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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 5203
Основная миссия телескопа "Кеплер" завершенаSpace telescope "Kepler", which is designed to search for exoplanets, planets circulating outside the Solar system, the major part of their mission completed, but the work will continue for four years. The message was recently published on the website NASA.
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Viewings: 4974
Власти Франции запретили доступ туристам до убежища от конца светаThe French authorities have banned access in the vicinity of the mountain Byugarash, which many consider one of the possible safe havens in case coming on 21 December of the Apocalypse, RIA "news". According to the decision of the prefect of the city of Carcassonne Eric Raseliny, access to the peak Byugarash in the South of France will be limited from 18 to 22 or 23 December.
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Viewings: 4795
Приготовьтесь наблюдать за ближайшим метеоритным дождемDark moonless night, and the clear sky - ideal conditions in order to observe the amazing phenomenon - meteor rain - Leonide, the peak of which is expected in the night from Friday to Saturday (16-17 November 2012).
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Viewings: 5676
Сегодня день почитания образа Богоматери Смоленской-ШуйскойSmolenskaya-Shuya Theotokos icon is especially revered by the Orthodox three days in a year - on 15 November (new style), 10 August and Tuesday of the Bright week. This list of Smolensk image of the virgin written by a monk by the lacrimal the request of parishioners of the resurrection Church of the village of Shuya, whose residents died from the deadly pestilence. And most pure heard their prayer.
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Viewings: 5195
В Ужгороде для туристов организуют "уфологическую зону"Unusual tourist attraction will soon appear in Uzhgorod. It will present students of the Department of tourism will Dine. The city will have its own tourist UFO-Zone", designed to draw people's attention to the problem of hypothetical contact with extraterrestrial civilizations...
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Viewings: 4466
Китайцы отметили День холостяка, потратив за сутки в интернете 3 млрд долларовInvented by the Chinese students in the 90-ies of the Day bachelor gained popularity among the inhabitants of China. Day, 11 November (date must contain four units) had grown from a student traditions in publicly favorite event thanks to the activity of the Chinese sector of electronic Commerce. It is in this day of online stores offer their customers a variety of bonuses, gifts and discounts of up to 70%, writes RBC daily.
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Viewings: 3685
Китайский космический аппарат приземлится на Луне уже совсем скороIn 2013, the Chinese space Agency is going to land on the moon your aircraft.
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Viewings: 3848
"Одиссей" проснулся и готов к трудуThe Orbiter "Mars-Odyssey"at the beginning of June this year, translated into safe mode because of problems in navigation systems, recently returned to work. However, as commented by representatives of NASA, for that the probe had to go on a spare set of equipment. He has already started to transfer data from the Rover opportunity".
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Viewings: 3855
Человечество утрачивает мозг и способность мыслить Humanity is rapidly growing dull, and it is not a poetic metaphor, but a scientific fact. We lose the ability to think, because this is not required for survival.
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Viewings: 4312
Когда и как работает интуиция?Amazing results received psychologists from the School of Psychological science from the University of tel Aviv. It turns out, instinctively decisions provide high positive results.
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Viewings: 3852
Tens of thousands of scientists, tourists, Amateur astronomers and ordinary Australians were able to see the incredible beauty of the spectacle - a total solar Eclipse.

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Viewings: 4179
Соединение прервано.Жители большинства штатов подписали петиции за выход из состава СШАResidents for over thirty American States voted to secede from the USA. Addressed to the government of the petition on the independence posted on the website We The People program, established last year by the Obama administration.
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Viewings: 4882
Британские астрономы рассказали о грядущем солнечном затменииAccording to the astronomers, November 13 GMT on Earth there will be a full solar Eclipse, and its impact will be seen to be felt by people in all corners of the planet. And it's no wonder Vedic astrology Sun is responsible for the vitality, health, will-power, ability to operate and manage. Astrologers warn that the high activity of our luminary can deprive some people of these qualities, worsening health. Experts advise not to plan anything for that day and to refrain from making important decisions. The shadow of the Eclipse will not affect Russia, and see him only South of the Pacific Ocean.
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Viewings: 4331
Действительно ли современные люди глупее предков?In the journal Trends in Genetics published an article in two parts (1 and 2), which can kinda Elvish to please the enemies of progress, agitating for a return of humanity to the pristine natural purity. Its author, Gerald Crabtree of Stanford University (USA), argues that in comparison with the ancestors of modern man was pretty stupid. Arguments in favor of this view may formulate any who are in school at least slightly acquainted with the principle of natural selection, but in this study, they look like this.
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Viewings: 3593
Единственное затмение в году вызвало туристический бумOnly in 2012, a total solar Eclipse will occur on the Earth on 13 November. The full phase of the Eclipse will be visible only in the North of Australia.
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