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Загадка амброзии и нектара - пищи БоговIn ancient legends, myths, legends of many peoples of the world reported about the real historical and other events of the time. In the legends of ancient Greece also reported about historical characters and events of the XV-XVII centuries B.C. there is a curious message that the Bishop of Olympus eating ambrosia and drink nectar, which was the food of the gods. This food gave strength and eternal youth.

Due to consumption of such food God - king Zeus - lived a long and active life in good health. He was buried in the North African coast in the mountains of El Akhdar. At the top 876 m, opposite the island of Crete. His father, God CZK buried on the island of White at the Yamal Peninsula.

In those times for health had healing springs, was grown rejuvenating apples and other fruits and plants, who had great healing power.

It can be assumed that in ancient Millennium these divine and magical substance was kept secret from the rest of the peoples and States of the world, as in the legends of other Nations they are not mentioned. From Greek sources, it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, place, method of obtaining them (production and consumption.

For modern science, these substances remain unknown and perceived beautiful fiction, fantasy.

At the same time it is known that many secular and spiritual lords, rulers of the peoples in all the Millennium made great efforts to find these and similar substances. As in the past and at present, many countries are directed scientific expeditions to different places of the planet to search for the forgotten knowledge and minerals. The most attractive places in obtaining this knowledge are the Himalayas, Tibet, North Russia, Siberia, South America, Africa.

No wonder foreign intelligence, religion, scientists have long turned their eyes to these places. Recently in the Himalayas and Tibet visited and Russian expedition under the guidance of academician E.R. Muldashev, granted there are some very interesting information and knowledge. This expedition were shown the sources of live and dead water and given water itself (see Art. "New living and dead water"). But the divine ambrosia and nectar remain inaccessible for people. Nowadays this problem is the inquisitive minds of researchers from many countries of the world. We have conducted long-term studies showed that the gods of Olympus brought the ambrosia and nectar from Africa, where he conducted their extraction in the underground mines. Such deposits are available in several places on the planet, including not only in Africa, but Antarctica, China, Japan, Cuba, the former USSR, etc. Received preliminary information about these substances.

Ambrosia has a crystalline appearance, bright colors among the black rock. Its color on different fields in tone has some differences. It is connected with difference of themselves stones existing fields.

Nectar is in the form of growths (stalactites)formed from incrustations thick oily juice dark stone of the earth formations. They have a yellow-orange color. In different fields are purple and other colors on ground color. The increase of these stalactites is in the spring and summer when soovidele. In some major fields are galleries - caves - a total length of several tens and hundreds of kilometers. Mining of these minerals was carried 1.5 thousand years ago B.C.

It is possible that in some places the extraction of ambrosia and nectar were gnomes that Zeus was able to agree with underground titans. Fields of ambrosia and nectar are connected with the mountain building and is located at the base of the mountains.

According to ancient Indian knowledge mountain on Earth are born, grow, age and decompose like plants. They have the root system of reproduction on the planet. Geological science knows it. There are young is growing and old - crumbling mountain. They have their internal "gene" the structure and system of life with the circulation of energy flows and liquids in different directions with the processes of their interaction, transformation. Mountains similar biological object, which amounts to many thousands and millions of years. This can be seen on aerospace images as a system location and expansion of the mountains (see the picture).

It can be assumed that within the mountains have their roots can be produced and deposited various products of their activity, is also valuable for a person, including ambrosia and nectar. It is possible that our geologists, explorers, gornoprokhodcheskikh seen such minerals, but did not pay attention to them, because they do not have any information. But birds, animals intuitively can find them after the removal of ascending flow of water on the surface of the earth.

It is known, that with approach of spring before the wedding game birds and animals sought out and ate energy-rich in minerals, including RealityServer the earth, clay.

It is believed that the ambrosia and nectar of the gods of Olympus brought a bird, in the stomachs of which people found these minerals, and their designs are then searched for these deposits.

Largest of its vital energy ambrosia and nectar exceed all nutrient minerals and liquids on the earth (see Fig. 1 and 2).

Preliminary data obtained by calculation, indicate that the minerals ambrosia and nectar are around large energoblock and vitality. Its internal multilayer part of the aura strongly stretched out toward the center of the earth. It is known that all of the elements in the periodic table have different interactions with the Earth (strong, weak, neutral, slightly and strongly the opposite). The various interactions there are between all bodies in nature.

Given that these are the substances are solid minerals, the way of cooking and eating their food certainly different from modern technologies.

It is known that on earth with a cycle about 5 thousand years (sometimes 2,5) humanity is changing its habits. More than 5 thousand years ago mankind almost never ate meat animals, as not using it, and in our days, monks, priests, and many residents of Tibet, the Himalayas, India and other places of the planet. People in a large number of used mineral food, in combination with vegetation. Minerals, having a longer duration of his life, used in food, positively had an influence on the duration of human life.

It is believed that during the life of the gods of Olympus people could pulverize all kinds of stones, including the amber nectar, transferring them to the desired state. In XX century in South America were still jewelers who knew the secret of softening stones, handed down from their ancestors.

It is possible that they are the secret assembled at the birds Kokalu that means "the one who bore through the stone". These birds hollow out in the stone rocks deep cavities for nests. For this bird preliminary soften stone juice rare herbs.

Search divine healing and other mineral food (geafarov) nowadays are many people in different countries, including USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, and India.

In foreign countries are published in numerous magazines, on the pages of which are published and discussed the research work, hosts international conference of scientists, maps of known and suspected deposits of Geologov, including zeolites and RealityServer lands. Numerous species of geafarov in our days are used by the food industry in West Africa, population and religion and the Catholic Church in South America, adding it in proverki for parishioners.

It is not excluded that ambrosia and nectar on American and other continents on the external characteristics will be different from those which fed the gods of Olympus, but their energy component and their life force will be similar.

The conditions of life on Earth is constantly changing, and sometimes very quickly because of the global flood, fire, the cold weather, permafrost, glaciers, offensive on land waters of seas and oceans, which leads to the great migration of peoples across the globe. People need to think about the problem of power not only to prolong life, but also for survival.

The famous Bulgarian jasnowidz Wang in his prophetic predictions reported that "the time will come when the Earth will disappear different plants, vegetables, animals and other things, first of all, onion, garlic, pepper. Then will come the turn of bees. In Canada beekeepers will not be able to get graficznego honey because genetically derived a new variety of wheat, in which the bee and take there's nothing". Deposits of mineral food are reliable sources of vital energy for a person in the near future.

You want today exploration works on prospective fields of ambrosia and nectar, zeolites, RealityServer lands, as well as preparation of the necessary maps on their deposits. Areas of prospective deposits known.
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