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Natural phenomena are difficult to explain, especially if they are dangerous. On a geographical map of the world there are such names, from which unintentionally creepy: "hill of the dead", "swamp devil", "valley of death"... And every such place always has many mysterious legends, not just about accidental death careless traveler, and the mysterious and unexplained deaths.
In fact, these names are served once (and still are) the same purpose as a warning sign on the transformer booth: "don't get killed!" Mountain of dead... as translated from Mansi language Holt Sahel - the name of the height 1079 in the Northern Urals. From time to time, it affirmed its right to this bleak name. Old-timers and now tell you about the incident that happened here.
2 February 1959 on the slopes "mountains of the dead" put a tent camp, a group of tourists from the Ural Polytechnic University. Few days later they were found dead. The causes of the tragedy are not clear yet. In trying to explain the death of nine experienced hikers were put forward a variety version - from the fireball that flew into the tent, to the harmful effects of the UFO.
And also it was assumed that the guys went to the area where was conducted secret tests "vacuum weapons". The fact that the dead was celebrated strange reddish tint of the skin, internal damage and bleeding. The same symptoms should occur with the defeat "vacuum bomb", creating a strong negative pressure on the large territory. On the periphery of this zone of inner pressure burst blood vessels, and in the epicenter of the body is being torn apart. None of the versions was not confirmed.
Researchers phenomena are convinced that the geographical point, bearing "deadly" names are likely anomalous zones with unusual natural phenomena. Riddles of some of these areas is explained. So, for example, no one was surprised "snowdrifts" white bones that are stuck in Kamchatka "valley of death", located on the territory of the Kronotsky reserve.
Scientists have found that the cause strange at first glance, the death of birds, wolverines, and even bears are sometimes released from the earth's volcanic cracks cyanide gases that cause paralysis of the respiratory organs. However, not everyone finds such an easy to understand explanation. Take, say, the Yakut "valley of death" in the upper reaches of the river Vilyui. Its secret lies in a strange metal hemispheres, acting in some places of the permafrost. If daredevil was decided to spend the night near such object, according to the legends, it inevitably lay in wait unexplained death resembling (today) death from radiation poisoning. But where in Yakutia so powerful natural radiation?
After thorough geological survey, conducted in areas that are not found anything similar. Not accidentally notoriety goes about "valley of death" in the Chinese province of Sichuan (often referred to as "the valley of black bamboo"). In the summer of 1950 there had vanished without trace hundreds of people (and all of a sudden the plane crashed.
In 1962 valley gathered another "harvest" victims. Survivors guide that accompanied the caravan geologists, later described what happened: "as the advanced detachment entered the gorge, it was enveloped in a thick fog. I heard vague sounds, and when the mist cleared, the place was empty...".
Scientists recently organized an expedition to "Sichuan anomalous zone", consider: all because of intense evaporation decaying vegetation, they are the person starts to choke, loses orientation and eventually die in the deep crevices, which are abundant in the surroundings.
But other researchers are convinced that it is only an appearance "unraveling", and true "roots" all events - in an unusually strong magnetic field "valley of black bamboo". After all, the same feature distinguishes another Chinese "valley of death"button located in Chebyshevskikh mountains in Jilin province. And it is not known why are fighting planes, people disappear.
From there, it happened not returned even the most experienced hunters ginseng, knowing the local mountains inside out. In places torn, "crazy" compass needle, and people fall into a strange state of the loss of memory and orientation. The travelers, as if enchanted, circling at almost the same place and I can't find the right path.
In principle, a clear danger that traps people in American "valley of death"in California. This is a huge, flat, lifeless clay plateau - the hottest place on Earth. Desert!.. In some places it is scattered boulders, the most common sizes from a soccer ball up to half a ton weight. These here are the stones and asked scientists puzzle over which they vainly struggling for decades.
The fact that the stones mysteriously... move, leaving a clear traces of motion. Something similar appears sometimes in Russia. Famous for example, Blue-stone - the legendary boulder near the village Gorodishche under Pereslavl-Zalessky. According to folklore, there lives a spirit, fulfilling the dreams and desires.
