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Viewings: 4720
In 1987 in Montreal, Canada representatives of the industrialized countries signed an agreement on the reduction of harmful industries which are the major reasons for the formation of ozone holes.
However, there is another hypothesis destruction of the ozone layer, where the cause of the accident is not a man...

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Viewings: 4466
The girl who came into the program, afraid of strange calls on her home phone. At the other end of the line someone is silent. The equipment, which set the experts of the program in the applicant's flat, captures the incoming call on her phone, sound background in inaudible to the human ear range

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Viewings: 4582
The lethargy and death - where is the border between them? Reversible if death? Is it possible resurrection of the dead?

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Viewings: 4989
Ancient monuments, built in accordance with the movement of the heavenly call History, written in stone, glorifying rulers from other worlds. Calendar, accurately predicting the displacement of the axis of the Earth every 26 thousand years. Are created the Maya in Central America, one of the most developed civilizations of the ancient world? Or their knowledge have another source outside of our world? They knew no metal, no electricity, but had developed mythology, language and religious culture. They knew astronomy better than any other contemporary civilization.

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Viewings: 5741
9 маленьких, но невероятно опасных существWhile being that frighten people, usually very large in size, below is a list of the smallest, but probably the most dangerous and painful. Although we should thank God for the fact that most of us are unlikely to suffer from most of the animals in this list, but nevertheless, every year millions of people are in contact with them.
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Viewings: 4946
Восстание машин: автономные роботы-убийцы могут появиться уже через 20 летFully Autonomous robots that are decision-makers and in the future will become a universal soldiers, can be developed for 20-30 years, if not earlier.
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Viewings: 5946
Биотопливо - друг природы?To become truly "ecotoursim"little one only of biofuels. Researchers from Switzerland undertook a detailed analysis of the most common types of biofuels - and have come to the regrettable conclusion. Most of the scenarios is not so much solves an environmental problem as it dumps the burden of responsibility on others shoulders. The question arises: biofuels - the nature of each?
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Viewings: 5741
Злая сущность энергетических напитковIn essence, energy drinks should only do that which envisages their name to give extra burst of energy. As it turned out, most of this energy comes from two main ingredients: sugar and caffeine. Typical energy drink contains about 80 mg of caffeine in a Cup of coffee contains about the same). For comparison, 340 g of soda contains from 18 to 48 mg of caffeine.
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Viewings: 5275
Вакцинация против гриппа: правда и выдумкиInfluenza is a highly contagious viral infection, which goes from one person to another due to respiratory secretions, for example, during the chihanya. Influenza is called respiratory infection, that is such, which develops in the lungs. This disease usually causes fever, malaise, pain and heaviness in the body.
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Viewings: 4047
Глобальная торговля фальшивыми медикаментами в УкраинеThe last time we hear about counterfeit medicines. Not only do they provoke enormous economic damage pharmaceutical companies, but also provide a great threat to society.
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Viewings: 5920
Всё о планете МакемакеThe size of the dwarf planet, makemake are carved on rocks is not more than two third of the size of Pluto. Also, scientists assumed that it has the same atmosphere as Pluto, but after researching new data became clear that this opinion is erroneous.
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Viewings: 4997
Ученые готовятся к «эпохальному» открытию на МарсеThe Rover NASA "Curiosity", according to scientists who made a major discovery on the red planet, but they keep silent about what they have found. This discovery was made by SAM tool in the crater Gail near the place where the Rover landed.
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Viewings: 4680
Голландское ноу-хау – велосипед-рюкзакConquer the highest peaks always been a goal of any person involved in professional or just keen on mountaineering. However, the descent down the rocky terrain "on foot" often provokes joint injuries. Another thing mountain bike, but for extreme skiing, you must first pull on the mountain.
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Viewings: 4814
10 реально существовавших магов и волшебниковMagic since time immemorial attracted people. A human being always reaching for something difficult, unknown, and inexplicable. In these days a lot of talk not only about paranormal phenomena, but also about people with paranormal abilities. Magicians and fortune-tellers fully in every city, but most of them are who they say they are.
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