Viewings: 6566
About busiest magical means clay figures there are many stories, but the most famous of them-the legend of Prague Golem. As the story of the ancient texts, in one of starless nights 1580 known in Prague Rabbi Yehuda lion Ben Bezalel fashioned from clay huge figure of a man. When Bezalel put in a clay mouth piece of parchment with written on it in the name of God, the Golem is alive again!
Viewings: 6761
In the early seventies of the last century Tomsk regional ethnographer Sergey Baranov has arrived in structure of ethnographic expeditions in a small village Orekhovka, located 230 kilometers from the regional center, and a well-known fact that since the middle of XVIII century here settled a runaway old-believers.
Viewings: 4929
In some tribes of South America there is an ancient custom to cut off the enemies of the head and a special way to save them. After special treatment they turn into Tsatsa - very small human heads, officials Indians amulets. With tantsa connected many sinister stories. One of them happened relatively recently, however, not in South America, and in Africa...
Viewings: 4971
While in the modern world has not come a century of nuclear physics, many scenes of ancient traditions of different peoples and eras, descriptions of mysterious phenomena such "miracles" historians attributed exclusively to the field of mythology.
Viewings: 5843
Stories about clairvoyance and seers have always attracted people. Who has not admired the quatrains of Nostradamus or abilities Vanga? And always there were disputes, is it a coincidence, analytical skills, or indeed the person is able to know the future? Yes, just to know, not to foresee. But you know only what already exists. But we understand that the future has not come yet.
Viewings: 4943
"When we saw what was going on, some of our team members got sick. Part... fragments of bodies were scattered on the ground, hanging on the trees. I can't tell you what I felt at that moment..." (IVF Soliste, climber, member of the group of volunteer rescuers).
Viewings: 5144
European people seems a straight line. The past is behind you, the future is ahead, and life moves forward. Habitual picture... But not for everyone. There are peoples, convinced that time flows differently: from front to back, in a circle or even uphill. This suggests that the modern way of life has changed our idea of time. Recent studies "custom" perception of time has led scientists in Papua New Guinea, in the village Gua - settlement tribe of upno.
Viewings: 4764
Humanity is infinitely small part of the Universe. All events in a person's life, including his life and death, are inextricably linked with the laws of the Universe. Currently, there are two most considered the theory of the origin of the world: biblical and evolutionary.
Viewings: 4958
Their growth is almost three meters. Their skin changes color from green to blue, depending on the time of year. Their faces - very elongated, the eyes huge, eyelids open up and to the side, as if a door in a single lift. They breathe through the skin, without the help of light. They are bisexual. But most importantly, their souls came from the stars, Sirius, and Pleiades, and on land received physical shell...
Viewings: 3645
Anthropologists from the University of Tennessee has conducted original research and found that the head of Americans changed. What is the reason, it is not yet clear, but it is obvious that the skull white Americans have become larger, higher and already, and individuals, respectively, narrowed and stretched out on top. It is possible that it applies to all the other people on the planet.
Viewings: 4444
"Not yet reached adolescence, I knew that I am the Beast whose number is 666. I did not understand to the end, where it is leading: it was passionate, ecstatic feeling of self personality... In the third year of study in Cambridge I consciously devoted himself to the Great work, you are Doing yourself a Spiritual Being, free from contradictions, accidents and illusions of the material life," wrote about himself Aleister Crowley.
Viewings: 6630
The pentagram, pentalfa, the pentacle is one of the most important characters in magic. The word of the pentagram comes from the Greek words "pente", which means five, and "gramma" - what does the letter. The pentagram is a figure with five peaks formed by two rising intersecting rays that depart from each side of the Pentagon, thus, you get a star. It is the action of the Eternal spirit, and the Four Elements under Divine control characters Yeheshuah.
Viewings: 4560
Almost every people that inhabit our planet, there are legends about the strange travel to other worlds in space. You can, of course, to suggest that such myths is rather a desire to get beyond the Earth, to meet the brethren in mind, but they say that any story - rather, it is a reality to which you want, but it's scary to touch.
Viewings: 3580
The end of the world, if any, and will be held, is unlikely to resemble a Hollywood blockbuster with crashing into the Earth by asteroids and all-absorbing floods. The main weapon of Apocalypse will mow down earthlings without superfluous movie effects. But the body count will go into the millions.
Viewings: 3943
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