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Viewings: 6646
Луна хоть и не магнит, но примагничивает...Recently it was discovered that the Moon also have magnetic properties. Data obtained with robotic probes, told the researchers that the solar wind flows around the moon and interacts with it completely wrong, as with Land, because she, unlike our planet, does not have its own magnetic field. But it absolutely will not stop...
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Viewings: 3721
Холодные зимы станут нормой из-за таяния арктических льдовIn the beginning of 2011 in the US and Europe lashed by severe frosts, although in Greenland and Alaska was unusually warm. This year, in late winter in the US and Europe, in contrast, was hot, yet the air is cold hung over Central Europe and Asia. In the Northern hemisphere extreme weather conditions in winter are usually associated with a negative phase of the Arctic oscillation - the rose of winds, which are dominant in the polar region. And scientists come to the conclusion that changes in the Arctic, may have led to long stay oscillations in a negative mode.
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Viewings: 5130
Кто затопил баню в космосе?People always dreamed of finding in the Universe of brothers in mind. Recently, we have made a big progress in this direction: found is the second planet on which life might exist. About sensational discovery was announced to the participants in the American city Moran (Wyoming).
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Viewings: 6334
КОСМИЧЕСКИЕ ПОРТАЛЫ СЕДОНЫMost of anomalous zones of the world is located, as a rule, in places of high magnetic or electromagnetic activity. The surroundings of Sedona, in which there are many mountains containing iron ore, are one such place
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Viewings: 4643
Следы остаютсяIn the U.S. Dr. Steven Greer, head of the inter-American project "Exposing", a few years ago,made a sensational statement that there is an official report by the American government, which covers about 12 thousand flying objects. Moreover, according to Greer, many emerging in recent years open (lasers, microchips, fiber-optic communications and other) made by American scientists based on the study of UFO wreckage.
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Viewings: 4230
Мамонты исчезли не в мгновение окаWhy mammoths? Last isolated island populations of these huge beasts disappeared about 4 thousand years ago, when the Pleistocene extinction, which destroyed the major part of the world megafauna, was long gone. So why?
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Viewings: 4970
На Земле разбился НЛОWhen approaching the fragments of the spacecraft people hair stood on end
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Viewings: 5658
Боги смертиMan is the only creature who are aware of the finiteness of existence.
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Viewings: 3797
Небольшие планеты могут возникать практически у любых звездSmall rocky terrestrial planets can form around stars with virtually any shares astronomical "metals" - elements heavier than hydrogen and helium, which indicates the prevalence of such planets in our Galaxy, say astronomers in an article published in the journal Nature.
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Viewings: 4783
В пасти огненного дьяволаWhen in 1872 the group of 22 people got up on the old "good-natured" Vesuvius, to get a closer view of the volcanic eruption, there were no signs of trouble. However, the sight of the fire element so has bewitched the people that they did not notice lava flows that cut their way back. People were running from among the fiery sea on the island, which was gradually flooded by lava. Of this group, no one managed to escape...
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Viewings: 7222
ОСТОРОЖНО! ЧЕРВИ В ГОЛОВЕ!Japanese Sato Fujiwara ate sushi and sashimi from childhood. However, carefully watched that seafood are always fresh " anything! And from time to time, the Japanese managed to stay alive and healthy. But all good things, as we know, comes to an end. First Sato began to pester headaches, and then he began to lose consciousness on the street.
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Viewings: 4773
60 ошеломительных фактов про космос!1. Red giant star Betelgeuse, has a diameter larger than the orbit of the Earth around the Sun.
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Viewings: 4765
Ченнелинг: Взгляд Крайона на ВознесениеI Am The Master Of Kryon. I welcome you, dear friends and my earthly partners. It's time again to look under the cover of the Great Mystery, which we call the Rapture. Today I again draw your attention to this global process, in order to sanctify you additional aspects and details of this process. But actually the very Ascension is not a process that is stretched in time.
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Viewings: 3932
Стереть нас с лица ВселеннойWipe us from the face of the Universe can, for example, the asteroid Apophis. It is named after the ancient Egyptian God of darkness and destruction. Opened in 2004, an asteroid the size corresponds stecajnom skyscraper and weighs 20 million tons.
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Viewings: 5065
В Антарктиде найдены энерго-порталыNot so long ago, in press published the materials about the detection of magnetic anomalies in the Antarctic, in the area of lake Vostok, and that there is the entrance to the underground Kingdom of the Earth. Admiral Richard Byrd was trying to uncover the secrets of the poles of the planet. He organized several expeditions to the area of the South pole in 40-50-ies of the last century.
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