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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4494
November 2, in the press-center of the Internet-newspaper "Obozrevatel" held a press conference on the theme: "a Solar Eclipse 14.11: imaginary threats, real opportunities."
In press-conference took part:
-co-founder of the Union of Astrologers of Ukraine, Chairman of the Kyiv regional organization of the Union of Astrologers of Ukraine, author of "Astrological calendar for Ukraine" Elena Asipenka;
-editor of the "Astrological calendar for Ukraine", the publisher of the books "the zodiac-the Temple of doom" and "the Art of interpreting" Yuri Buyanov

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Viewings: 5414
На следующей неделе можно увидеть три «звездных дождя» November rich streams of Meteora, and next week you will see three streams, the most well will be seen Leonids.
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Viewings: 3857
Великобритания самая агрессивная страна мира - исследованиеStudy English historian Stuart Lakota showed that Britain was not invaded by only 22 States of the 192 members of the United Nations.
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Viewings: 4458
Кто первым найдёт сокровища Араты?"It could upend the traditional understanding of the history of mankind". So the world's media comment on the number of publications in the Russian and in the American press published almost simultaneously. They were given excerpts from a new book by a prominent Russian publisher and political scientist, chief editor of several Newspapers and magazines Gennady Klimov.
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Viewings: 4910
Полное солнечное затмение 14 ноября в Австралииon November 14, Australians will be able to observe the total solar Eclipse, which can be seen very clearly along the Great Barrier Reef.
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Viewings: 4603
Украденная 700-летняя мумия вернулась в ПеруBolivia returned 700-year-old mummy in Peru, where it was stolen by antiquity dealers. The mummy of a young child about two years has only 30 cm in height and is in sitting position, wrapped in a blanket.
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Viewings: 6320
Астрофизики назвали примету, по которой можно найти инопланетянAmerican astrophysicists Rebecca Martin and Mario Livio proposed model of formation of habitable planets, according to which the possibility of their existence is determined by the radius of the orbits of the gas giants in the system and the density of the asteroid belt.
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Viewings: 4530
Биолог предлагает имплантировать человеку водоросли, чтобы люди получали питание от солнцаMarine biologist Chuck Fischer suggested unexpected idea, designed to help in the fight against world hunger.
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Viewings: 5559
Ученые Днепропетровска заявили, что конца света в 2012 не будетThe death of the Earth have been predicting for a long Millennium. And now, we are on the threshold of the next Apocalypse. The end of the world-phraseological unit, which means a real threat to the extinction of all people and the planet.
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Viewings: 4556
Украинская разработка вошла в число лучших изобретений нынешнего года по версии TimeTime magazine decided not to wait for the end of the year (and maybe in America already pre-holiday mood or they simply took over Ukrainian tradition "to catch up to the elections" - only their own and presidential) and already in the beginning of November has started to sum up the results, published a selection of the most successful and/or important inventions 2012. For us, this rating is of particular interest because in the list came startup Ukrainian students - Enable Talk, which in July, won one of the most prestigious nominations of the competition Microsoft Imagine Cup.
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Viewings: 4832
Под Луганском нашли останки мамонта 30-тысячелетней давностиArcheologists say that the age of the bones is from 10 to 30 thousand years.
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Viewings: 5803
Лженаука осталась без присмотраIn Novosibirsk died academician Eduard Kruglyakov, who headed the Commission against pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research of RAS
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Viewings: 10936
Археологи обнаружили скелет мамонта в окрестностях ПарижаRare for France discovery was made by the archeologists in the outskirts of Paris. As informed today at the National Institute of preventive archaeology (INRAP), in one of the quarries at the banks of the river Marne was found perfectly preserved skeleton of the woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) - one of the largest mammal that ever lived on earth. According to early estimates, the age of the finds is up to 200 thousand years.
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Viewings: 6284
Лукашенко: Есть космоснимок, который интерпретировали как наличие тепловой аномалииFew people know that in Kazakhstan scientists have discovered one of the largest anomalous zones in the world: on the site of the former Semipalatinsk polygon are heat spot on the earth in the shape of a dragon. This discovery aroused great interest.
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Viewings: 4847
Вторая волна ударит по США после выборов.Шторм "Носистер" обрушится на Восточное побережье СШАThe national weather service of the USA has warned residents of the Atlantic coast about a new disaster. Storm "Nossiter" will fall on the East coast of the country and, in particular, will hit new York and new Jersey, the inhabitants of which are still recovering after the storm "sandy", reports CBS.
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