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Viewings: 5603
Боги смертиMan is the only creature who are aware of the finiteness of existence.
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Viewings: 4723
В пасти огненного дьяволаWhen in 1872 the group of 22 people got up on the old "good-natured" Vesuvius, to get a closer view of the volcanic eruption, there were no signs of trouble. However, the sight of the fire element so has bewitched the people that they did not notice lava flows that cut their way back. People were running from among the fiery sea on the island, which was gradually flooded by lava. Of this group, no one managed to escape...
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Viewings: 5391
Служители масонский ложMasonry (Freemasonry, FR. Franc-ma?onnerie, eng. Freemasonry) - moral-ethical movement that has arisen in XVIII century as a mystery international organization with the rituals and symbols, illustrating the principles and ideals of Freemasonry. The name of a Mason or a Freemason is from FR. franc-ma?on (old French masson, eng. freemason), also used the literal translation of this title is a free Mason.
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Viewings: 3790
Рассказ рун Кенсингтонского камняOne day, warm autumn day 1897 American farmer Swedish origin Olaf Oman together with his ten-year-old son Edward went to korchuvate stumps. The family of Omanov, like many other immigrants from Europe, has recently purchased a plot of land in the state of Minnesota.
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Viewings: 3971
Почему вымерли почти все доисторические люди 100 000 лет назад?American scientists believe that the key factor in human evolution was the mysterious disease, which killed all hominids, except 5000 - 10000, writes the foreign press. The strongest individuals who survived evolved into Homo sapiens.
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Viewings: 9491
Нацисты и АнтарктидаI must say that by the time the Nazis had its own well developed racial theory. All the forerunner of Hitler claimed that the Earth is not so long ago there was a pure Aryan race, which has lost its grandeur only as a result of mixing with the "sub-human".
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Viewings: 6817
Солнечный камень - компас викинговAncient mariners, including Vikings, well-oriented in the sea by the stars and the Sun. But the legend says that brave Scandinavian warriors were able to obtain a lot of information even from the sky covered with clouds.
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Viewings: 5527
Первые мультфильмы, или Анимация неолитаScientists have proposed the original version, explaining some oddities rock carvings of animals of the stone age, such as a greater number of legs or tails. In their opinion, it was the first in the world attempts to animate picture, that is to create something like a cartoon film. And the primitive artists all happened.
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Viewings: 5996
Последнее пристанище вампиров в СозополеIn the Bulgarian town of Sozopol, near the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, was discovered in a mass grave related to XIII-XIV century. There lie the remains of 70 people, two skeletons pierced by an iron stake. According to the Director of the national historical Museum Bozhidar Dimitrov, in the Middle ages, so there were those who thought vampires.
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Viewings: 6577
Голем из ПрагиAbout busiest magical means clay figures there are many stories, but the most famous of them-the legend of Prague Golem. As the story of the ancient texts, in one of starless nights 1580 known in Prague Rabbi Yehuda lion Ben Bezalel fashioned from clay huge figure of a man. When Bezalel put in a clay mouth piece of parchment with written on it in the name of God, the Golem is alive again!
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Viewings: 6771
Упыри в мифах и преданияхIn the early seventies of the last century Tomsk regional ethnographer Sergey Baranov has arrived in structure of ethnographic expeditions in a small village Orekhovka, located 230 kilometers from the regional center, and a well-known fact that since the middle of XVIII century here settled a runaway old-believers.
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Viewings: 4982
Атомную бомбу изобрели тысячи лет?While in the modern world has not come a century of nuclear physics, many scenes of ancient traditions of different peoples and eras, descriptions of mysterious phenomena such "miracles" historians attributed exclusively to the field of mythology.
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Viewings: 5874
Клады на дне океановThe amazing fate of the earth and underwater treasures. Some are hundreds of years, nobody knows anything about them, and only randomly mystery unexpectedly revealed. Others, on the contrary, everything is known, the location of the treasure - not a secret, but to raise them for a long time is not possible.
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Viewings: 7839
Будет ли найден дворец княгини Ольги?Near of Vyshhorod in Kiev oblast, Ukrainian scientists will begin to search the country Palace of Princess Olga and the place of burial of the saints Boris and Gleb. The Prince's residence, which archeologists plan to excavate, should be the whole hundred years older than Sophia. According to historians, in its time, was kept by the state Treasury.
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Viewings: 4875
Англии Тюдоров не былоWe are all accustomed to the phrase "Tudor England"designating a specific historical period. However, the term "Tudor" has not been used in England in the XVI century, and his compulsive use of modern historians and writers provides a false idea about this period of history. This conclusion has recently come historian from Oxford.
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