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Viewings: 7001
Scientists are turning our attention to the fact that over the past 30 years, more than 50% of the corals of the Great Barrier reef has been destroyed. According to forecasts, half of the remaining corals can be gone by 2022. This means that the reef will be reduced to one third of its size for half a century. Researchers have proposed an urgent proposal to catalog the remaining flora and fauna. The project, which started with the fact that the images in separate areas of the reef was placed in Google for viewing online Internet users, was also provided the first detailed review of the deep layers of the reef.

Исчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифаИсчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифаИсчезающие красоты Большого Барьерного рифа
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Viewings: 6273
British photographer Robbie Sean went down in the Gorner glacier in Switzerland, to make pictures of ice caves. Ice caves affect much more than usual and have very unique interior.

Уникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском ледникеУникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском ледникеУникальные пейзажи ледяных пещер в швейцарском леднике
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Viewings: 8879
Мистики: голый философ Порфирий ИвановCan the mystical doctrine to be primitive? Among mystics with world names of different countries and epochs were philosophers, poets, public figures, scientists and even the actors, but to the mystic was a man of genius simplicity, which is inherent spiritual UPS, this is truly a miracle of miracles. Such was the son of a poor peasant Porfiriy Ivanov. He is known as "Parsek" or "Winner of nature, the teacher of the people, God of the Earth". Was it at the same time something of Russian fool, and from the Chinese Taoist.
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Viewings: 6007
Используют ли инопланетяне лак для волос?As if mankind would like to the stars, if it does not develop a way to obtain huge amounts of energy almost effortlessly, his nearest significant cosmic perspective will territorialnye of Mars. Remind: to get to him, enough to accelerate to 1/10 000 light speed, and then would slow down - and this is unrepresentable easier than travelling with light velocity. Because fuel vehicle in space have to bear with me. Therefore, the growth speed of travel in 10 thousand times causes the same increase of fuel stocks, which in turn calls... And so on! But still it will be necessary to brake...
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Viewings: 4944
На Марсе сравнительно безопасный уровень радиацииCuriosity Rover showed that the radiation level on the red planet is about the same as in low-earth orbit, where the brave guys and girls months hang out on the International space station. But a visit to Mars is of no less dangerous, because to fly'll have a long time (and I would like to return).
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Viewings: 5243
Подарок от «Хаббла»: рыхлая спиральная галактикаSpace telescope "Hubble" depicted here scattered spiral galaxy ESO 499-G37.
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Viewings: 6219
Toshiba представила шагающего роботаHeld on the days of the presentation of the four-legged walking robot Toshiba most memorable software failure: the next step on the ladder leading upwards, ON the robot hung, and engineers had to reboot it. Well, only the experimental unit... But why the Japanese have it on public display to full debugging?
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Viewings: 5282
Вселенная – это большая иллюзия?Why the world looks so, and not otherwise? As he really is arranged? Why it happens, what we call miracles, and why there are physical laws? Is it possible to learn to control reality and the events that occur around us? There is only one theory that explains it: the so-called material world simply does not exist...
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Viewings: 6799
Конец света?Mysterious end of the Mayan calendar, the parade of the planets, which will put in one line all the planets of the galaxy to its center, approaching the mysterious planet Nibiru, the explosion on the Sun - all scripts of the Apocalypse, which was scheduled for December 21.
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Viewings: 5050
Патриарх Филарет:Конец света наступит во время второго пришествия Христа, а не 21 декабря 2012 годаIn connection with the dissemination in the media of rumors that December 21, 2012 will be the end of the world, because of what society forced panic, Patriarch of Kyiv and all Rus-Ukraine Filaret gave a comment in which dispel unfounded fears and calls not to trust the false prophecies.
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Viewings: 6086
Тайна утраченной науки ЕссеевFor five hundred years before the birth of Christ mysterious group of scientists formed a community to honor the ancient teachings that arose before the appearance of our history as we know it. Roman and Jewish historians called the members of these spiritual traditions, known under the collective name of "the Essenes"as is "race, existing in itself, the most striking of all others in the world".
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Viewings: 6401
Если наступит завтраOpen any fiction novel about the future. Most likely, you will meet there a conglomeration of all sorts of nightmares: from dying after a nuclear war planet to giant rats-mutants, which have enslaved humanity, - in short, for any taste. A rare science fiction decided on a starry-eyed utopia.
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Viewings: 4654
Тайная история детейOn ancient images no children. They appear in the paintings of the Middle ages, but in these times of suffering children were more terrible than ever before. Mankind has always changed their attitude to children from social life. A good attitude to children was to civilization, because people lived like animals lived, nothing wanting, in addition to food, and went with the flow of life. Animals have always cared for their young, and killed him only when no food or felt that food will not.
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Viewings: 7325
"Библиотека Атлантиды" находится в джунглях Эквадора?In the jungles of Ecuador, where enthusiasts still looking for the gold of El Dorado, may be hiding more valuable treasure. They say that the civilization that existed on the Earth thousands of years ago in rock tunnels under the earth hid accumulated knowledge in order to save them from the coming to Earth of the cataclysm. We are talking about "library of Atlantis".
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Viewings: 4864
Why St. Petersburg are fighting so hard for the preservation of architecture? In each city there are places where there is ease, inexplicable feeling of joy and happiness, and there are those where leans heavy feeling of trouble. In ancient times people have tried to correct the situation, building a harmonious buildings. Later they realized that everything can be numeric calculus. What digital secrets and mysteries of hides the Northern capital?

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