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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4911
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Viewings: 8044
Пророчества Василия Немчина:Следующим правителем России станет мудрец и эзотерик, владеющий тайными знаниямиAbout the future of Russia there are many prophecies. One of the most detailed and unusual belongs to the Russian astrologer and visionary Vasily Nemcina.
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Viewings: 5525
Мир стремится к эпохе динозавровJuly 2012 will be remembered for many the tragedy that occurred in the Kuban. The strongest downpour hit towns of the Crimean region, Novorossiysk and Gelendzhik, which led to the exit of the banks of rivers and frequent mud. From climatic disaster suffered tens of thousands of people.
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Viewings: 5565
Мистический череп МинотавраIn the southern part of Bulgaria, located Rhodope mountains, which is rich in forests and minerals. The total length of these mountains, where all the year round reigns mild climate, is about two hundred and forty miles.
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Viewings: 7652
Ченнелинг:Крайон - ответ ИисусаQuestion: Dear Jesus, I read your answer on channeling Kryon and would like to ask you whether "Kryon" (I think this is a group of entities) is a member of the ascended the Hosts? The same question I wanted to ask about the Master Cereale. Whether the Master Kiral a member of the ascended of the Hosts, and if not, at what level it can be placed?
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Viewings: 6213
Призраки прошлогоWe all have heard many times that there is only "here and now"that bad to live with the memories, but... you can't ignore our past, especially when it considerably complicates present?
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Viewings: 5972
У СССР был свой инопланетянин?For a long time the subject of UFOs was strictly classified in the USSR. Some zealous enthusiasts who distributed in the framework "Samizdat" materials of foreign mass media about UFOs, often invited to the appropriate elaboration of the KGB, where they accused almost anti-Soviet agitation.
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Viewings: 6365
Космические поселения глазами НАСАWhile the Planetary Resources only recently announced their intention to engage in the production of platinum and constantly rising in price of rare earth elements on asteroids, NASA back in 1975 in conjunction with Stanford University (USA) studied theoretically the problem.
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Viewings: 5202
Православная церковь первой придумала концлагеря для баптистовIt turned out in the Orthodox tradition, as in our history, there are many black pages. Here is one of them.
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Viewings: 5618
Загадки и тайны Карелии - НЛО над ЧалнойKarelia is in General a kind of reserve any kind of anomalous phenomena. We can confidently say that we have, perhaps, not a single settlement that never were "visited" would UFO. Appeared "cosmic guests" in the summer of 1990 and in the village chalny, 15 km from Petrozavodsk. And appeared as timidly, deep in the night, suddenly appearing and as suddenly disappearing, nobody, however, not disturbing, except for a few casual observers, bodrstvovaniya at such later time.
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Viewings: 4683
История человеческой жадности"The history of gold is the history of human greed. And yet the history of gold is an attack of the devil on humanity. And we must pay tribute to the devil, he's in this fight won outright, because in the name of gold and performed the majority of the most bloody atrocities".
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Viewings: 4113
Древние всадники пронеслись в виде смерчаon June 27 of this year, residents of the village sottintsy Ust-Aldan (Yakutia) observed a mysterious phenomenon: during a thunderstorm came a few mini-tornadoes, within which one could see the silhouettes of two dozen riders, each holding an ancient weapon... The same allegedly was repeated the next day, however, this time riders were only three...
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Viewings: 4755
On the North-Eastern cities of the UAE, including Dubai, suddenly swept the strongest rain. This increased the already high humidity, brought the North-Western and Eastern winds. Temperature +45°With worsens the condition of the local people. Index of discomfort reached seven on a scale.

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Viewings: 3706
Украина: Нынешняя жара побила все рекорды последних 10 летThe heat, which is observed during the last two years, breaking records the last 10-15 years. In an exclusive commentary to UNN said Director of the Ukrainian hydrometeorological center Mykola Kulbida.
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Viewings: 4578
Луна токсична?Those short stroll on our only natural satellite, which was carried out by the astronauts during human lunar expeditions lasted no longer than two to three days. Effects of prolonged exposure lunar conditions on the people still have not been studied in depth, and it is possible that in fact the Moon can be toxic to people.
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