bolivia, but throughout pre-Columbian America.
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Viewings: 5416
Is it possible to teleport? Where are the spatial time holes?

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Viewings: 5113
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Viewings: 5415
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Viewings: 5400
Twenty thousand years nasals of the Northern hemisphere is covered ice massifs. Is the peak of the ice age. Suddenly on earth begins global warming. This leads to a rapid and catastrophic consequences. Our ancestors faced a serious threat to life. Now, when we again face the threat of climate change, could the end of the ice age to contain a hint of what fate awaits us?

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Viewings: 5453
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Viewings: 5421
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