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Viewings: 4274
Изучение языков вызывает прирост мозгаIn Swedish Academy of young interpreters recruits are taught crash course complex languages. It is not only in military discipline: the doctors found that intensive study of foreign languages stimulates the growth of the hippocampus and causes changes in other brain structures. Known and the benefits of learning languages to prevent Alzheimer's disease.
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Viewings: 4496
Как распознать транс-жиры на этикетке?Any food, even the most useful and healthy, contains little fat - whether lettuce or carrots - and this is not bad. Fats give our body the energy and help assimilated vitamins A, D, E and K. They also give food a pleasant taste and maintain healthy hair and skin.
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Viewings: 3560
Сладкая газированная вода вредит суставам - ученыеConsumption of carbonated soft drinks worsens the condition of the joints. The most sparkling effect on the state of the tribes of lean men. Such conclusions were made by scientists from Brigham, USA, in the course of the study. See also: Hugo Chavez urged to abandon Pepsi and Coca Cola, the Researchers studied patients who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knees. It turned out that the more carbonated water was used by the patient, the worse they get their condition.
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Viewings: 4022
Рассеянное внимание, возможно, сокращает жизньTime of our lives is measured by telomeres - terminal fragments of chromosomes, which do not bear any material information, but protects the genes underlying them from damage during cell division. Each division of the telomeres become shorter, but on their length is influenced by many factors - such as stress. Stress without any dividing shorter telomeres, which means that the cell will be able to separate smaller number of times - and the body will eventually die earlier.
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Viewings: 5330
Ученые нашли способ предсказать время смерти человека American scientists have found a way to accurately predict the time of day when the person most likely to die from stroke or heart attack. This factor is determined by the particular combination in the human genotype, writes Daily Mail.
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Viewings: 4453
Некоторые люди обладают способностью видеть звукиA new study in the UK showed that some people have the ability to see sounds, as part of their brain responsible for visual performance, very little.
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Viewings: 5176
В Италии без лишнего шума проходит встреча Бильдербергского клубаWhile most attention is riveted to every detail, it seems that the Bilderberg made something that some have called the unscheduled Roman meeting.
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Viewings: 4003
Всех украинцев сделают донорами и после смерти будут разбирать на органыEvery Ukrainian want to make the potential donor. The Ministry of health of Ukraine developed and submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a draft law according to which every Ukrainian will be able to donate organs after their death, when life is not legally execute a waiver of such prospects. The bill was submitted to Parliament two weeks ago and is currently on the study of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on health, writes Today.
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Viewings: 4493
Четыре всадника Апокалипсиса в области внешней политики ("The European", Германия)The United States is losing its hegemonic status. If Barack Obama wants to successfully navigate the waters of foreign policy in the next four years, he will have to correct Outlook Americans
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Viewings: 3613
На плацебо лучше всех реагируют добрые и честные оптимисты ("Los Angeles Times", США)Do not get fooled by some slang words in reports on biomedical research, in which they write, that people clearly reacting to receive placebo fools will not name. As shown by recent studies, most likely these are people who are usually characterized more decent words: fair, open, courageous in the face of danger and always ready to lend a helping hand to those who were in trouble.
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Viewings: 4888
Конец света наступит от вирусов животныхIn the next five years in humanity can hit the disease is transmitted from animals and killing their victims. We are waiting for a real Armageddon, experts believe.
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Viewings: 6099
Весточка от инопланетянSensational message of the American astronomers made on the first day of autumn, went unnoticed, although at other times, this event would be devoted editorials all leading Newspapers of the world. After all, it was about getting from space radio signal, having, apparently, artificial origin.
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Viewings: 5331
Кому нужны прогнозы погоды?The results of the survey, conducted by "Envayroment Canada, showed that 37 % of the population when choosing clothes are based on the weather forecast. Last year this figure was 10 % lower.
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Viewings: 5589
Кардиолог: В период активности Солнца уязвимыми становятся не только больные, но и здоровые людиChanges in the Solar system affect the health of an individual's cardiovascular system. About it on November 17, during the press conference said the cardiologist Tigran Poghosyan.
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Viewings: 6048
Странствующая звезда изменила наклон нашей планетыAstronomers are constantly concerned about one thing: why the Earth's orbit is inclined by 7 degrees relative to the equator of the Sun? Now the new theory suggests that perhaps a roving young star passed close to the Earth and made our planet change the inclination.
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