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Viewings: 5505
Тайна великого посольства315 years ago began the Great Embassy of Peter I. It was after this voyage was born the famous phrase: "Peter I opened a window to Europe".
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Viewings: 5498
Гости из звёздной системы СириусAbout the Dogon have again forgotten. Forgot thoroughly: after ethnographic expeditions to them in the 1960-1970s poudivlyalis, Poehali and forgotten. 40 years of modern science hardly recalls. And it is in vain: humanity, more seriously embarking on the search of first contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations possibly could in this way to find some hints in his own crib, on the planet Earth.
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Viewings: 3905
Samsara or samsara (SKT. ????, sa?s?ra IAST "transition, a succession of rebirths, the life - cycle of birth and death in the worlds, limited karma, one of the main concepts in Indian philosophy: the soul is drowning in the ocean of samsara", seeks to liberation (Moksha) and get rid of the results of his previous actions (karma), which are part of the "network of samsara".

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Viewings: 4391
Сколько Наших на Земле?Estimated number of people living on Earth, including races, Nations, parties, social prosloika, confessions and occupation, poverty, education, and so forth, you know. This is not the problem.
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Viewings: 6338
Прием радиосигнала из альтернативной реальностиAlready for a long time science a phenomenon known as the Long Delay Echo - reception of the echo signal with a delay in time. This phenomenon has been reported by many researchers. It consists in the fact that the radio station, passing in the space of a radio signal, took back the echo signal sent. The echo was recorded and third stations that are configured on the same frequency. Signal delay varies in the range from a few seconds to one minute. Radio signal strength is almost not lost, as if someone relays.
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Viewings: 6346
ЛЕГЕНДАРНАЯ ЧУПАКАБРА ОБЪЯВИЛАСЬIn the Orenburg region unknown to science being showed great interest in agricultural animals. No one has seen, how it hunts, but the consequences of its appearance local farmers will remember for a long time... Unknown beast called the creature, by analogy with the American phenomenon Chupacabras, which means "sucking the blood of goats" (suffer most goats). This is a real scourge for farmers, which has now spread to Russia.
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Viewings: 11183
Американцы давно сотрудничают с инопланетянамиNear the town of deals, state of new Mexico, is one of the underground bases of Gray. This database is a genetic laboratory, which has underground links to the Los Alamos - the birthplace of the atomic bomb, and with another base in Nevada. Here are genetic experiments and research carried out a comparative analysis of biological structures humans and aliens.
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Viewings: 6554
Если дорогу перебежит ящерица...If lick lizard, the language will find healing power and will cure the sores are on the body and soothe the pain. Moreover, in some countries believed that, if made this man ever sleep in the open air with his mouth open, he can be sure that the lizard will not zapolnit to him in her mouth.
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Viewings: 4593
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Viewings: 4491
РАК,СПИД…Что делать...Note: the corridors clinics as Wallpaper hung posters about AIDS. AIDS each day gives us Hello from TV screens on all channels. In all cities are the shares of Anti-AIDS. AIDS arranges for us concerts and marathons, charity events and exhibitions. Governments provide billions of dollars to fight this disease. In schools under the guise of AIDS prevention is carried out propaganda in favour of the so-called "safe sex".
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Viewings: 4069
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Viewings: 5172
15 июня: приближение к Земле огромного астероида в полночь покажут в прямом эфиреSpace rock that in the length may exceed half a kilometer, will be held from the Earth at a safe distance, but will give to consider themselves in a telescope.
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Viewings: 3698
НАСА уточнило место посадки нового марсианского вездеходаNASA say that the new American Martian Curiosity is getting closer to the surface of the red planet and in August he will have to make it fit. According to experts, they will try to put the device as close as possible to the point of his initial research. Due to the fact that this point is close to the mountain area, landing promises to be a very difficult operation.
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Viewings: 5093
Фаза и гравитация Луны мешают нормальной работе Большого Адронного КоллайдераThe large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the most grandiose, the most perfect and the most high-tech scientific tool for today. But this does not mean that the equipment TANK always work as expected. And it's strange to hear from modern physicists, not medieval alchemists and shamans, deviations in work of the equipment of the Collider related to the phase of the moon. Scientists explain this fact influence the lunar gravity to work chuvstvitelnaja and precise scientific equipment.
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Viewings: 4347
Кому глобальное потепление на пользуSomeone global warming frustrating, and some, on the contrary, he was very glad. Scientists from the UK found that the once rare in the Islands brown Golubenko could be a butterfly only due to higher summer temperatures. She literally has broadened their horizons is mastered new territory, tried a new "kitchen".
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