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The contours of the continents of the Earth for thousands of years to change its shape. Also changed the coastline of the lands adjacent to the Northern ocean. Thousands of years ago the Northern ocean was free of ice, as the geographic North pole was in Alaska. In territory of the Arctic was located in a large island, which can be seen at Gerard Mercator's map has been compiled and published in the XVI century. It is possible that they were compiled on the basis of a more ancient sources.
Gradually these lands together with the Gakkel ridge, Lomonosov, Mendeleyev (alpha) gradually went under water. When submerged several peaks ridges remained the Islands until the first Millenium of the new era. According to the legends of the peoples of Yamal, Taimyr traveled along these Islands to Greenland and back in I Millennium A.D. is Not surprising that in the last century has repeatedly reported that unknown Islands in the Arctic: Andreeva, Sannikov Bradley, the So-Puka and other
To determine the real existence in the Arctic, "the unknown island" was applied the method of biolocation, successfully used in Geology, archeology, and other areas. This method preliminary exploration of search of objects. It is not labour-intensive, not very costly and time consuming. Based on the extensive practical experience, including work on the map, were viewed from the side and along ridges: Mendeleyev, Lomonosov and Gakkel throughout their length with the identification of areas of possible rising above the surface of the ocean rock ridges and other cliffs. (See the map at the end of the text.)
Here we used the effect that dowsing wave, running along the horizontal layers, go into much greater depth in comparison with the direction of the waves on the surface of the earth. Dowsing view was conducted by means of a rod (frames) in the right hand and a pencil in the left. We identified 4 such abnormal area: with the advent of terrestrial rocks with Pushtunistan; energy flows over them; and to the Lomonosov ridge, at the North pole, is the possible place of stone buildings, which were discovered by foreign travelers before the Second world war. A similar method can be applied to search for sunken cities, ships, etc.