Viewings: 5552
 The human mind is a wonderful thing. The knowledge, the action, and the process of thinking allows faster processing of large amounts of information. For example, every time your eyes are open, your brain is constantly bombarded by various stimuli. Consciously you can think about one thing, but your brain subconsciously will handle thousands of subconscious ideas.
Viewings: 5113
 According to historical data, in 1428, when Europe at the height was an hundred years ' war in the other hemisphere appeared state Aztecs, a century later disappeared under the invasion of the Spanish conquistadors. Not so long ago, scientists were able to receive material confirmation of one of the events that preceded the creation of this Empire.
Viewings: 6273
 It turns out that not only corals can protect fish from their enemies and fish sometimes help polyps deal with dangerous aggressor. American zoologists found that the representatives of two species of gobies, living near reefs, can eat the poisonous algae destroying corals. And they do it only when polyps will ask them about it.
Viewings: 4660
 The concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has reached a new record high in 2011, and the level of carbon dioxide amounted to 391 part per million, according to the world meteorological organization in the annual Bulletin. According to its authors, carbon dioxide accounts for 85% of "radiation heating of the"leading to global warming.
Viewings: 3914
 Human skin contains millions of sweat glands, which protect us from overheated in hot weather or extreme physical activity. But their role is not limited to: how do I find the researchers from the University of Michigan (USA), the sweat glands is also important for wound healing.
Viewings: 5074
 NASA has plans delivery to Earth rocks and soil of the Martian surface, but the most attractive designs, according to some, are in the caves beneath the surface. The fact that the analysis of the material in terrestrial laboratories is considered as the best way of finding signs of life, and the chances of finding them higher if it is material from the bowels.
Viewings: 4909
 Majestic age-old forest may seem immortal, but in reality they are on the verge - because of global warming.
Viewings: 4427
 After 48 hours of Naples meeting of Ministers twenty European States participating in the European space Agency (ESA), they also approved the five-year budget office and outlined the main directions of its activity.
Viewings: 5093
 Martian dust storm, for which the probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter watched it last week, resulted in changes of the atmosphere seen in force at the surface of the planet by the Rovers.
Viewings: 4303
 In the morning of 2 February 1685 with the English king Charles II happened stroke. Personal physician without further ADO opened a vein in his left hand and filled a basin of Royal blood. It was only the beginning: in the following days, the king has been even more intense tortures. Doctors put him enema and gave the tincture on the human skull. Then again drawing blood, after which he fell into a coma and never regained consciousness.
Viewings: 5853
 Rumors and urban legends most often occur not on an empty place. Even the most absurd conspiracy theory, as a rule, are confirmed by actual historical facts - at least indirectly.
Viewings: 5584
 Conventional mechanical engineer, working as a translator, one day you decide to understand why in Crimea often see anomalous phenomena: glowing orbs in the sky over the mountains or across the sea, is mistaken for UFOs, unusual red tides in the sea, or a sea monster, called Garadagh serpent.
Viewings: 4487
 Experts say that the Earth's collision with the planet Nibiru is contrary to all laws of the Universe.
Viewings: 5755
 Here in Auckland 48 dormant volcanoes and very low seismic activity, in contrast to Wellington, which is at fault or Christchurch, which is a thin plate. I think, for anybody not a secret, that both the kiwi-island are at high risk, and generally relatively recently emerged from the ocean depths due to the collision of several tectonic plates. As in Japan in General.
Viewings: 4464
 Not so far from the Earth found another planet, which scientists call wandering or traveling, and some even tend to call them planets-orphans.