In the early XVII century Church, came into the fight with the pagan relic. Deacon Pereslavl Semenovskaya Church Anufry ordered to dig a big hole and throw in her Blue-stone. But in a few years boulder "climbed" out of the ground. After 150 years of power of Pereslavl have decided to lay the Foundation stone bell tower. It was loaded onto the sledge and drove through the ice of lake Pleshcheyevo. The ice broke, and Blue-stone sank to a depth of five meters.
But... Soon fishermen began to notice that boulder moves slowly along the bottom. Half a century later he found himself on the foot of Arilines mountains, where lies still.
What are nominated assumptions about this? Mystics say that there is nothing to think about - in "wandering rocks" settled otherworldly entities. As one of the evidence of his innocence, these people lead a sensational story that took place in England during the second world war.
It was in the County of Essex. From generation to generation there was transmitted legends about the evil spirit, who allegedly hiding under anchored in the ground granite boulder. And here is a bulldozer, expanding the road, and turned it aside. The subsequent events have resulted in a small village from across the country gathered reporters. At that time in magazines and Newspapers, you can find a detailed description of the incident: on the Church bell tower, empty and locked themselves started to ring bell, hard pillars and agricultural implements somehow flew through the air... Frightened villagers demanded the immediate return granite in the previous position, which was done with the relevant ancient magical rituals.
Only then stopped end of the world. Materialists, for not recognizing the evil spirit's right to exist, are looking for a more realistic explanation. Among the popular versions - the influence of rain and wind. The researchers argue that California stones in the rain slide on clay soils, driven by the wind. However, the rains are seldom here. Besides traces left by stones, often directed against the prevailing winds there.
And a group of employees Gempshirskogo College tried to test in practice "rain-version". Soil abundantly moistened with water, leaned stone chochom, but did not Streuli it. Then counted, and it turned out even on wet clay friction force is such that heavy community can "blow away" only the wind rushing by with a speed of 400 miles per hour. Such storms even theoretically it is hard to imagine...
About the strange and obviously unsafe riddle-related "wandering rocks", tells in its letter and Ivan Bakayev from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region: "In my childhood I was herding sheep in the foothills of Alatau mountains. Once fell asleep with a huge boulder (weighing up to 10 tons). Woke up because bearing disappeared - stone "left" for three meters, but not down, as you might think, but up (!) the slope plowed stony ground as the plow and stopped. I looked around no one around, only sheep huddled together, and over the hill hung strange mist, thick as milk.
In a sort of daze I went there, but fell down and woke up only next morning in Yurt shepherd Amanzhol. He told me in secret: "Sword ITMA - Zhaman masses bold! A word to anyone, as it deems patients with head and kill". He hinted that these boulders there were some fifty) was another five kilometers down the slope.
Once Amanzhol (also being as I "ball of balls" - almost a child) was herding sheep. But flew "basin Sibly"hung over the hill, and boulders (his children) together went up. Then "pure" flew away, and the stones stopped.
- "The basin of Sibly" crash-lands on earth rare, " said the old shepherd, and the stones too rarely go...
As an adult taking at least in graduate school, I told the kids incident to his friend. Had he listened to me, shook his head and said, "Rights was your Amanzhol. Shut up, Vanek, lest you close you "yellow house"as Chaadaev... so I was silent all these years". Ivan did not explain in his letter, who (or what) Chibola. But it's something, apparently, can roll not only stones.
From official sources:
- Unknown force stops the engines and begins to roll them up the hill on holm e MAGURA near the city of Bacau (North-Eastern Romania). Local residents say that from time to time on the top of MAGURA (which means "Kurgan") you receive the mysterious blue flames.
Similar phenomena are observed on the road five kilometers from the district center Handler (on the way to lake GEK-Gel) in the West of Azerbaijan. The research team from Moscow several times I stopped the car on the side of the mountain, and it invariably began to roll up, despite the law of gravity.
What forces drive the stones and machine contrary to all the laws? Not they are the cause of mysterious deaths in these areas?
Researchers of this issue have yet to have your say...