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Предлагаем восстановить, заказать, купить диплом Вуза в любом городе России. Только настоящий бланк ГОЗНАК с гарантией.

Viewings: 4822
Exactly 45 years ago in Russia began to broadcast TV programs via satellite communication channels. Today is the anniversary notes the state enterprise "Space communication".

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Viewings: 5387
Ученые выяснили, как люди воспринимают времяSurely you have had an experience where you were caused a lift to your floor, and you thought that it goes forever. However, when the Elevator is causing your friend, cabin appears in front of you after 5 seconds. You come to the conclusion that your friend is a wizard with a magic touch, but actually is a phenomenon that philosophers and psychologists call "time constraint". Events that occur each other in space and time sometimes "connected" together, and we begin to see them in a causal relationship.
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Viewings: 5227
Бананы вместо хлеба - будущее ЗемлиScientists who work in the UN predicts that changes in climate will change the diet of millions of people. Because of global warming bananas will replace the bread they will eat most of the population.
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Viewings: 3776
На Земле начинается эра супербурьHurricane "sandy"that hit the U.S. East coast, opens a whole epoch of natural disasters, the consequences of which mankind may be seen in the coming decades.
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Viewings: 5704
Известный нейрохирург рассказал, что он лично видел на том свете.Интервью журналу NewsweekIn the United States went on sale just published a book by Professor of Harvard ebony Alexander "Proof of Paradise"
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Viewings: 4974
Ураган "Сэнди" занес акулу на улицы Нью-ДжерсиA resident of new Jersey posted on social networking pictures flooded streets, which is clearly visible marine predator.
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Viewings: 3672
Физические упражнения делают людей умнее, установили ученыеActive physical exercise increases intellect, established canadian scientists who conducted the experiment with the participation of the people leading a primarily sedentary lifestyle. The results of the study were presented at the Annual Congress on the problems of the cardiovascular system, is spoken in the press release of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
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Viewings: 3954
She collapsed on the Eastern coast by the Atlantic ocean. What is happening there, reminiscent of disaster movies. Without electricity over 3 million people. Into the darkness plunged significant part of new York. Many areas of the city flooded, including financial centre of the country - the wall Street. In some places the water level exceeds 4 meters.

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Viewings: 7254
Ученые допускают, что нашли следы йетиRussian scientists have studied the piece of fur, found near Azasskuyu caves in Mountain Shoria (the South of Kuzbass), where supposedly lives Yeti, and concluded that the sample with a probability of 60-70% owned snow man, said Monday, RIA Novosti chief researcher of the Russian state hydrometeorological University Valentin Sapunov.
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Viewings: 4181
Топ 9 самых странных историй глазами американцевSometimes the stories that have no relation to politics, military conflicts, loud crimes or global warming, we seem to be weird. We offer to your attention the top 9 strange tales that seemed so Americans.
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Viewings: 4127
"Космический Будда" – всего лишь подделка?The statue of the Buddha, which supposedly carved from a meteorite thousand years ago, in fact it may be not so ancient, as suggested by scientists, according to the expert on Buddhism, which States that this work of art was actually made in the 20th century and is nothing other than the fake.
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Viewings: 4171
Брось курить до сорока лет и подари себе 10 лет жизни!Women who forty years of his life he refused such bad habits as Smoking, according to scientists, won ten more years of life. In large-scale survey, which helped the researchers to come to this conclusion, participated 1.3 million women! As it turned out, if a woman quit before the onset of middle age, the risk of dying from diseases associated with Smoking, reduced by as much as 90 percent.
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Viewings: 4374
В Швеции не хватает мусораSweden is the place where a quarter of a million homes are heated by burning of wastes, has recently faced an unusual problem: in the country has resulted in the garbage.
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Viewings: 8108
Подкормка планктона у канадских берегов вызвала фурорLast week thanks to the British Guardian newspaper, the world has learned that in July at coast of Western Canada in the ocean was poured over 100 tons of sulphate of iron to feed plankton, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis, and increase the number of salmon.
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Viewings: 5673
Физики проверят существование МатрицыPhysics from the USA and Germany proposed experimental check of the fact that we visible us a universe are moderately accurate computer model.
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