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Viewings: 3217
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Viewings: 3251
Hundreds of people gathered on Tuesday at the Moscow Planetarium, where he was declared the day of open doors. All was occupied with seven in the morning. However, it is normal turn, according to witnesses, organized was not. At the entrance hustled, security with a situation could not cope, TV channel "Russia 24".

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Viewings: 3700
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Viewings: 3400
Author's film Alexander Sladkova. A couple of years ago on the set of the popular program was launched in the sky several dozens of balloons, which led into a state of high combat readiness of the air defence system of the country. Technique reacted to the balls, the alarm was given, rose in the air fighters. This is an example of how sensitive modern appliances AA: it detects even small objects ? such as flying geese or a flock of geese.

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Viewings: 5146
Животные и растения ведут территориальные войныWhat is happening in the world and politics is no different from what happens in the wild. We quite wrongly consider ourselves the crown of creation - that is my deep belief. The universe is arranged so that all processes in geograficzny, i.e. are played in the same form in different masshtabom more we believe in self-exclusiveness and in the infinite depth of his spiritual processes, the farther we are from the genuine views of the natural and universal laws. It is very difficult to humble their pride and admit that we all their civilization and complaints, just a normal layer of the infinite universe of the pie. And our failure to understand and acknowledge his other layers, only a consequence of democast and voobrazila.
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Viewings: 5694
Частный корабль собирается изучать внутренности спутника ЮпитераPrivate space company swung at interplanetary flights. The author of another audacious project wants to scrape the Jupiter's moon Europe. Specialists told the details of the mission. and also explained why choose such a clever way perforation ice shield and what do you get if you act in a more effective way.
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Viewings: 8632
Тунгусский метеорит найден?At the bottom of lake Cheko i not far from the epicenter of the disaster lies - huge body. Tunguska phenomenon, coupled with the death of the "Titanic" one of the disasters of the symbols of the XX century may be found. After more than a century after the Grand Siberian doomsday luck smiled Italian geophysicists, devoted to studying the phenomenon for years.
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Viewings: 8454
Аненэрбе охотились за жрецами и хрустальными головамиFull name "Ahnenerbe"- "German society for the study of ancient German history and heritage of ancestors". This is the most mysterious of all organizations of the Third Reich. Officially, the society was founded in 1933 on the initiative of renowned Professor Friedrich Hilshire with the financial support of Richard Gift, not less known racist, First task "Ahnenerbe" was reduced to the study of the traditions and heritage of the Nordic race, but over time the scope of the research includes a number of very strange directions...
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Viewings: 7234
Загадки НЛО: миф, природное явление или внеземные цивилизации?on June 24, 1947, in the USA (Washington) reported the first in UFOlogy message about UFOs. Since then the world has a secret discussion about what UFO: myth, a natural phenomenon or is it a proof of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.
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Viewings: 9553
Нацисты и АнтарктидаI must say that by the time the Nazis had its own well developed racial theory. All the forerunner of Hitler claimed that the Earth is not so long ago there was a pure Aryan race, which has lost its grandeur only as a result of mixing with the "sub-human".
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Viewings: 6902
Солнечный камень - компас викинговAncient mariners, including Vikings, well-oriented in the sea by the stars and the Sun. But the legend says that brave Scandinavian warriors were able to obtain a lot of information even from the sky covered with clouds.
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Viewings: 5845
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Viewings: 4825
Com-Eva: 0 Author: admin Read more
Viewings: 6837
107 beautiful, and sometimes very funny pics of animals. All images are clickable.

Забавные животные ч.2Забавные животные ч.2Забавные животные ч.2
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Viewings: 5235
Земле грозит внезапный конец света – ученыеIn this century on Earth can happen irreversible environmental collapse, and the global ecosystem could collapse suddenly, not gradually, as previously thought
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